
Toronto: Announcing the 2024 ACABbq, Aug. 11

From ACABbq

We are very excited to officially announce the ACABbq 2024. The first iteration of this event will be held on August 11th, 2024 from 12pm-6pm at Dufferin Grove Park, Toronto, Ontario. It is a summer barbecue for anarchists in Toronto, Ontario, and beyond. Everyone is welcome to come together enjoy some free food, read some radical lit and share ideas. Toronto needs a flourishing anarchist scene, and we hope to rekindle the destruction of hierarchy in this city overrun with liberals. Whether you are an anarchist, anarcho-curious, left-leaning, or sympathetic, there is a place for you here.

Montreal Anarchist Tech Convergence, Sep. 7-8

From Montreal Anarchist Tech Convergence

Join us for the Montreal Anarchist Tech Convergence
The weekend of September 7th and 8th, 2024
In and around Bâtiment 7 Tiohtià:ke (Montreal, Quebec)

Amid the crushing destruction wrought by the sprawling military-industrial complex and the recuperation of the hack by capitalist tech bros, anarchist resistance exists within the cadaverous monster of Leviathan itself.

2024 Victoria Anarchist Bookfair, Sep. 21-22

From Victoria Anarchist Bookfair

19th Annual Victoria Anarchist Bookfair and Festival of Anarchy

We love you all and will see you at:
Fernwood Community Centre, 1240 Gladstone Ave, lək̓ʷəŋən Territory
September 21st 11am-6pm
September 22nd 11am-5pm

Keep a look out for Festival of Anarchy Event Announcements!

Victoria Anarchist Film Festival, May 1st-11th

From Victoria Anarchist Bookfair

Victoria Anarchist Bookfair Presents - with Camas Books & Infoshop -
'Victoria' Anarchist Film Festival
May 1st - 10th, 2024
Plus a Special Screening Collaboration with Freeskool Victoria on May 11th!

***Please note this year's Anarchist Bookfair is scheduled for September 21 & 22nd. See you there!
AnarchistFilmfest promo

Call for Proposals – CONSTELLATION: Anarchist Festival in Montréal

CONSTELLATION is seeking event proposals. On Saturday, May 25th, during the tabling event at CÉDA and CCGV, there will be space for both pre-planned and spontaneous activities – order and chaos in equal measure. We aspire not to curate a singular experience but rather to create a space for anarchists to gather, conspire, and share in a multitude of experiences. We’ll provide the space but we need you to fill it!

Online Calendar Launch: Constellation Anarchist Festival

We're happy to announce the launch of our online calendar platform, where anyone can publish events as part of Constellation. Simply go to and follow the link to add an event.

One of our goals for this festival is to decentralize the organizing process. We want all anarchists in the region to feel empowered to make the last weekend of May their own. We strongly believe that more people doing more things will create a more interesting and rebellious weekend.

Call for Tablers - Constellation: Montréal Anarchist Festival

CONSTELLATION will feature a bookfair on Saturday, May 25th, at the CÉDA and CCGV buildings in Parc Vinet (métro Lionel-Groulx). We invite booksellers, zine distros, artists, and makers of other material of interest to anarchists and the anarcho-curious to table at the event. Tabling will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., but you can show up as early as 8:30 a.m. for setup. ​​​​​​​

As organizers of CONSTELLATION, we would like to clarify that we see our role as helping facilitate an anarchist bookfair space, not as content arbiters. 

Baby's First Synagogue Protest: A Review

As anarchists in Montréal, though, I want us to finally catch up with comrades in some other cities’ anarchist scenes and start and identifying this half-baked claptrap as not fucking good enough. Not fit for purpose, if it ever was. These are not ideas that uphold revolt, insurrection, revolution, or “positive change” of any kinds; they uphold the management of those energies that could otherwise produce graffiti, food given away for free at the corner, upside-down cruisers with their windshields smashed in, and disrupted supply chains, including those chains that sustain the Israeli national project.

'Sabotage': Nails driven into tree trunks at future Quebec EV battery plant site

From The Canadian Press
January 24, 2024

Anonymous group claims responsibility on anarchist web site

MONTREAL — Swedish manufacturer Northvolt AB says the site of its future electric vehicle battery plant near Montreal was sabotaged after nails were driven into trees that are set to be cut down.

The No State Solution: A Dialogue with Palestinian sociologist Bamyeh & Uri Gordon

From Camas Books & Infoshop

Sunset Labs (1824 Store St.)
Victoria, BC, Canada
Saturday, January 28, 2024
Doors at 11:30 am
Zoom link:

The systemic oppression and displacement of Palestinian people and the unequal cycle of deadly violence that continues to consume the lives of Israelis and Palestinians arises historically from the creation of a hypermiltarized Jewish ethnostate in Palestine.


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