The Dissenter

11 Dec 2019

Protest Song Of The Week: ‘Goat Head’ By Brittany Howard

The following post originally appeared at Ongoing History Of Protest Songs. Best known as the powerhouse lead vocalist of Alabama Shakes, Brittany Howard recently released her critically acclaimed debut album “Jamie.” The album is named after her sister who passed away in her teens. Yet, although the loss of her

10 Dec 2019

US Government Would Like Staunch Opponent Of WikiLeaks To Testify Against Alleged ‘Vault 7’ Leaker

The United States government would like a staunch opponent of WikiLeaks to testify against former CIA employee Josh Schulte, who is accused of leaking the “Vault 7” files to WikiLeaks. But Schulte’s defense attorney contends such testimony would be “irrelevant, prejudicial, and confusing.” Paul Rosenzweig is the founder of a

09 Dec 2019

Interview: Writer Tom Mueller On His Book, ‘Crisis Of Conscience: Whistleblowing In An Age Of Fraud’

Writer Tom Mueller joins the “Unauthorized Disclosure” weekly podcast to discuss his book, Crisis of Conscience: Whistleblowing In An Age Of Fraud, which was released in October. During the interview, Mueller describes how he came to work on this book, which over 500-plus pages documents and explores whistleblowing in many

05 Dec 2019

Dissenter Weekly Update: Whistleblower Deported To Honduras, Walmart Whistleblower Exposes Tax Dodging

This week’s “Dissenter Weekly Update” episode features a story involving a whistleblower, who was deported to Honduras after a hotel collapsed in New Orleans. Delmer Joel Ramirez Palma alleged “dangerous lapses in construction safety to his supervisors” at a Hard Rock hotel site in development. The hotel collapsed on October


Prison Protest

28 Sep 2015

Juvenile Justice Reform Will Fail Without Specific Focus On Young Women

Black girls were about three times as likely as white girls to be referred to juvenile court, and 20% more likely to be detained than white girls. American Indian/Alaska Native girls were 50% more likely to be locked-up.

Judge's Gavel and Sound Block created and folded by Glenn Sapaden out of two dollar bills (Glenn Sapaden on Flickr)
25 Sep 2015

More Reports Of Debtors Prisons Surface In Louisiana And New Hampshire

A federal lawsuit in New Orleans, Louisiana, and a report by the ACLU of New Hampshire, document the practice of jailing people unable to pay their court debts, violating the due process rights of the poor by failing to provide them with legal counsel and ability-to-pay hearings.

Protesters gather outside of GEO Group's immigration detention center in Aurora, Colorado (Justin Valas on Flickr)
24 Sep 2015

Grijalva Rails Against Contracts Permitted In His Own Prison Reform Bill

Progressive Arizona congressman Raúl Grijalva expressed dismay that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) signed an $11 million contract with GEO Care because its parent company, GEO Group, profits off detaining women and children in horrific conditions. Yet, remarkably, Grijalva is the sponsor of a bill, which contains specific exemptions allowing companies

"Our souls are so much bigger than this." Art by Amaryllis DeJesus Moleski
23 Sep 2015

The Heavy Price Families And Communities Pay For Incarceration

A new report details how families pay a high price for the incarceration of a relative—a price “felt most deeply by women, low-income families and communities of color.”  It examines the various ways families and former prisoners “pay” for their incarceration, even after they are released. The report, “Who Pays? The True Cost Of

22 Sep 2015

New York City Council Adopts Eight Bills For Transparency, Oversight Of Jails

Last week, the New York City Council sent eight bills to Mayor Bill DeBlasio’s desk aimed at bringing greater transparency to the city’s jails. The wave of legislation was introduced this past spring and its passage marks the latest efforts by the city to reign in the brutal culture of violence and impunity that has reigned inside its jails for years.

21 Sep 2015

Bernie Sanders’ Private Prison Reform Bill Would Leave Opportunities For Industry To Grow

Democratic presidential candidate, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), has introduced legislation to abolish aspects of the prison industrial-complex. However, despite being touted as a private prison abolition bill, it would still leave some areas of corrections open to contractors. On September 17, Sanders joined Representatives Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.), Keith Ellison (D-Minn.)


The Bullpen

26 Aug 2015

Wall Street Laundering Derivatives Trades Through Europe To Avoid Dodd-Frank

As compromised as Congress is when it comes to dealing with their Wall Street donors, they have nothing on financial regulators who often end up later working for the people and companies they are supposed to be regulating. Now regulators are allowing Wall Street to hide derivatives trades overseas to circumvent Dodd-Frank.

25 Aug 2015

More Deaths Linked To General Motors’ Ignition Switches

A study by a consultant hired by GM has led to a nearly ten fold increase in the number of deaths linked to the faulty switches. The new estimate, released on August 21 by a consulting group led by famed attorney Kenneth Feinberg, puts the number of deaths from the defected ignition switches at 124. Previously, GM said it only knew of 13 deaths.

24 Aug 2015

Coca-Cola To Stop Funding Fake Health Studies, No Word On Union Killings

On August 19th, The Wall Street Journal published an op-ed by Coca-Cola CEO Muhtar Kent wherein Kent admitted that Coca-Cola funded scientific studies that attempted to shift blame for the growing obesity crisis off diet and onto exercise. Kent said the scheme to fund questionable studies was meant to take attention away from the beverage company he runs but was “not working” and that this behavior by Coca-Cola “does not reflect our intent or our values.”

21 Aug 2015

Banker Sentenced To Prison For TARP Fraud

Former Park Avenue Bank President Charles Antonucci has been sentenced to two and a half years in prison for his role in a scheme to defraud the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). Antonucci will also pay $54.6 million in restitution and forfeit $11.2 million.

20 Aug 2015

Lawsuit Filed After Walmart & Costco Sold Slave Labor Seafood

On August 19, Monica Sud, a woman from California, filed a class action lawsuit against Costco Wholesale Corporation claiming that the retailer knowingly sold prawns produced by slave labor and never disclosed these practices to customers like herself who bought the products without knowing they were produced by illegal labor.

19 Aug 2015

Citigroup To Pay $180 Million For Latest Fraud

On August 17, Citigroup agreed to pay $180 million to settle charges from the SEC that two of the megabank’s hedge funds defrauded investors. According to the SEC, Citigroup’s hedge funds “made false and misleading representations to investors” about how risky investing in the funds were.





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