Hilda Suarez
Hilda Talercio (née Suarez) is a fictional character in the American dramedy series Ugly Betty, portrayed by Ana Ortiz. Hilda's character is the American adaptation's equivalent to Julia Solano Galindo de Pinzón, Beatriz Pinzón Solano's mother, and is loosely based on creator Silvio Horta's older sister.
Hilda is Betty's vivacious and somewhat vain older sister. She became pregnant when she was about 17 years old at her junior prom, and gave birth to her son Justin, who she raised at home with her father and Betty, since Justin's father, Santos, was largely absent from his life.
Despite their clash of wills at times, Hilda is very protective of Betty and the rest of her family. With a fiery temper, she vents her rage at anyone who threatens her family, most notably next door neighbor Gina Gambarro. She expresses jealousy toward her sister, however, since she believes that Ignacio favors Betty. Despite this occasional feeling, her and Betty's relationship remains close.