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– Sarytogan Graphite completed an aeromagnetic survey at its Bainazar copper project in Kazakhstan this week.

Sarytogan takes flight for Kazakhstan copper search

An aeromagnetic survey and a soil sampling program will guide Sarytogan Graphite’s search for copper porphyry mineralisation at its Bainazar play in Kazakhstan.

  • by James Pearson
Trump has been unable to sell his 114 million shares because of a standard lockup agreement that began when Trump’s company first went public in March.

Wall Street wipeout has dealt Donald Trump a $6 billion blow

Donald Trump will soon be allowed to sell the shares he owns in his media company. The wait has been costly.

  • by Drew Harwell

Opinion & Perspectives

Bleeding billions: The oil cartel is losing control of the market

The world is overflowing with oil and OPEC has failed in its latest attempt to stop prices tumbling.

Stephen Bartholomeusz
Stephen Bartholomeusz

Senior business columnist

Can we lose our gambling addiction without crashing the economy? You bet

Australia has a gambling problem unmatched by other countries. So why won’t the politicians stop enabling our bad habits?

Ross Gittins
Ross Gittins

Economics Editor

News Corp shareholder rallies support to weaken Murdoch grip

A major shareholder is bidding to shake the tree and change the status quo at News Corp.

Elizabeth Knight
Elizabeth Knight

Business columnist

Banking & finance


Small business

Younger consumers are willing to pay more for ethically produced products than their older counterparts.

Why a great idea doesn’t guarantee business success

Solution-focused, purpose-driven and AI-enabled – successful small business owners should heed the lessons of these growth sectors.

  • by Emma Koehn
Six-Eyed Scorpion founder Sandra Seah.

Are you up to running a small business?

In the first of a six-part series, founders share the emotional and tactical strengths you need to secure the long-term growth of your business.

  • by Emma Koehn

Popular in Business
