Update on anarchist Nikos Maziotis

Update about the the special “state of exception” for the anarchist Nikos Maziotis, convicted comrade of Revolutionary Struggle

From Athens Indymedia, Greece

Original title: Update about the the special “state of exception” for the anarchist Nikos Maziotis, convicted comrade of Revolutionary Struggle

We would like to send you some news about the imprisonment of anarchist comrade Nikos Maziotis -who is in Domokos prison for his actions in Revolutionary Struggle- and the special “state of exception” for him.

No one will be forgotten... New losses in the anarchist movement

From Pramen

This summer a series of tragedies continues for the BUR anarchist movement. Two of our comrades from Ukraine - Roman Lehar and Ruslan Tereshchenko - died in battle. Both fought against imperial aggression since the beginning of a full-scale war, and Ruslan also fought in 2014. Wars and repressions are taking away more and more of our comrades. Their names will go down in the history of anarchism, but, unfortunately, our ranks continue to thin out in a maddened, self-devouring capitalist world, in which every revolutionary counts.

Uncivilized Podcast Episode 54 -- Anarchism and Violence

Brady and Artxmis talk about anarchism and violence. They seek to begin to answer or bring forth discussion about the following questions: What is the relationship between anarchism and violence? Is violence an innate part of the anarchist milieu? Is it a corruption of anarchist ethics? Or is it more difficult than this? (As a reminder, we don’t support violence.)

A voice from Ukraine: “It’s time to organize”

From Takku
August 2, 2024

In the end of July 2024 an anarchist member of Ukrainian armed forces shared their thoughts with Takku as follows.

My name is Ljosha. I lived in Sweden before the war, but I came to Ukraine after Russia launched its full-scale invasion. Together with my comrades, I wanted to develop anarchist organizing and activities, to defend the Ukrainian people and nature, and to strengthen the anarchist movement in the revolutionary struggle.

Toronto: Announcing the 2024 ACABbq, Aug. 11

From ACABbq

We are very excited to officially announce the ACABbq 2024. The first iteration of this event will be held on August 11th, 2024 from 12pm-6pm at Dufferin Grove Park, Toronto, Ontario. It is a summer barbecue for anarchists in Toronto, Ontario, and beyond. Everyone is welcome to come together enjoy some free food, read some radical lit and share ideas. Toronto needs a flourishing anarchist scene, and we hope to rekindle the destruction of hierarchy in this city overrun with liberals. Whether you are an anarchist, anarcho-curious, left-leaning, or sympathetic, there is a place for you here.

Cyprus Hartford released from federal subpoena

To those who would resist,

On July 26, after a nearly two-month long ordeal, I was released from my federal grand jury subpoena by the South Carolina U.S. Attorney's Office. I'm so relieved that I don't have to appear in court. This would not have been possible if a supportive community hadn't had my back through all of this. I'm incredibly grateful for all the love I've received.


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