MIA: Edgar Hardcastle
Edgar Hardcastle
1995: Edgar Hardcastle
February 1921: Rural Poverty. The Situation Reviewed
April 1921: Machinery in agriculture
May 1921: "The Triumph of Nationalization"
June 1921: Seventeen years
August 1921: 'Revolutionary Christianity'
August 1921: In the House of Commons
October 1921: The Communist Party of Australia
October 1921: "Higher prices mean fewer jobs"
November 1921: The Peace Society
December 1921: Ireland, the Labour Party and the Empire
December 1921: The Communist Party. Communists in a hurry
December 1921: On illegal organisations
February 1922: The Collapse of Capitalism
March 1922: The Communists and the Labour Party alliance
June 1922: Has Trade Unionism Failed
July 1922: Some Shoddy Thoughts of a Superficial Mind
August 1922: The Problem of the Labour Leader
August 1922: Some I.L.P. Distortions of Marx
November 1922: Correspondence: The Collapse of Capitalism
January 1923: "From Crow-Scaring to Westminster"
January 1923: Words and Deeds
February 1923: The Evolution of W. Gallacher
March 1923: Mass action or intelligent organisation
April 1923: Justice
April 1923: Socialism and the Fascisti
May 1923: Should We Join the Labour Party?
August 1923: The capital levy September 1923: The Paralysing Past
October 1923: Jingo Communists
December 1923: Labour Governments. The Australian Fiasco
March 1924: The Communist Wreckers
April 1924: Fake Labour Government: The Puppet Show
November 1924: Why Socialists Oppose Nationalisation
January 1925: The capitalist principles of the I.L.P.
February 1925: The Real Russia: Its Present Position and Tendencies
April 1925: The Capitalist and his Case
April 1925: Catholicism and Socialism: Mr. Wheatley's Lie
July 1925: The Road to Power. An exposure of the Social Democrats in Germany
July 1925: The latest criticism of Karl Marx
October 1925: Socialism and Empire
January 1926: The shorter working day
February 1926: The Great Discoveries and their economic effects
July 1926: Shall we emigrate?
August 1926: The Struggle for World Trade October 1926: Personalities and Socialist politics
December 1926: Capitalism Victorious in China
December 1926: Yankee Prosperity
January 1927: The failure of the Co-operative Movement
March 1927: Can Trade Unionism Save the Workers?
April 1927: Will capitalism.collapse?
April 1927: A Soldier's Thoughts on War
May 1927: The Mask off in China
July 1927: The Plebs on China
July 1927: Marxism or Communism
August 1927: China Another Chapter
August 1927: Is Britain over-populated?
September 1927: What the Labour Party wants
October 1927: Socialism or Chinese Nationalism. A criticism from Australia
October 1927: The Irish elections. More Communist trickery
December 1927: The Class Struggle in Soviet Russia
December 1927: Housing Reform Examined. An illustration from Vienna
April 1928: Should the Workers Fight for Russia?
May 1928: Saklatvala on Socialism
May 1928: The ballot or the barricade?
June 1928: Ballot or barricade again
August 1928: Ballot or barricade? Mr Chapman's last word
September 1928: Should Socialists vote for Labour candidates?
September 1928: What is Capital?
November 1928: The Labour Machine in Conference
December 1928: Trotsky States His Case
January 1929: What is the Use of Parliament?
January 1929: Points for Propagandists
February 1929: Workers Under "Labour Rule"
April 1929: The Socialist Party and National Defence
April 1929: A. J. Cook Returns to the Fold
May 1929: The Communist Party and the General Election
June 1929: Communist rioting
June 1929: Rationalisation and unemployment
August 1929: Who Pays for the War?
October 1929: Potash and Palestine. Dead-sea Fruit
November 1929: Wicked Bankers and Kind Captains of Industry
March 1930: The Fallacy of Empire Free Trade
April 1930: What price nationalisation?
May 1930: Labour Party Leaders Make Unemployment
May 1930: Socialism and the Economic "Experts"
July 1930: Will Independence Help India?
August 1930: Socialism and Birth Control
September 1930: Russia: Land of High Profits
November 1930: International Organisation (Socialist-Communist Party of France)
January 1931: Must Wages Come Down?
February 1931: Why Socialists Oppose Family Allowances
March 1931: The Case against The "Living Wage"
March 1931: How the Fascists gained power
April 1931: The Mosley Party. Old Fallacies Re-Furbished
June 1931: The Rise and Fall of the Communist Party
July 1931: The Economic Crisis and the Workers
July 1931: The Socialist Party versus the New Party
September 1931: A Socialist searchlight
August 1931: The Socialist Party and War
October 1931: The Labour Party and the Crisis
February 1932: Capitalism's crises. Well-known Communist discovers Marx
March 1932: War and the Workers. Reflections on the Eastern Crisis
April 1932: Trotsky's view of Russia's Future
May 1932: Who Are the Inventors? How the Capitalists "Save"
July 1932: The Proposed Socialist Party of India August 1932: Is It A New I.L.P.?
August 1932: Socialists and War (on Boris Souvarine)
November 1932: One for the Currency Cranks
January 1933: Debate with I.L.P.
February 1933: How to Make Socialists: Lenin's View
February 1933: Marxism and Russia
February 1933: Technocracy: Old Fallacies in a New Disguise
April 1933: Hitler: A Warning to the Workers
May 1933: Socialism and Working Class Unity
May 1933: What Stalin Forgot to Mention
May 1933: The Douglas Scheme: I. Bursting the bubble
June 1933: Hotheads and Hitlerism (Some Some Observations on Unity)
June 1933: II. How Major Douglas Discovered Capitalism
July 1933: III. Prosperity in America
March 1934: Austrian Workers' Tragic Heroism
April 1934: The Labour Party and the London County Council
May 1934: The Situation in Italy. Is Fascism Cracking?
September 1934: Some Observations on Production and Productivity
February 1935: The Coming Struggle in India
March 1935: Notes by the Way
April/May 1935: Debate with the British Union of Fascists
May 1935: Hauling Down the Colours in Russia
August 1935: Pawns in Abyssinia
August 1935: Major Douglas in Alberta
January 1936: Can the Means Test be Abolished?
April 1936: The King's Question Answered
September 1936: The Civil War in Spain
June 1936: The United Front in France
August 1936: Socialist Do Stand for Equality
November 1936: What to Do About Fascism?
February 1937: Is it War?
March 1937: What is Wrong with Russia?
June 1937: The Passing of Snowden
July 1937: Which Way Russia?
July 1937: Roads to Socialism
August 1937: G.B. Shaw as a Guide to Socialism
November 1937: Are the Japanese Barbarians?
December 1937: History Embarrasses the Communist Party
April 1938: Trotsky-Stalin Feud. An American View
September 1938: The real issue in Czechoslovakia
October 1938: Czechoslovakia: The Choice Before Us
December 1938: Is Britain Going Fascist?
April 1939: The Last Hour in Madrid
July 1939: Why the French Popular Front Failed
November 1939: The Prospect for Socialism
November 1939: The Communist Yes—No—Yes Policy on Colonial Peoples
May 1940: Should Socialists Support Federal Union?
September 1940: The Materialist Conception of History
September 1940: The Daily Worker writes about its Former Hero
September 1940: Notes by the way
November 1940: Religion, War and Nazism
November 1940: Sir Richard Acland in a Muddle
November 1940: Incentive Under Socialism
December 1940: The People's Convention
February 1941: 'Marxism and Democracy': A useful addition to Socialist Literature
March 1941: More About the People's Convention
May 1941: What the Soldier Wants and How to Get it
July 1941: War overtakes Russia
July 1941: Quick Changes by the Communist Party
October 1941: Reconstruction: A Lesson from the Last War
December 1941: Echoes of the People's Convention
December 1941: Notes by the Way
December 1941: Communists support for Conservative candidates
February 1942: The Philosophy of Anarchism (Herbert Read)
February 1942: Trade relations after the War
February 1942: Communist Arguments for Lifting the Ban on the "Daily Worker"
February 1942: Death of the People's Convention
March 1942: Are the Workers better off during the War?
March 1942: The future of Sir Stafford Cripps
March 1942: The Communists and Mr. Churchill
April 1942: Post War Trade
June 1942: Population and Social Progress
August 1942: A Challenge to Mr. Bevin on Post-War Reconstruction
November 1942: China takes up the White Man's Burden
December 1942: Some Socialist points on the Beveridge Report
February 1943: Is There a "Managerial" Revolution?
March 1943; Where Reformism fails
April 1943: No unemployment after the end of the War?
May 1943: Inquest on the I.L.P.
May 1943: The Devil is Convalescing
December 1943: A Critic of Marx's Economic Theories
February 1944: Swan Song of the Communists
September 1944: Divide and Rule. Idiotic Squabbles of British and American Miners' Leaders
October 1944: The Coming Slump: Does the Gold Standard Matter?
September 1945: Britain's Third Labour Government
March 1946: The Withering Away of the State — From Marx to Stalin
April 1946: Where Do They Go From Here?
June 1946: Professor Laski's secret
November 1946: Labourism proposes—capitalism disposes
January 1947: The Nationalisation of the Railways
February 1947: Old King Coal in his Labour Robes
June 1947: Work and Want: An Old Farce with New Players
July 1947: What Comes After The Labour Government?
September 1947: The Crisis: The Planner's Swansong
October 1947: The Grimethorpe Miners
December 1947: In the Sweet Bye and Bye
March 1948: The Labour Government gets tough with the workers
April 1948: Russian imperialism
June 1948: The Finances of Nationalisation
September 1948: War and Secret Diplomacy
September 1948: Note on Nationalisation
October 1948: The taming of the T.U.C.
November 1948: How Not To Save Democracy
June 1949: Cripps on crises
September 1949: Ourselves and the Conservatives
October 1949: Workers on the Defensive
December 1949: The Purpose of Devaluation
February 1950: Why not Socialism?
February 1950: Interpreting Shakespeare
April 1950: Is There a Future for State Capitalism?
September 1951: Who Led the Railwaymen Up the Garden?
April 1952: Attlee and Bevan: Much Ado About Nothing
August 1952: A Denunciation of Nationalism
August 1952: The Dean and the Chop Sticks May 1956: Your Share in the Wonders of the Age September 1956: What is Behind the Fight for Suez
March 1957: War on the Wages Front
April 1957: The Economics of Rent Control
June 1957: The Mystery of Rising Prices
July 1958: Socialists and General de Gaulle
July 1958: What's wrong with arbitration? December 1958: The Welfare State: Have Things Changed?
April 1959: More Trouble in Africa
September 1959: The Finance of War
February 1960: You've never had it so good”
June 1960: The Falling Rate of Profit
July 1961: Armaments and Unemployment
February 1962: They Never Had It So Good in 1860
April 1962: We are all Socialists now
May 1962: The Grim Liberal Record
September 1962: Who wants an Incomes Policy?
September 1962: A Tale of Two Simpletons: Good man gone wrong
October 1962: The Common Market and the old Corn Laws
November 1962: Forerunner of Common Market
February 1963: Trade Unions and the Cost of Living
March 1963: Freeze-up: Waste, Inefficiency and Chaos
April 1963: Cures for Strikes
April 1963: Lord Hailsham, J. H. Thomas and King Canute
July 1963: Throwing Stones in the Russian Glasshouse
November 1963: Marx and the Sunday Times
February 1964: Can we trust the population experts?
July 1964: Russian Diamonds
January 1965: Automation in Perspective
March 1965: Labour Governments and Armaments
July 1965: Inflation and Prices (part 1)
August 1965: Fallacy of a National Incomes Policy
August 1965: Inflation and Prices (part 2)
September 1965: Inflation and Prices (part 3)
October 1965: Inflation and Prices (part 4)
May 1966: The General Strike 40 Years On
June 1966: Review of 'The British Communist Party' by L.J. Macfarlane
August 1966: Old Myths Refurbished: review of 'Incomes Policy, Legislation and Shop Stewards'
December 1966: No Mystery in Banking
January 1967: Marx, Money and Prices
February 1967: That Yellow Metal again
March 1967: Money for Nothing
April 1967: Hendrik de Man
April 1967: Review of 'Marxist Economics' by E. Mandel
May 1967: Keynes and the Russian Revolution
August 1967: Objectors 1914.18
September 1967: Marxism today
October 1967: The Future according to Galbraith
January 1968: Who Gains through Devaluation?
April 1968: Inquest on Keynes
June 1968: The Founding of the Trades Union Congress
August 1968: The Report on Trade Unions
December 1968: No Change from Labour
August 1969: Prices since the 1200s
October 1969: Capitalism in Eastern Europe
January 1970: Confusion confounded
July 1970: Lenin's "What is to be Done?"
September 1970: Marx on colonialism
October 1970: Does Mao provide the Answer?
November 1970: From Marx to Milton Friedman
June 1971: Marx and Keynes on Unemployment
July 1971: Can Banks Create Credit?
November 1971: The End of "Full Employment"?
December 1971: The Slump Deepens
February 1972: A good time coming?
October 1972: The ABC of Inflation
December 1972: The Freeze and after
August 1973: Floating to Nowhere: The Currency Crisis
September 1973: Marxian Economics in the Modern World
January 1974: Capitalism's Dilemma
September 1974: Inflation: The Theories and the Facts
October 1974: Not Piffle but Propaganda for Capitalism
June 1975: Debate with Sir Keith Joseph
August 1975: The Crisis: Capitalism's Stranglehold on the Labour Government
December 1975: The International Socialists and Parliamentary Action
May 1976: The Strike Weapon
August 1976: The Future of Unemployment
March 1977: Marx and the Abolition of the Wages System
October 1977: Old Fallacies: A Look at the International Communist Current
November 1977: Book Review: 'Marx on Money'
March 1978: Trade Unions in a trap
June 1978: A useful introduction to Marx
July 1978: This Tax Business
September 1978: Marxism and Democracy
October 1978: The Materialist Conception of History
January 1979: The Times Lockout
August 1979: The Tories and the Closed Shop
April 1980: The Economics of Capitalism
January 1982: Wage Cuts
April 1982: Pipes of Peace?
January 1983: Was Marx a Monetarist?
February 1983: Going Private
March 1983: Marx the Revolutionary: 100 Years of Development and Distortion
April 1983: Failure of Keynesian policies
July 1983: Marx's conception of socialism (part 1)
August 1983: Marx's conception of socialism (part 2)
March 1984: Economists' bunk exposed
April 1984: The economic crisis — the Marxian explanation
July 1985: Markets, Monopoly and War
December 1987: George Orwell: War Broadcasts and War Commentaries
July 1988: James Maxton: a political failure
April 1990: Inflation: The Endless Farce
Archive maintained by Michael