


Howdy, welcome to the hellscape. She/They Tired Af all the time 18

I know "60s housewives who invented slash fanfiction" has taken on a life of its own as a phrase, but Kirk/Spock didn't really exist until the 70s and THOSE WOMEN HAD JOBS. They were teachers and librarians and bookkeepers and scientists and they damn well spent their own money going to conventions, printing zines, buying fanart and making fandom happen. Put some respect on their names.

Salute to our troops (70s careerwomen who put their hard-earned dollars into homemade gay erotica)

It was women with secretarial jobs doing a lot of the heavy lifting, if memory serves correctly.

They had training in type setting, could churn things out quickly, knew how to organise mailing lists, and had easy access to Expensive High Tech like photocopiers.

Boss make a dollar, she makes a dime. That's why she's printing Kirk X Spock zines on company time.


I was today years old when I learned that when you type “otp: true” in AO3 search results it filters out fics with additional ships, leaving only the fics where your otp is the main ship


Here’s a cheatsheet of all the available hidden search functions. “-creators:[whatever]” is another exclusion that can be particularly useful.

rt, to make my life easier

Holy shit. Rt to save time


The Major Arcana

by Anonymous

The summers on the coast were always pretty, even during the brutally hot days that sucked the life from the town that sat across its cliffs, trees rising from the earth like silent figures that watched the boy on the bike and the boy who ran, the clouds finding tears slowly dripping from their eyes

AKA Murder mystery but the author has weird fucking prose

Words: 1182, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English


My Infinity Stones Peter Parker for my fic Long Time Coming. You can find it here if you’re interested :)


@heatherica45 - Author/Artist’s Tumblr

  • Long Time Coming by Erica45
  • Peter didn’t know what would happen when he put on the gauntlet–staring the Mad Titan down. certainly not this.or: Peter was the one that used the Gauntlet and the effects were world changing. Now, Peter is a immortal, the Guardian of the Stones–keeping them safe through the passage of time, starting from the beginning.He was there when the planets started to form, and watched as civilizations grew. He got use to his new task, keeping a eye on the stones as they influenced the world around them. He had part of the stones with him, this was true–and he had long since master the use of them. However, the stones still needed to be out in the cosmos so he was more connected to the spirit of them, and it marked him. Now, he knew when the a wielder of a Stone threatened to unbalance everything and would take it away.He lived like this for millennia, unchanged–until the year of 2010 on planet Earth.

NOTE: Some details surrounding submissions and how we share art have recently changed, so be sure to read more about it and how you can submit your art here!

Please be sure to share, submit, reblog, and to tag your friends and favorite artists! Spread the word! We can’t do it without you! <3


Supernatural Fanfic Recommendations

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Keep Going by KaRaEa

Words: 1k Description: The Winchesters rescue Adam from the Cage but are too busy to tend to his PTSD, leaving Kevin to help him recover. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Words: 44.7k Description: A season 6 re-write centering around a slowly de-powering Castiel, Sam, and Dean with a world full of new dynamics now that Heaven has shut its gates. Dean is struggling to deal with his feelings for Cas, and Gabriel makes a few appearances. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Words: 8.9k Description: A series of one-shots depicting Chuck as God writing about moments of in-between about Team Free Will. proxydialogue's writing style is absolutely beautiful, and this series was so delightful to read. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Words: 2.7k Description: Gabriel calls the retired prophet Chuck and describes just how horrendous Purgatory truly is and why Castiel and Dean need Chuck's help. Another great story with proxydialogue's beautiful writing style. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Words: 688 Description: A cute, fluffy destiel drabble where Castiel gets hypothermia, and Dean saves him. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Words: 1k Description: An angsty fic set in season 8. Naomi continues to manipulate Castiel, but she needs Cas to push Dean away, so he'll stop asking questions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Words: 459 Description: After she's resurrected, Mary notices the chemistry between Dean and Castiel and asks Castiel about it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Words: 6.5k Description: College AU where Dean and Castiel are roommates. Castiel always comes with Dean to celebrate Christmas with the Winchesters, but Dean finds out Castiel is in love with him. This fic is full of Castiel pining over Dean and fearing he's ruined their friendship. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Words: 703

Description: A cute drabble about a conversation between Dean and Charlie.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------ La'ahlam by imogenbynight

Words: 4.6k Description: While obtaining the Fruit from the Tree of Life, Castiel meets the djinn guarding it. He makes a deal with the djinn queen, but in doing so, she has to put him into a dream.


Chapters: 1/? Word count: 4,248 Rating: Teens & Up


“I asked you a question, now answer me, peasant!” Yep, this guy is weird, Tubbo thought.
Ranboo and Tubbo didn’t always get along, sometimes Ranboo was a prick, and Tubbo was a pest beyond belief but what happens when two become unlikely friends.

Origins SMP has consumed me once again. The sassy spoiled prince and chaotic bee dynamic is really endearing to me and I decided to write about their relationship as they become enemies to friends to platonic bastards.


you have invited strangers into your home, helen pevensie, mother of four.

without the blurred sight of joy and relief, it has become impossible to ignore. all the love inside you cannot keep you from seeing the truth. your children are strangers to you. the country has seen them grow taller, your youngest daughter’s hair much longer than you would have it all years past. their hands have more strength in them, their voices ring with an odd lilt and their eyes—it has become hard to look at them straight on, hasn’t it? your children have changed, helen, and as much as you knew they would grow a little in the time away from you, your children have become strangers.

your youngest sings songs you do not know in a language that makes your chest twist in odd ways. you watch her dance in floating steps, bare feet barely touching the dewy grass. when you try and make her wear her sister’s old shoes—growing out of her own faster than you think she ought to—, she looks at you as though you are the child instead of her. her fingers brush leaves with tenderness, and you swear your daughter’s gentle hum makes the drooping plant stand taller than before. you follow her eager leaps to her siblings, her enthusiasm the only thing you still recognise from before the country. yet, she laughs strangely, no longer the giggling girl she used to be but free in a way you have never seen. her smile can drop so fast now, her now-old eyes can turn distant and glassy, and her tears, now rarer, are always silent. it scares you to wonder what robbed her of the heaving sobs a child ought to make use of in the face of upset.

your other daughter—older than your youngest yet still at an age that she cannot be anything but a child—smiles with all the knowledge in the world sitting in the corner of her mouth. her voice is even, without all traces of the desperate importance her peers carry still, that she used to fill her siblings’ ears with at all hours of the day. she folds her hands in her lap with patience and soothes the ache of war in your mind before you even realise she has started speaking. you watch her curl her hair with careful, steady fingers and a straight back, her words a melody as she tells your eldest which move to make without so much a glance at the board off to her right. she reads still, and what a relief you find this sliver of normalcy, even if she’s started taking notes in a shorthand you couldn’t even think to decipher. even if you feel her slipping away, now more like one of the young, confident women in town than a child desperately wishing for a mother’s approval.

your younger son reads plenty as well these days, and it fills you with pride. he is quiet now, sitting still when you find him bent over a book in the armchair of his father. he looks at you with eyes too knowing for a petulant child on the cusp of puberty, and no longer beats his fists against the furniture when one of his siblings dares approach him. he has settled, you realise one evening when you walk into the living room and find him writing in a looping script you don’t recognise, so different from the scratched signature he carved into the doors of your pantry barely a year ago. he speaks sense to your youngest and eldest, respects their contributions without jest. you watch your two middle children pass a book back and forth, each a pen in hand and sheets of paper bridging the gap between them, his face opening up with a smile rather than a scowl. it freezes you mid-step to find such simple joy in him. remember when you sent them away, helen, and how long it had been since he allowed you to see a smile then?

your eldest doesn’t sleep anymore. none of your children care much for bedtimes these days, but at least sleep still finds them. it’s not restful, you know it from the startled yelps that fill the house each night, but they sleep. your eldest makes sure of it. you have not slept through a night since the war began, so it’s easy to discover the way he wanders the halls like a ghost, silent and persistent in a duty he carries with pride. each door is opened, your children soothed before you can even think to make your own way to their beds. his voice sounds deeper than it used to, deeper still than you think possible for a child his age and size. then again, you are never sure if the notches on his door frame are an accurate way to measure whatever it is that makes you feel like your eldest has grown beyond your reach. you watch him open doors, soothe your children, spend his nights in the kitchen, his hands wrapped around a cup of tea with a weariness not even the war should bring to him, not after all the effort you put into keeping him safe.

your children mostly talk to each other now, in a whispered privacy you cannot hope to be a part of. their arms no longer fit around your waist. your daughters are wilder—even your older one, as she carries herself like royalty, has grown teeth too sharp for polite society— and they no longer lean into your hands. your sons are broad-shouldered even before their shirts start being too small again, filling up space you never thought was up for taking. your eldest doesn’t sleep, your middle children take notes when politicians speak on the wireless and shake their heads as though they know better, and your youngest sings for hours in your garden.

who are your children now, helen pevensie, and who pried their childhood out of your shaking hands?


Phoenix's Edible (Mostly Tommy-Centric) DSMP Fic Rec

I'm doing this fic rec because I read a ton of fan fic, but can never seem to find fic recs. I figured I gotta be the change I wanna see in the world. These are all stories that I consider my absolute favorites. They kinda bounce around from pure crack to heart wrenching but I love them all so very much. They are all 100% certifiably consumable.

Tommy meets Tubbo, a ghost, after finding a plushie that he fixes up in an abandoned tree house when he has to move for his dad's (Philza Minecraft) job. They become fast friends and go through the stress of life together. <3

(This one is an AU of RPF but also not??? It's hard to explain) Popular Twitch streamer, TommyInnit, feels a strong connection to a small battlefield near his home of Nottingham called The Battle of L'Manburg, and has since he was young. He goes there one night and meets the deceased general, Wilbur Soot. I would go further into what happens next but that is spoiler territory <3

Phil gets a magic fridge that gives him what he needs at any given moment (but not necessarily what he wants.) This leads to the unfortunate acquisition of 2 babies, Wilbur and Techno, and leaves him scrambling to try and take care of them while learn more about where they came from. This is crack taken seriously.

We all know this one. If you've been on MCYTblr at all these last couple of months you will know of the gay adventures of the one off characters from TFTSMP: The Pit, Ran and Jackie. Ran is an Assasin sent to kill Jackie, buy the general of Subbin somehow manages to stay alive through many attacks and poisonings. Over time they get pretty close. I'm pretty sure this is about to go into angst territory but for now it's decently lighthearted and we've been able to get attached to these funky little guys <3

Another fan favorite, we have pure crack turned to pure angst, TUMOASD. Honestly I felt more emotions at this fic than Passerine. Tommy is a vigilante, living with his roommate and best friend Tubbo, working hard to save the people of the city (but not really doing all that well) with his pet fish Clementine. He meets SBI who are hellbent on taking him down but not if they accidentally adopt him first.

Tommy is plucked straight from the Hotel Arc to go be a hero in another dimension where there are many of the same people, but not as he knew them. It's pure crack, and at one point Tommy wears like 3 shoes at once just because he could if I remember correctly.

This one hasn't updated in a bit but I'm hoping it does soon. Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo read a book as a joke and end up inside of Minecraft (NOT CLICKBAIT) That's it. That's the fic. (Minus literally all of the wonderful world building the author has done)

Tommy is a human stowaway in SBI's cargo ship. This would be all fine and dandy if humans weren't illegal in space and if they weren't known for being incredibly dangerous and resilient to most things.

TommyInnit has a gender crisis and decides to use She/Her and the name Tammy. Unfortunately her mom is very transphobic, but she has her brother to help her through the tough parts of life. <3

Bench Trio decide to start a faceless band just because they can, not expecting to get a following. It goes about as well as you'd expect.

I also have 2 that are straight up not working to link to them, so here's their name, who they're by, and their summary if you're interested

Pocketwatch Sidekick by taecexx

Tommy is a time anomaly, sent from modern day to Victorian Britain and Wilbur is a time traveler who spends much of his time there. They meet and bond.

The End is Your Beginning by Thatvivgirl1212

Tommy escapes exile only to accidentally fall into the End portal and meet the Ender Dragon, who he names Clementine. He heals over time from the pain of his trauma.



Ranboo and Tubbo didn’t mean to go to the Last Life SMP. They didn’t even know how they’d gotten there. The last thing either of them remembered was Ranboo, jumping into the tank in his lab and Tubbo diving in after him.

Now they were in a forest alone, and Ranboo’s red eye turned green and both of Tubbo’s turned yellow.

The members were nice enough at first. No one was red, and the pair were the only teenagers. A well meaning Bdubs pulled them aside once to warn them about the Bogeyman. “It could be you any day,” he told them in a low voice, glancing around like he was telling a ghost story.

“How do you know it’s you?” Ranboo had asked.

Bdubs had pulled aside the collar of his shirt to reveal a tally mark on his neck, blackened and faded. “You’ll know.”

Ranboo looked at the scars already wrapping around his friend’s skin. His face set in cold resignation. “Alright, then.”

Everyone on the server was chaotic, the two figured out, but they had never fought for their lives. To them, it was a game. But for Ranboo and Tubbo, who knew what it felt like to be on one heart, to feel TNT’s charge blow your hair back, it was real. The two didn’t make friends, save for a tentative alliance with Scott. Tubbo remembered him vaguely, from a past server that put a fuzzy joy in his head. He knew Dream had destroyed the portal months ago. The purple frame lay defunct somewhere near Snowchester now.

Once, when he’d been infected with the Bogeyman’s illness, Scar had decided to go after Ranboo. It was the nieces thing, he thought, since the kid was the only one left on the server with a green name. He snuck up on him while he was mining. He wasn’t expecting the boy’s startled yelp to summon Tubbo, seemingly instantaneously, with a terrifying yell and the sparks of a pearl still flying, wielding an axe he’d broken the rules to enchant.

Scar failed that day.

Grian, on a mining trip, came across a vault, filled with stacks and stacks of TNT. It was more than he’d ever seen(and that was saying something). There was an old patch taped to the wall: Snowchester’s crest, torn off of Tubbo’s coat when he realized the server was too hot to wear it. With anyone else, Grian would have stolen at least half of it. He looked at the patch and closed the door.

Once, Scott was out looking for sugarcane. Quiet sobs and a whispered, “Come on, Boo, you’re hurting yourself. It’s alright,” brought him to drink an invis potion and go looking. Ranboo and Tubbo were in the forest, staring down at a picture. Steam rose from Ranboo’s face where tears streamed.

“How could I forget him, Tubbo?” he cried.

“I mean, it’s kind of your thing, bossman.” Tubbo was trying to keep his voice light, but a deadened sadness was in his eyes as he looked down at the image. Ranboo hiccuped.

Scott snuck closer until his was looking over Ranboo’s shoulder. The picture was of a young zombie piglin, the name Michael embroidered on his overalls.


hahaha @petrichormeraki have more ranboo content because im brain dead from class restarting and the recent streams.

also, im trying very hard to refrain from angst right now because i just want ranboo to be adopted by the hermits.

who knows, maybe i'll have the whole fucking dsmp be adopted by the hermits. god knows that server is a mess.

also this written in the span of a few days because i've been watching hermitcraft a lot lmao. also also, i am mainly an angst writer so i'm not so sure if this is as good as the others.


When Tommy brought his new friend over to the server, it was all the hetmits could do not to hide the kid from the world.

Of course they know where Ranboo is from. Of course they know Ranboo is actually an old friend from a life before death. Do they care? No, they don't, because Ranboo is just another child soldier from a server who allow it.

With that being said, they don't give back Ranboo for the next two weeks.


Ranboo didn't like Xisuma.

Well, the enderman hybrid was cautious, at least in the beginning, because Xisuma's an admin. Dream was the only admin he knew and look how that turned out?

Then Ranboo sees Xisuma interact with the other hermits.

Ranboo watches the admin work as hard as the others on the server, gathering resources and building his base from scratch. Ranboo sees the admin laugh when Grian and Tommy pelt him with eggs. Ranboo stares as the admin lets everyone respawn, no matter how many times they die, and no matter how "relevant" their death was.

Seeing Xisuma treat the hermits as equals, Ranboo finally understands why Tommy stayed here, in this community where people help each other and play pranks and call prank wars "wars." Ranboo understands because he wants to stay now, under the wing of this kind, fair admin that he's watched since they met.

Ranboo likes Xisuma.


Xisuma knows what he'll find in Ranboo's code, and as much as he wants to look, he knows that he doesn't have the right, nor the permission.

As it was, Xisuma makes sure to keep an eye on the boy—another child, how many children does that godforsaken SMP have?—just in case Ranboo takes too much damage.

If the admin hands the young hybrid a shulker box of golden carrots and apples? Well, the other hermits are all for protecting children anyway.


Tommy likes Ranboo, and sure, the ghost is loud and optimistic and always laughing, and he may be missing more than the recommended amount of memories, but he's not dumb.

Tommy, for all his happiness and lost memories, is far from dumb. He knows the feeling his missing memories give him, and he knows that he feels the same thing radiating from his new friend.

It doesn't take Tommy much to convince Ranboo to stay in Hermitcraft for longer than intended.

Besides, Tommy may not remember Ranboo, but he has echoes of fragile happiness from a life long past whenever he talks to the hybrid. Tommy will be damned before he lets go of one of the only positive feelings he gets from that void he calls memories.


Ranboo doesn't want to leave.

Mumbo's redstone is fascinating, False's deep base is incredible, Tango's Toon Towers bring out the child in Ranboo, Etho's weirdly endearing base reminds him of a more organized enderman home, and he can hide around the shopping district for hours on end.

Ranboo likes Hermitcraft so much, but he likes the residents even more.

Grian is so much like Tommy that Ranboo automatically likes him. Stress is so sweet he doesn't know if he should cling to her or be wary of cavities. Iskall always brings a smile to his face, no matter the occasion. Scar jokingly showing off his throne makes his day.

Ranboo doesn't even know how to begin with the rest of the hermits; their kindness, their respect, their mindfulness—it overwhelms him sometimes. It's nice, and Ranboo likes them.

But Xisuma...

Xisuma watches out for Ranboo. He makes sure not to scare the anxious enderman, makes sure he has everything he needs, makes sure he has a place to stay, makes sure he's comfortable and happy in this server.

Xisuma looks for Ranboo when he accidentally teleports. He offers the teenager parts of his base to settle in for the visit. He supplies the child with food and resources until he had the chance to teach Ranboo how to get it himself.

Xisuma hugs Ranboo in pride when the kid manages to survive Decked Out on his first try. Xisuma pats Ranboo on the head when the kid makes a hut at the edge of his base. Xisuma chuckles amusedly when Ranboo instinctively stole a few blocks from the shopping district. Xisuma gently tells Ranboo to give back the blocks in his stolen pile, and gifts the kid colorful terracotta in exchange.

Ranboo doesn't want to leave.


See, here's how it starts.

Ranboo is invited by Tommy into Hermitcraft. In the span of two weeks, the teenager gains a father figure and a server that's more of a family than his own.

The best thing is there's no end in sight.

Ranboo goes back to DreamSMP, tells the residents Tommy is happy, and goes back to Hermitcraft two days later.

(Eventually, he's not the only one.)



Here are all the links to my AO3 fics (some may also be on Tumblr, most wont be), so I hope you enjoy!



In which Tommy leaves the Dream SMP before Doomsday and ends up in Hermitcraft. There is where discovers family secrets and a new family of his own.


A “watch the series” where the SMP watches what Tommy has been through in life so far, as well as events that he has yet to experience. (Will make a return soon!)


My DSMP Big Bang fic! Kristin and Clara enlist the help of certain SMP members to help them save Tommy, a starchild created by Clara and Kristin’s son, from certain death. SBI is found family that fell apart and is slowly coming back together.


Modern era fic where SBI going on a vacation gone wrong. Now, separated from his family, Tommy has to work together with his friends as they try to survive long enough to be rescued. Almost completed!


These next three are connected to one another! They take place during the time after Tommy was revived from being killed in the prison, prompting Ranboo and Tubbo to get him to live with them. All in all, all three books document events that happen within a ten year time frame.


hi im bitter about people not commenting on fics. im sad seeing all these authors get so discouraged because no one comments. it takes like 5 seconds! just do it!! dont know what to type? me neither! heres some handy pre-written comments for you! “I dont know what to comment! That was great! thank you for your hard work!” “That was lovely! I really enjoyed this chapter/fic.” “How dare you?” “AAAAAAAAAAAAA” “Extra kudos because one is not enough!” if you read a fic and dont know what to say, leave the tab open, come back later! see if theres a line you really liked! tell them if it reminded you of something dumb! tell them if your roommate saw you crying while reading it and now your roommate is reading it!!! SHARE WHATEVER. BE INCLUSIVE! everyone wants to hear SOMETHING. silence kills passion. show authors you care! show artists you care!!!!