
How a lonely man in his 30s found welcome and community in an unlikely place: spin class.
Illustration with grid of white bicycles, with a lone yellow bicycle. Bicycles are against a black background, connected with two-sided arrows in between them.

Love Wins

“Two women promised they would see the Golden Gate Bridge for the first time once they were together. They had no idea how long that would take.”

Danger on the Divide

“If I’d felt more confident on the route, if he hadn’t made that comment, if we’d been communicating more, would I have pushed for another day off? If, if, if.”

A Journey of 6,000 Miles

Layan Albaz is one of thousands of Palestinian children who have lost limbs in Israeli air strikes—and one of the very few evacuated to the US for medical care.

Weekly Top 5

The Top 5 Longreads of the Week

Featuring stories by Michael Lewis, Patricia Wen, Ted Chiang, Katie Thornton, and Sarah Smarsh.

The Top 5 Longreads of the Week

Highlighting stories from Alex Morris, Gordy Megroz, Patricia Marx, Leigh Claire La Berge, and Anne Casselman.

The Top 5 Longreads of the Week

Recommending stories by Pamela Colloff, Jasper Craven, Omer Bartov, Judith Sanders, and Lale Arikoglu.

Editors’ Picks

The Final Penalty

David Gambacorta | The Philadelphia Inquirer | September 9, 2024 | 6,446 words

“Eagles 1980 Super Bowl icons, damaged by the game they loved, struggle to get compensated through the NFL’s controversial concussion deal.”

Living In A Lucid Dream

Claire L. Evans | Noēma | July 1, 2024 | 3,921 words

“Recent research on lucid dreams suggests that consciousness exists along a spectrum between sleep and waking, between hallucination and revelation, between dreamworlds and reality.”

My Harmony With the Heron

Jarod K. Anderson | Atmos | September 9, 2024 | 2,950 words

“In an excerpt from his new memoir, Something in the Woods Loves You, Jarod K. Anderson shares how nature became a balm for his mental health and depression.”

The Nazi of Oak Park

Michael Soffer | Chicago Magazine | September 3, 2024 | 7,645 words

“It was a stunning revelation: A respected high school custodian had been a concentration camp guard. This excerpt of a new book examines how the disclosure of a dark secret…

40 Acres and a Lie

Alexia Fernández Campbell, April Simpson, and Pratheek Rebala | Mother Jones | June 14, 2024 | 3,550 words

“We compiled Reconstruction-era documents to identify 1,250 formerly enslaved Black Americans given land—only to have it returned to their enslavers.”

Against Rereading

Oscar Schwartz | The Paris Review | September 4, 2024 | 2,292 words

“For those who do not reread, a book is like a little life. When it ends, it dies—or it lives on, imperfectly and embellished, in your memories.”

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Our year-end collections

The top longreads each year, selected by our editors.

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