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when i went to planned parenthood they gave me a list of LGBTQ+ doctors in my area (there aren’t many) so i scheduled with one that seemed nice and OH MY STARS!!!

i come in and the receptionist referring to him as her but no one else is. sure enough, a trans masc doctor comes in and introduces himself to me as my new primary care ??? i got so lucky up here where everyone’s so bigoted, just wanted to share the good news somewhere with people who’ll care ✨🖤

How does dysphoria feel to you? (a bit NSFW maybe?) How does dysphoria feel to you? (a bit NSFW maybe?)

I watched a documentary on swedish detransitioners a yesterday because I saw it on a detrans subreddit and it basically described the rapid onset gender dysphoria phenomenon etc and it made me wonder, what does dysphoria feel like to you? I noticed that detransitioners are almost always victims of SA, ashamed to be lesbians (and vice versa), have ED history or other body image issues, and it made me sad that doctors don't really know what gender dysphoria is.

I'm 21, came out as trans at 13, though I had many signs in childhood such as wanting to be a boy, breaking down when having to wear dresses, inability to just "be a girl" cutting my hair in front of the mirror when I was 4, (at 2007 so here in Slovakia, lgbt was UNHEARD of) preferring male toys and male friends, refusing to be friends with girls because I insisted I was NOT LIKE THEM, and many many others.

What's interesting is, I don't hate my body until it's the reason people label me a woman. I have trouble going anywhere because I worry my chest isn't flat enough in my binder. I don't think I have bottom dysphoria, but I hate the idea of penetration. Yet I'm still scared I'll regret it. Just a train of thought because people tell me to wait until I'm 24, or tell me that cis women also hate their bodies etc. what are your thoughts on this?

Family not changing pronouns Family not changing pronouns

I have been properly out with pretty much my entire family for almost 2 years now, (I was previously outed behind my back by my mother in very disrespectful ways, but I knew, I just never brought it up around them). I have been seeking out medical transition for the last 6 years, I'm now 7 months on t. Since then I have been more vocal about this issue, only if they bring it up first, and the reactions I got ranged from opposing my "decision" (calling me slurs and saying offensive shit in actuality) to mild support. That said, only one aunt and family's children switched pronouns and sometimes my chosen name when referring to me. The rest of the mildly supportive family members still misgender me. Why?

*No I never directly asked them to do it I find it cringe

*I feel like I also have to add my language doesn't have neutral pronouns, it's one of those that gender every fucking word.

Awkward situation at the beach Awkward situation at the beach

Pre T and haven't gotten any surgeries yet, though I pass pretty well.

I was wearing a Full-body swim suit because i eas going free diving and even though I was wearing my swim binder, you could notice my chest. I was getting out the car and a little boy was next to me while is mum was holding him, then he points at me and says

"Mum look! A boy with tit's!" And his mom shushed him and said "you don't say that!" And then apologized a few times 🥲

Atleast I look like a boy? It definitely made me dysphoric and I don't wear that Full-body suit anymore

Jail? Jail?

Boys…I got arrested last Friday evening. Have you guys ever been to jail after transitioning? It was a wild experience, keep it short and simple I got arrested because I smoked a little weed and got pulled over for speeding then they smelled the weed and yeah you know the police aren’t to friendly especially after seeing my gender is marked on my ID. So yeah they took my ass in. Anyway I got booked into the females. Benefits was my safety . Was a little worried going into the male pod and if they found out… well during the booking process the CO’s were clowning me. Insults, calling me weird names, being I felt super uncomfortable and was worried for my safety the entire time. I ended up spending 26 hours in jail. Then got released. But has anyone else ever experienced something like that and how do u move past it ?!!

“You can’t change biology” “You can’t change biology”

Been thinking about this phrase lately, and it feels quite silly. What’s the testosterone doing to my body, then? Fat redistribution and body fat % change, the way your body is affected in the day to day is significantly changed. How is this not changing your biology, in the same way that taking any medication is changing your biology? Sure, I’m not a full “biological male,” but I’m sure as hell no longer a full “biological female”

Weird encounter I had Weird encounter I had

I was texting this guy and he suddenly told me hes a nazi right winger homophobe but showing no hate or anything negative which was weird and then suddenly said he's down bad for trans boys and saying I'm his dream boy because I'm pre t and still have a pussy it felt so weird especially because he's 22 and I'm 15 and then he talked about how I shouldn't go on testosterone and stay a feminine boy for him or something apperantly he likes boys but doesn't like penis and still denies being gay I didn't like how he would feminize me in every way possible the weird comments felt kinda dehumanizing and rude to me I still can't tell if he's a chaser or not since idk his dating history

Officially have had top surgery!! Officially have had top surgery!!

I had top surgery yesterday and while it hasn’t totally sunk in bc I haven’t seen the final product (won’t get to see it til I get my binder off at my post op appt a week from now), I am already so much more comfortable in my body. Despite the pain surgery causes I’m so elated to pass more and be a little bit safer as I continue to live in a very transphobic state.

I don’t really know why I’m making this post? I guess I just want to thank all the guys on this subreddit bc you have all helped me find my voice and myself and it is so healing to finally start being in a body that matches what I’ve felt for so long. Thank you all for your vulnerability and mutual support. Y’all mean the world to me and I am so grateful I found this subreddit when I did.

Keep being your authentic selves! It is healing to exist fully as a trans man and also know I’m not alone in this. Hope y’alls days are good.

If anyone has any questions abt the surgery process or anything pls don’t hesitate to ask!

Came out as a trans man to a nonbinary student Came out as a trans man to a nonbinary student

Just wanted to celebrate this! I'm a trans man and I just started teaching college English Comp as a TA and today was my first ever class. I had a student really nervously tell me after class they were nonbinary and that they were anxious about telling other people, but they wanted me to know because I had asked for my students to share their pronouns if they wanted at the start of class. When I told them I was a trans man, they smiled so big and got really excited. I think I'm the first "adult" they've met that's trans? (I use the quotes because they're an adult but they're like fresh out of high school lol.) Anyways this was cute and just wanted to share.

What are some testosterone effects that aren't really talked about? What are some testosterone effects that aren't really talked about?

Recently I saw a guy on tiktok saying that your nose, hands and feet get bigger when you go on T - that's true, it happened to me, especially my nose got a lot bigger.

This made me wonder, what are some other T effects that people don't talk about as much? We all heard about bottom growth, body hair, voice changes, but is there anything that happened to you that you didn't know before because isn't really talked about?

going bald at the age of 22 going bald at the age of 22

saw my hairline today, and it’s receded quite a bit. my dad went bald in his 20s

i’ve always had really thick, fluffy hair, so it was a shock to see my hairline receding either way. i’ve always kinda liked my hair too…

i’m sure im taking it less hard than other people would, since a major transition goal is “biker” dudes that are bald with long beards (my beard is substantial thankfully).

i’m still really sad since it feels like im losing a part of myself that i’ve always had (i was born with some wild hair). anyone else gone through this in their 20s? is there anything i can do to slow or prevent it from progressing?

i’m tearing up a bit about it lowkey ?? even if there’s nothing to be done, id appreciate some kind words lol

signs of being a FTM "egg" (have u experienced this?) signs of being a FTM "egg" (have u experienced this?)

I'm not asking anyone to determine what I am just wanna see if you guys have been through similar stuff so I can analyze myself and better understand my own experiences.

1 – when I was a kid, I first started to ponder regarding gender matters and came to the conclusion that "girl" was just like a sticker someone put on me, but it effectively meant nothing in terms of true identity. I never "felt" what it meant to be female and I did NOT give a f about being one, no happiness nor sadness whatsoever, bc it just wasn't me. I felt distant from my agab but just went along w it.

2 – when I found out about "sexy" videos, I always pictured myself as the man and I constantly wished I had a "male" part. the female POV of heterosexual videos did not feel right at all, although the gay male POVs felt awesome. looking at women's bodies made me feel terrible about having a "female" part. I never understood it.

3 – at my early teen years I would often distance myself from femininity and girly stuff, thinking that it was awful and being masculine/doing boy things was much more fun. I also envied the male friendship dynamics I saw at school and I craved them so, so badly. I wanted to be seen as "one of the boys" and felt jealous of them for being cool.

4 – I once played the male lead role in a theater play and it was the best night of my whole life. I was having mad fun and never once felt uncomfortable playing a man. on the contrary, I felt much better than when I played female characters.

5 – never have I ever felt truly part of a group made only of girls. it's like I've always been a parasite amongst them, an invader. I can't relate to their issues and can't feel like a "normal girl", nor am I generally seen as one by them. I was labeled a "freak" for this kind of thing throughout my whole life, but it honestly made me proud to "not be like other girls".

6 – I thought I was a lesbian until a while ago because I felt super uncomfortable with the concept of being any guy's girlfriend. however, I have felt romantic things for men before, strong ones, which makes it weird. but, thinking from a perspective where I am also male, the idea of being with a man doesn't make me irk. I guess I just hate being the female side of a couple.

7 – growing up I felt so much closer to my dad than to my mom, because I could just relate to his interests and stuff a lot more. looking back, I felt like my father's son when spending time with him talking about heroes and videogames and comics. it was like "boys night", except I was a girl lol.

8 – I once had a dream during my childhood that was basically a recollection of my life as a "girl" so far and I couldn't recognize myself or feel okay in my body after waking up, like I was standing behind a mask.

so, I don't remember much from my child-teen phase, but that's basically how I felt about my identity throughout its entirety. do any of you guys relate to what i said?

Does anyone else sometimes feel like their writing is too feminine? I'll rewrite texts a million times because it feels like the person reading it will think a girl is writing it. Does anyone else sometimes feel like their writing is too feminine? I'll rewrite texts a million times because it feels like the person reading it will think a girl is writing it.

Is this misogynistic? Am I becoming a trans man that starts passing and becomes sexist? What is happenign

Am i too horny?? is the T supposed to be doing this?? Am i too horny?? is the T supposed to be doing this??

as the title says. im kind of going insane here, flared as advice cause by god i need it but also mostly a rant post. i'm 3, almost 4 months on testosterone and pretty much since i started my libido has just been through the roof. it has to be the t doing it, but is this even normal?? sex is on my mind a LOT, i know i was warned that my sex drive would increase but this just seems excessive. if this is how my amab peers felt hitting puberty back in the day, god does that explain a lot.