Beyond Campism

From Mauvais Sang: Un journal bâtard pour la révolution (Bad Blood: A bastard newspaper for the revolution)
June 1, 2024

While the unbearable massacre in Gaza by the IDF and its thousands of deaths continues and is currently taking an even more abject turn with the offensive on Rafah, the current climate in the political environment has pushed us to write this article to repeat some observations which should be obvious to any anti-authoritarian revolutionary: as in any existing place on this planet, there are in Israel as in Palestine, a number of people fighting against the different powers that oppress them.

New far-right attack on refugees calls for resistance

From No Border Camp

No Border Camp 2024, August 21-25, Netherlands

The Main Line Agreement 2024-2028 that the intended government parties PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB presented in May reads primarily as an incoherent, thrown together collection of points with an extreme right-wing signature... The no border struggle is strongly linked to the anarchist movement and will have to be a spearhead of resistance against this extreme right-wing government in the coming years.

Anarchist Techno Attacks

From CrimethInc.

Remembering Reclaim the Streets

[F]or a full decade now, anarchists have celebrated, analyzed, and (to some degree) participated in sideshows without infusing those efforts with broader militant politics or harnessing their power to spread instances of ungovernability beyond their dedicated subculture. What would it look like if the anarchist fascination with drifting cars charted a course like the one of rave music in the UK, in which the networks and sound systems behind the scene decided to utilize their resources to catalyze massive and widespread combat with the state?

The left of capital is sabotaging the anarchist movement

From Class War Received via email

let’s fight back!

Soon after the escalation of the war in Ukraine, two completely different tendencies began to emerge under the banner of anarchy. One tendency insists that all inter-state wars are wars of the bourgeoisie against the proletariat, and therefore our participation in them cannot benefit the interests of the exploited class. The other tendency focuses on material, ideological and propaganda work in support of Ukraine’s state war effort and it sees such an approach as a pragmatic step for future self-organization.

Incendiary attack on the machinery of the Elikonos Station


Via Dark Nights

In a society that champions the urban landscape as the sole way of existence, our liberty and very essence endure relentless oppression day after day. To turn a blind eye to this truth is to allow this tyranny to thrive and progress. It’s degrading to merely endure this survival state instead of truly living. We must rebel against it by any means necessary. Therefore, on 26/5, we executed an incendiary attack on the equipment situated at the construction site of the Elikonos station within the forthcoming line 4 of the metro.

Chile: Words from Espacio Fénix in memory of Mauricio Morales

From Dark Nights

The black memory, as a weapon, a tool; the memory that gives us strength when we seem to lose it, that allows us to grow, in ideas, practices, values; the black memory that nourishes and teaches us, that allows us to express love, complicity, hatred of the enemy, complicity between comrades and the pain of absences.

News of Chomsky’s Poor Health Prompts Outpouring of Gratitude

Via Abolition Media

News that renowned American linguist, anarchist and author Noam Chomsky is hospitalized in Brazil following a massive stroke he suffered last year was met with an avalanche of accolades and well wishes from members of the international left on Wednesday.

Brazil: São Paulo Anarchist Bookfair, Nov. 24

From Feira Anarquista de São Paulo


The collectives Biblioteca Terra Livre, Centro de Cultura Social de São Paulo (CCS-SP) and Núcleo de Estudos Libertários Carlo Aldegheri (Nelca) organize the XIV Feira Anarquista de São Paulo, continuing the well-known annual meeting of anarchists and supporters of the whole world.

John Burnside, vivid poet & memoirist – obituary

From The Telegraph
June 4, 2024

Burnside’s memoirs recall his drunken father throwing his sister down the stairs and burning his teddy bear, yet his poems were lyrical

In later life, despite having some claims to respectability as a garlanded poet and an academic – from 2009 he was Professor of Creative Writing at the University of St Andrews – Burnside remained a committed anarchist. His novel Glister, he noted, featured, as a representative of capitalism, “a one-dimensional man who only cared about money. Some people criticised me. And then 2008 happened. Sorry, but I rest my case.”

War on Anarchism

June 10, 2024

The split in the anarchist movement between antimilitarists and Natopolitan Anarchists has grown deeper since February 2022. The Natopolitans continue to support the arming of the Ukrainian state, the escalation of hostilities, both in weapons and in scale, despite the numbers of dead Ukrainians, regardless of the threat of nuclear conflict, regardless of the reality of this war and its unending suffering meted out on the working class of Ukraine. In doing so, they are waging war on anarchism, here, over there and everywhere.

Montreal Anarchist Tech Convergence, Sep. 7-8

From Montreal Anarchist Tech Convergence

Join us for the Montreal Anarchist Tech Convergence
The weekend of September 7th and 8th, 2024
In and around Bâtiment 7 Tiohtià:ke (Montreal, Quebec)

Amid the crushing destruction wrought by the sprawling military-industrial complex and the recuperation of the hack by capitalist tech bros, anarchist resistance exists within the cadaverous monster of Leviathan itself.


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