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The economy

Sharemarkets gripped by panic amid fears the Fed just made a big mistake

Sharemarkets gripped by panic amid fears the Fed just made a big mistake

The ASX and sharemarkets around the world are a sea of red as recession fears build in the US.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz


There’s a good case for cutting interest rates ASAP

There’s a good case for cutting interest rates ASAP

Data for the two years since the RBA began increasing the cost of money shows a lot more evidence of downturn and pain than you may realise.

  • by Ross Gittins
‘It ends up just being a bloodbath’: Why plucky, third player Rex Airlines came unstuck

‘It ends up just being a bloodbath’: Why plucky, third player Rex Airlines came unstuck

A graveyard has filled with airline groups that have tried and failed to challenge the duopoly in the skies, from Compass to Tiger Airways and Bonza. Rex is just the latest.

  • by Anne Hyland
Why merger can be a dirty word when it comes to our inflation problem

Why merger can be a dirty word when it comes to our inflation problem

It’s the great number of our industries dominated by just a few firms that makes us especially susceptible to the inflation surge we’re struggling to get back under control.

  • by Ross Gittins
Donald Trump is on a collision course with an old foe

Donald Trump is on a collision course with an old foe

Donald Trump tried to fire Jerome Powell during his presidency before discovering he didn’t have the authority. Now the Fed chairman is set to throw a spanner in the works heading into November’s election.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
The tale of Mrs Watanabe and two central banks

The tale of Mrs Watanabe and two central banks

If the Bank of Japan ends up raising rates even as the US fed is contemplating a cut, it will unleash an unprecedented level of volatility in currency markets.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
The surprise state topping Australia’s economic ladder

The surprise state topping Australia’s economic ladder

It’s not WA, although the mining state is fast gaining on top spot, leading on relative population growth and home lending metrics.

  • by Jacob Shteyman and Abe Maddison
Trump’s deluded desire for a lower US dollar

Trump’s deluded desire for a lower US dollar

Weakening the US dollar would inject massive uncertainty and volatility into the global economy and will be bad news for open economies like Australia’s.

  • by Stephen Bartholomeusz
China has a solar problem that is not going away

China has a solar problem that is not going away

China has come to dominate the global market for solar energy, but it’s a different story at home.

  • by Keith Bradsher
Tax is bursting the craft beer industry bubble

Tax is bursting the craft beer industry bubble

Australia now has the world’s third-highest beer tax after Norway and Finland and it’s wrecking the brewers, says the Independent Brewers Association.

  • by Abe Maddison
Cost-of-living crisis? It pays to be a Boomer

Cost-of-living crisis? It pays to be a Boomer

Life is getting desperate for those bearing the full brunt of the economic crisis, but it is a very different story for cashed-up older Australians.

  • by Colin Kruger