Manado, Indonesia: translation of anti-authoritarian flyer from fuel price demonstrations

Anti-Authoritarian Flyer

For us, protesting the increase in fuel prices is merely one partial action that is not essential. For us, being trapped in the logic of the economy and political issues is a shallow analysis of the commodification of life under capitalism and the State. Whether the price of fuel rises or not, it won’t change the fact that each of us remain consumers whose only role is to buy. Each of us remain low-cost workers whose role is to produce the commodities that we will buy. Each of us remain zombies who don’t have anything other than the obligation to continue being ruled, oppressed, tortured, consumed and to accumulate all the things we don’t need.

The deprivation of lives, their dreams and loves, is too simple if merely contained in economic issues such as rising fuel prices. We are too angry to understand that it is far more important for us to define and reclaim our lives, than simply following the glamour party of false opposition: to protest or support raising the price of fuel.

Demand more! This is an attempt for the possible to break out of impossibility, and the hypocrisy and shallowness of life at present. Continue reading “Manado, Indonesia: translation of anti-authoritarian flyer from fuel price demonstrations”

Indonesia: more fuel price demonstrations

Protesters in Makassar, March 27.

Thousands of people protested across Indonesia on Tuesday March 27 in further demostrations against government plans to cut fuel subsidies, which would increase fuel prices by a third.

Links to flyers distributed by anti-authoritarians in South Sulawesi and Manado. (In Indonesian: anyone want to translate?)

National Police spokesman Insp. Gen. Saud Usman Nasution said on Wednesday: “As an overall evaluation of the security operations, we successfully handled [the rallies] even though there were still one or two incidents that could be considered as anarchistic,”  Continue reading “Indonesia: more fuel price demonstrations”

Roundup of the Anti-election Campaign waged by some Brisbane Anarchists

In the lead up to the Queensland State Election on March 24, a group of Brisbane Anarchists launched an anti-election campaign.

In the week prior to the election, anarchists began pasting up a couple of thousand anti politician and anti voting posters all throughout the city.

Political party placards erected throughout Brisbane were torn down or defaced with anarchist and anti politician messages. Continue reading “Roundup of the Anti-election Campaign waged by some Brisbane Anarchists”

Indonesia: Sending Email to Prisoners

Hidup Biasa: Now it is possible to send emails to three people imprisoned in Indonesia for their resistance. Friends and families will print those emails and bring them to the prison when they go to visit. As prison is a very isolating experience, receiving messages of support, even from people you don’t know, can make a big difference. All three prisoners will be able to read your letters if you write in English, but it may be difficult for them to reply directly – obviously they have no computers in their cells!

Eat and Billy
are two anarchists arrested for burning an ATM machine belonging to BRI bank in Jogjakarta, Java on 7th October 2011. Their trial is currently in progress. Email for either or both of them can be sent to blackhammer(at)

Hidayat (Yaya) was arrested on 26th December 2011 on a demonstration in Makassar, Sulawesi. The demonstration was in response to the brutal police repression of a port blockade in Bima, Sumbawa island, where the police had killed at least three people a few days before. Yaya is accused of damaging a police outpost, and is currently awaiting trial. You can write to him at swatantra(at)

Indonesia: demonstrations against proposed fuel price rise

There have been demonstrations in Indonesia in recent days against government plans to increase the price of subsidised fuel almost a third on April 1. More unrest is predicted.

Students burn tires on Thursday at a fuel station in Makassar.

On March 21 in Makassar, South Sulawesi, three police officers were injured and 37 students arrested following a clash that broke out after students threw rocks at the officers in front of the North Sumatra Regional Council building. The demonstrators in Makassar also looted fuel and handed it out free of charge. Continue reading “Indonesia: demonstrations against proposed fuel price rise”

Melbourne: Forum on the austerity measures and debt crisis in Greece

Forum on the austerity measures and debt crisis in Greece: Friday March 29th, 7pm – 11pm at 251 High Street Northcote, Melbourne

A few comrades in Melbourne have organised a forum on the austerity measures & debt ‘crisis’ in greece set for Thursday, March 29th, in Northcote. Melbourne. On the night comrades in the antagonist movement in greece will be talking to us live via skype. We have a hospital worker from the workers collective occupation / self management of Kilkis general hospital speaking to us and two other speakers confirmed, including a member of ESE (greek anarchist sydicalist organisation) who will provide us with updates on the struggle, especially regarding base unions and workers occupations. There will be a rembetiko band (greek ‘outlaw’ folk) playing afterwards, as well as a short film from the antagonist movement and some anarchist poetry during the night.

All funds raised are going to prison solidarity initiatives for imprisoned anarchist comrades in greece. Continue reading “Melbourne: Forum on the austerity measures and debt crisis in Greece”

Canberra: raid on battery hen farm

March 12: Activists forced entry into the Parkwood Egg Farm, owned by Pace Farm, in Macgregor, between 11pm Monday, March 12 and 6am Tuesday, March 13.

They slashed conveyor belts, destroyed grading and packaging machinery, and damaged office equipment and forklifts. Battery acid and power tools were allegedly used to destroy equipment. Production at the battery egg farm was forced to a standstill.

A claim of responsibility was published on Bite Back: “Parkwood Egg Farm, located in Macgregor ACT and owned by Pace, is the ACT’s only factory farm, housing between 100000 and 200000 layer hens in small cages. Last night, Parkwood was infiltrated. Various items of equipment along the automated grading and packing production line were damaged or destroyed in an attempt to cause economic harm to those who profit from torture and murder. No equipment relating to the welfare of the hens was touched; they will continue to receive food and water. Continue reading “Canberra: raid on battery hen farm”

Perth: cop knocked out

March 25: A policeman was kicked unconscious while trying to arrest a man at an out of control party in Balga, in the north of Perth.

Riot squad police, officers on horseback and the police helicopter were called to Coniston Way, about 11pm after neighbours reported hundreds of youths fighting in the street and throwing bottles at each other.

A 37 year old officer from the Mirrabooka police station was approached from behind while trying to arrest a man and kicked to the head, rendering him unconscious. The officer was released from hospital after scans.

Three people from the party have been charged, but no one has been arrested over the attack on the officer.

Police attended 10 parties across WA on Saturday night.

Sydney: Australian police Taser attack kills Brazilian student

By Zac Hambides for World Socialist Web site
21 March 2012

Visiting Brazilian student Roberto Laudisio Curti, aged just 21, died early on Sunday morning in the heart of Sydney after six police officers chased him and forced him to the ground, reportedly firing Taser stun guns at least three times. Police also admitted using capsicum spray.

All the evidence indicates that police used potentially lethal force against an innocent young man, leading directly to his death, for no other reason that he supposedly failed to cooperate with police demands. From what is known, there was no justification for what happened to him. Laudisio Curti had committed no offence—except for a suspected theft of a packet of biscuits—was unarmed and posed no threat to anyone. Yet, he was set upon by six police, assaulted, sprayed and Tasered until he was motionless.

Continue reading “Sydney: Australian police Taser attack kills Brazilian student”

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