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   May Day 2024

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Study of Marxism-Leninism is the key to understanding the role of the ALP and unions


The magnificent response by construction workers to the attempted destruction of their union has included disgust at the perceived betrayal of workers by the Labor Party. That disgust has extended to all but a few in the leadership of the union movement for failing to show solidarity with, and to support, the CFMEU.

more...- Posted on 2024 Aug 28


Attacks on Greens MP reveal ruling class distortions and weakness


Yesterday’s massive rallies by construction workers took place under conditions of an ALP and ACTU direction that no unions should attend or otherwise show their support.

more...- Posted on 2024 Aug 28


Sacking of CFMEU rank and file reps a wake-up call for all workers


The new industrial laws enabling the CFMEU to be put in control of an Administrator are a wake-up call for all Unions and all workers. On the first day of his new job, the Administrator sacked over 200 elected construction worker union representatives, most of whom are workers, not Union Officials.

more...- Posted on 2024 Aug 27


CFMEU members defy threats to defend their union


Many tens of thousands of construction workers around Australia walked off the job to attend rallies called to fight the attack on their union, the CFMEU. They did so in defiance of Labor Prime Minister Albanese and his Ministers, who had threatened workers with a range of penalties for taking “unprotected” industrial action.  

more...- Posted on 2024 Aug 27


Attack on Construction Workers' Union Is All About Profits and Destroying Workers Collective Power


On Friday 23 August CFMEU members experienced the first day of their Union being in the hands of federal government enabled Administrators. As soon as this happened two hundred elected Officials and Councillors of the CFMEU from all over Australia were terminated from their roles by the Administrator .

more...- Posted on 2024 Aug 25


DFLP statement on "educational genocide" in Palestine


We are making available a statement sent to us by the Foreign Relations Department of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine on Israel's deliberate policy of destroying the educational infrastructure and curriculum of Palestinian education. Staff and students are frontline victims of Israel's reduction of schools and universities to rubble - eds.

more...- Posted on 2024 Aug 21


US Indo-Pacific Strategy heightens Korean Peninsula tensions


Relations between the two Koreas have reached their lowest diplomatic point in decades. The escalation of diplomatic tensions on the Korean peninsula, however, are best viewed in the context of the South Korean (ROK) presidential administration of Yoon Suk-yeol locking the country securely within the US-led Indo-Pacific Strategy (IPS). It has led a situation where the northern DPRK has responded by dropping their established doctrine of peaceful re-unification across the ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Aug 21


Statement of the Central Committee of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine


We have been sent an important statement by the CentralCommittee of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.We reproduce below the DFLP's own summary of the statement, the full version of which will appear on our blog:  Vanguard (  


more...- Posted on 2024 Aug 17


Attack on CFMEU attacks every Australian worker


When examining a media frenzy, it is useful to first investigate who stands to gain from the story presented. Blackrock, the biggest United States investment firm in construction has $8.7 trillion in assets. The second highest US investment firm is Vanguard group who have $8.6 trillion in assets.

more...- Posted on 2024 Aug 17


Instability of Capitalist Economy Is Ever Present


Australia is a capitalist economy in which capitalists compete with each other for markets and market share to increase profits. Capitalists also look for ways to increase exploitation of workers to increase surplus value produced by workers. The relative strength of the capitalists and workers is uneven across different industries and within an industry.

more...- Posted on 2024 Aug 16


Cracks Within ALP Ranks Widen Over AUKUS


First there was former Treasurer and PM Paul Keating despairing over the ALP leadership's AUKUS "marriage". Now he is joined by former ALP Foreign Affairs Minister Gareth Evans.
An article in the Australian Financial Review (AFR) on Friday 16 August is headed, "Evans torpedoes Marles, Albanese over AUKUS".

more...- Posted on 2024 Aug 16


Book Review: The Invisible Doctrine - The Secret History of Neoliberalism (& How it Came to Control Your Life)


The Invisible Doctrine. The Secret History of Neoliberalism (& How It Came To Control Your Life) by George Monbiot and Peter Hutchison is a small book in size and length (162 pages plus endnotes), but it gives an excellent summary of the history of neoliberalism and its origins in the 1930s in the theories of economists such as Friedrich Hayek.

more...- Posted on 2024 Aug 15


Bangladesh: Eradicate Hasina-Awami-Indian fascism completely and utterly.


The 15-year Hasina-Awami misrule has finally come to an end. The students have won a great victory in their fearless movement. To achieve this goal, many different political forces and masses have made immense sacrifices and conducted valiant armed and unarmed struggles for the past decade and a half. 

more...- Posted on 2024 Aug 13


What do wine industry and early childhood education workers have in common?


Wine industry workers employed by Pernod Ricard in the Barossa Valley last week escalated industrial action to strike action. They are using the limited rights of workers to take "protected industrial action" during a bargaining period for a new Enterprise Agreement. Their key demands are for above inflation rate pay increases and a three-year Enterprise Agreement. 

more...- Posted on 2024 Aug 11


ICOR statement: Full solidarity with the workers and the broad masses in Kenya!


The revolutionary world organisation ICOR declares its full solidarity with the workers, the broad masses and the Communist Party of Kenya (CPK). The CPK's detailed and profound information to all ICOR organisations (printed in full on the ICOR website)  shows how valuable transnational revolutionary cooperation is: The bourgeois media show clashes between the masses and the police at best mention the trigger. But they cover up the deeper connections in ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Aug 10


Department of Foreign Affairs department at DFLP: “Targeting Children in Gaza is a crime that requires legal prosecution”


Since its foundation as a political theory of settler colonialism by Theodor Hertzl in 1896, Zionism has attempted to cloak itself in the religious teachings of Judaism. This has continued to the present time when, in justification for the current war of genocide, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has cited Old Testament storied of the destruction of the Amalekites, a people that the Israelites were ordered to wipe out in ...

more...- Posted on 2024 Aug 10


Dreyfus must release Dan Duggan


US-born naturalised Australian citizen Dan Duggan was seized by the Australian Federal Police 18 months ago.
He has been held in maximum security solitary confinement ever since whilst the US imperialists seek his extradition to face charges under US law.

more...- Posted on 2024 Aug 07


Defend Australia from the US!


The 2024 AUSMIN (Australia-US Ministerial) Talks have just concluded. Attended by each countries’ Ministers for Defence and Foreign Affairs, what has not concluded is the steady occupation of Australia by US forces readying for war with China.

more...- Posted on 2024 Aug 07


Imperialist hypocrisy on display


We have known all along that imperialism practices rampant hypocrisy. It tramples on people’s rights under the guise of “defending democracy”, and oppresses peoples and nations under the guise of “fighting for freedom”.
These are general manifestations of its hypocrisy.

more...- Posted on 2024 Aug 06


Makarrata: Bipartisan approach to stop truth-telling commission


Labor’s eternal fear of being wedged on matters of principle by the Opposition was revealed at this weekend’s Garma Festival.

more...- Posted on 2024 Aug 04


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Vanguard expresses the viewpoint of the Communist Party of Australia (Marxist-Leninist)