- published: 19 Jun 2012
- views: 75356
21 Lutetia is a large asteroid in the asteroid belt of an unusual spectral type. It measures about 100 kilometers in diameter (120 km along its major axis). It was discovered in 1852 by Hermann Goldschmidt, and is named after Lutetia, the Latin name of Paris.
Lutetia has an irregular shape and is heavily cratered, with the largest impact crater reaching 45 km in diameter. The surface is geologically heterogeneous and is intersected by a system of grooves and scarps, which are thought to be fractures. It has a high average density, meaning that it is made of metal-rich rock.
The Rosetta probe passed within 3,162 km (1,965 mi) of Lutetia in July 2010. It was the largest asteroid visited by a spacecraft until Dawn arrived at Vesta in July 2011.
Lutetia was discovered on November 15, 1852, by Hermann Goldschmidt from the balcony of his apartment in Paris. A preliminary orbit for the asteroid was computed in November–December 1852 by German astronomer Georg Rümker and others. In 1903, it was photographed at opposition by Edward Pickering at Harvard College Observatory. He computed an opposition magnitude of 10.8.
Coordinates: 48°51′N 2°21′E / 48.85°N 2.35°E / 48.85; 2.35
Lutetia (also Lutetia Parisiorum in Latin, Lukotekia before, in French Lutèce) was a town in pre-Roman and Roman Gaul. The Gallo-Roman city was a forerunner of the re-established Merovingian town that is the ancestor of present-day Paris.
The city was referred to as "Λουκοτοκία" by Strabon, "Λευκοτεκία" by Ptolemeus and "Lutetia" by Julius Caesar. The origin of this name is uncertain.
The name may contain the Celtic root *luco-t-, which means "mouse" and -ek(t)ia, meaning "the mice" and which can be found today in the Breton word logod, the Welsh llygod, and the Irish luch.
Alternatively, it may derive from another Celtic root, luto- or luteuo-, which means "marsh" or "swamp" and which survives today in the Gaelic loth ("marsh") and the Breton loudour ("dirty"). As such, it would be related to other place names in Europe including Lutudarum (Derbyshire, England); Lodève (Luteua) and Ludesse (France); and Lutitia (Germany).
Lutetia may refer to:
Jan van Krimpen (12 February 1892 in Gouda – 20 October 1958 in Haarlem) was a Dutch typographer and type designer. He worked for the printing house Koninklijke Joh. Enschedé; he also worked with Monotype in England, who issued or reissued many of his designs outside the Netherlands.
Van Krimpen's type designs are elegant book typefaces, originally made for manual printing and the Monotype machine. Although a good few have been digitised (Romulus, Haarlemmer, Spectrum), the typefaces are only rarely used in publications. Van Krimpen had a strong interest in the sharp-seriffed designs of traditional Dutch Baroque type design, although he preferred to avoid direct revivals. His approach was continued by Sem Hartz, his successor at Enschedé, and has been of interest to more recent Dutch designers such as Martin Majoor.
Of special note is the Romulus 'superfamily', consisting of a seriffed font, a cursive, a chancery italic (Cancelleresca Bastarda), a sans-serif, and a Greek in a range of weights. Such an extensive family would have been a first, comparable to today's Scala family by Majoor. The outbreak of the Second World War disrupted the project before completion. After the war, Van Krimpen was not interested in resuming it.
Ok, so how many of you have been waiting for this? It takes a long time to make these! This is a ♥ for you guys who subbed to me in the time when I only did C3, and also to those of you who've subbed recently bugging me to continue =D Lutetia play time: 2h:41m (Hard Difficulty) Full playlist: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBF4873116E525EAD I've decided to finish games I never managed to from my childhood! Starting with Caesar III, a 1998 city-building game developed by Impressions Games and published by Sierra Entertainment, that has incredibly tough later levels. All missions will be cut shorter; I'm not trying to upload as many videos as I can. Don't like my playthrough? Check out: Rider339: http://www.youtube.com/user/Rider339 HomerSPC: http://www.youtube.com/user/HomerSPC ...
Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne sur YouTube : http://f24.my/youtube En DIRECT - Suivez FRANCE 24 ici : http://f24.my/YTliveFR Après plus de quatre ans de travaux, le célèbre hôtel Lutetia rouvre ses portes cette semaine. Grâce à sa cure de jouvence, l'établissement espère obtenir la mention "Palace" qui distingue les hôtels d'exception. Paris est déjà la ville qui compte le plus de ces établissements de grand luxe au monde. Ils seront au nombre de 14 d'ici deux ou trois ans, avec l'ouverture prochaine du Cheval Blanc au sein de l'ancienne Samaritaine. http://www.france24.com/fr/taxonomy/emission/19674 Notre site : http://www.france24.com/fr/ Rejoignez nous sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/FRANCE24.videos Suivez nous sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/F24videos
Je vous partage rapidement ma greffe de cheveux chez DHI Paris 17eme du 5 janvier 2021.
Na minha recente viagem a Paris, fiquei hospedado no hotel Lutetia, o único hotel palácio da cidade que fica na Rive Gauche. Ele acabou de passar por uma reforma monumental de quatro anos que custou 230 milhões de euros. Neste vídeo, mostro o bar e o restaurante do hotel, assim como o spa e a minha suíte. Mas o destaque vai mesmo para a suíte presidencial, com diária de 15 mil euros, cerca de 65 mil reais. Ficou curioso para ver? É só clicar aí em cima! Espero que você goste do vídeo! Deixe o seu LIKE, se INSCREVA no canal e clique no sininho para receber as notificações de novidades. Valeu e até a próxima, Jayme. Blog: https://cariocanomundo.com.br/ Instagram: @carioca_nomundo Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cariocanomundo Apresentação e produção: Jayme Drummond Edição e produção...
Subscribe to France 24 now: http://f24.my/youtubeEN FRANCE 24 live news stream: all the latest news 24/7 http://f24.my/YTliveEN The Lutetia has reopened its doors after a 200 million euro makeover by French architect Jean Michel Wilmotte. Visit our website: http://www.france24.com Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://f24.my/youtubeEN Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FRANCE24.English Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/France24_en
Découvrez le témoignage de Mickaël qui explique pourquoi il a choisi la méthode DHI à la Maison Lutétia Paris pour réaliser sa greffe de cheveux sans cicatrices, ni incisions. Demandez un devis gratuit ici 👉🏻 https://www.maisonlutetia.com/fr/dhi/contact/
Qui n’a jamais rêvé de mettre ses pas dans les traces des clients extraordinaires de cet hôtel légendaire de Saint-Germain des Prés ? Si le palace construit en 1910, selon la volonté de la propriétaire du Bon Marché, Madame Boucicaut pour que ses riches clients de province y logent, attire tellement, c’est d’abord à cause de son architecture : typique de l’Art nouveau, un hôtel qui comporte alors un des premiers bars Art déco, avec une fresque de l’artiste Adrien Karbowsky. Vous aimez nos vidéos? Soutenez-nous en vous abonnant à LUXE.TV et profitez de nos films. Vous voulez tout savoir sur le monde du luxe? Facile, suivez LUXE.TV ! Tous les mardis et jeudis sur notre chaine Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/user/luxetvenfrancais Sur notre site internet : https://luxe.tv/?lang=fr Et su...
🏩 Who has never dreamed of following in the footsteps of the extraordinary guests of this legendary hotel in Saint-Germain des Prés? While the palace built in 1910, according to the wishes of the owner of the Bon Marché, Madame Boucicaut so that her wealthy clients from the provinces could stay there, is very seductive, it is mainly due to its architecture: typical of Art Nouveau, a hotel which then had one of the first Art Deco bars, with a fresco by the artist Adrien Karbowsky.🏩 🏩 YOU LIKE OUR VIDEOS? 🏩 Support us by subscribing to LUXE.TV and enjoying this movie! 💎 YOU WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THE WORLD OF LUXURY ? EASY, FOLLOW US 💎 Every Tuesday and Thursday on our youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/luxetvinenglish Every day on our website: https://luxe.tv/en/...
#Лютеция #Галлы #Париж #Цезарь #ДревнийРим #РимскаяИмперия Париж – излюбленное место туристов со всего мира. Их притягивают сюда исторические памятники, обещающие путешествие сквозь эпохи. Но куда уходят корни города ? Мифическая древняя Лютеция (лат. Lutetia), иногда также Лютеция Паризиорум (лат. Lutetia Parisiorum), которая, как предполагали ранее, занимала лишь один остров, оказалась на самом деле масштабным древним поселением – настоящим «Римом на Сене». Оригинальное название: «Lutece: une cite romaine sous Paris». Английское название: «Lutetia: a Roman City under Paris». Режиссер: Оливье Леметр. Производство: «Sequana Media» (Франция) совместно с «France Télévisions». Перевод: «Видеофильм-ТВ».
21 Lutetia is a large asteroid in the asteroid belt of an unusual spectral type. It measures about 100 kilometers in diameter (120 km along its major axis). It was discovered in 1852 by Hermann Goldschmidt, and is named after Lutetia, the Latin name of Paris.
Lutetia has an irregular shape and is heavily cratered, with the largest impact crater reaching 45 km in diameter. The surface is geologically heterogeneous and is intersected by a system of grooves and scarps, which are thought to be fractures. It has a high average density, meaning that it is made of metal-rich rock.
The Rosetta probe passed within 3,162 km (1,965 mi) of Lutetia in July 2010. It was the largest asteroid visited by a spacecraft until Dawn arrived at Vesta in July 2011.
Lutetia was discovered on November 15, 1852, by Hermann Goldschmidt from the balcony of his apartment in Paris. A preliminary orbit for the asteroid was computed in November–December 1852 by German astronomer Georg Rümker and others. In 1903, it was photographed at opposition by Edward Pickering at Harvard College Observatory. He computed an opposition magnitude of 10.8.
Hey don't cry I don't wanna see you sad alright? Everythings gonna be okay I promise (I promise, I promise...)
[Verse 1:]
So many trials, tribulations, frustrations in this world,
From abusive parents, to love between a boy and girl,
At night she cries, tears roll down her big brown eyes,
She lost her closest homie & never got to say goodbye,
I understand and feel her pain, cause I been there too,
Lost my bestfriend Joey, which had left me sad & blue,
And this friend of mine is hurting everyday & everynight,
Homegirl it's almost over so just sit there & hold tight,
But she tells me she would cry when shed get hit by her dad,
Despised those late nights, when her pops would come home mad,
There was nothing she could do, he was just a drunken joke,
So she started to do bad, getting high and sniffing coke,
Now this girl is just a youngsta, foolish at 17,
She should really know the consequence of what drugs bring,
Said she wants to end her life, she don't care about her dreams,
Overdosing, ain't no joke when you ain't smiling fo me! (for me)
[Verse 2:]
Another case, another person who is sad,
Growing up as a child, living life without a dad,
Never had a father figure, there was no one he admired,
Had a steady job, but did drugs so then got fired,
A high school dropout, at the age of 16,
Had to do something to support his mom and siblings,
He turned to streets cause he thought theyd give him faith,
But in the end he realized that it was all just a waste,
Startin slanging, started banging, attitude started changing,
Got more angry on a daily & drogas made him crazy,
And his mom involved so now she is a fiend,
Outta control on her kids, so now she is just mean,
And my homies hardly home so now he doesnt know,
That his mom & her boyfriend are using his doe on blow,
So he thinks what he makes is just never enough,
Wants to end his life now cause he says it's just rough, (just rough)
[Verse 3:]
Now this ones for my homegirl, her man is locked in jail,
Writing letters, sending pictures, to her man by mail,
Just had a baby girl and her name was Desiree,
Her daddys never seen her cause he has been away,
Locked up for a long time, hell get out when shes nine,
But he does receive pictures so to him that's just fine,
And they hardly go and visit cause hes locked far away,
But they write him all the time, probably bout every day,
Homegirls doing her thing, has a family of 3,
No more playing games and going out, on shopping sprees,
Had to drop out of high [school], support her kid with a job,
Nobody hired her, so she moved out with her mom,
Gots to put food on the table, shes young but is she able,
This is a true story, this ain't just a fable,
I understand she struggles I can see pain through her eyes,