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Do guys like vegans? Do guys like vegans?

As a joke whenever I'm asked "Why are you single?" I say. "Because I'm vegan." And sometimes the response I get is like "fair enough" wait sorry? Is it really that much of a turn off? I know the internet is full of extremes but honestly I'm just striving for world peace. I'm not perfect and it's not my place to judge someone who consumes all animal products and services. Just curious if anyone has explored dating a vegan, is there something I need to be aware of? If the first date's a dinner it's a dead give away straight away, my diet is no secret, I always ask for the vegan menu haha

How common is it to NOT feel physically better after going vegan? How common is it to NOT feel physically better after going vegan?

Whenever I hear someone talking about how they went vegan (but more often in the plant based context) there is a very high chance they mention how they feel better physically, are no longer tired or have more enegry or what have you.

Personally I cant say I feel any different. I am not more alert or less tired etc. I feel the same, or if I do feel better, it is by such a small amount that I cant notice the difference.

Of course if someone eats a lot of junk food be it vegan or not then I understand that there is no change in how they feel. But if someone eats generally good healthy food as a vegan, how often is it that there isnt any perceived feeling of healthiness?

I understand that you can still be more healthy even if you dont feel it, but I am more interested in how it makes people feel.

The vegan upcharge is infuriating and unjust The vegan upcharge is infuriating and unjust

It's SOY and WHEAT. It's OATS and BEANS. Some of the cheapest & most abundant foods on the planet.

IT TAKES LESS RESOURCES THAN FEEDING THE SOY TO THE ANIMAL AND THEN EATING THE ANIMAL. In Asian countries these ingredients are the cheapest things!

Canada is INSANE. $10 for 400g of soy based mock chicken nugs. $7 for 1200g of real flesh chicken nugs. $6 for 350g of TVP. Charging 50c - $1 more for a tiny splash of plant mylk. Vegan mayo is even more expensive even tho its just corn starch and oil.

It dont make NO SENSE. The view of "vegan" on a label is "health conscious" here, nothing else, and they slap upcharges on anything "hEalTHy nd orGANic".

GREED. Fuck you canada you feel like a food desert to a broke vegan who can't always cook from scratch

I saved a pigeon. I saved a pigeon.

My wife and I found a wounded pigeon. (We’ve been vegan for 5 years)We are at italy right now and don’t speak the language very well. I always felt that i needed to do something else besides not eating meat, drinking milk, etc. so we decided to pick him up and then figure things out. When we got the pigeon to the vet and left him there to recover we looked at each other with and started crying as we hugged. I somehow think it’s really hard for some people to be vulnerable so they don’t consider being vegan at all because of this, well i know it’s harder for men. Of course i feel very frustrated by other people’s lack of empathy but i was them too. I am just realizing why. Just wanted to share a thought. Thanks.

Does anyone want to be friends? (Is this allowed?) Does anyone want to be friends? (Is this allowed?)

Hey everyone, my name is Thomas and I'm 23, I've been vegan for around 3-4 years, for the animals.

I would like to know other vegans more, and I've noticed a lot of posts talk about being lonely, or difficulty finding other people.

I don't mind whatever your sexuality, gender, country... As long as you're vegan I think it could be cool if we got to know each other and hopefully become friends :)

10-year-old daughter turning vegan, what should I know? 10-year-old daughter turning vegan, what should I know?

Hey all! So I went vegan 5 months ago, and as I kinda expected would probably happen, my daughter announced yesterday she wants to go vegan too.

I am happy she’s doing so obviously, but I imagine that, compared to me (41m), we need to be a little bit more mindful of ensuring she gets the right nutrients for her growing body.

Can y’all recommend any kid-specific vegan supplements if they exist, as well as other things I might not know I don’t know?


Edit: Thank you all so much for your info and recommendations - I'll respond as I find time!

Also - heh yeahhh her mother - my ex-wife - is pretty unhappy about the change and basically blaming me, giving me crap about making the lifestyle choice myself, inferring it's just a phase I'm going through. Hopefully Mom doesn't confront her with too much Weird Carnist Energy.

What health benefits did you experience going vegan? What health benefits did you experience going vegan?

My report, 4 years in:

Massively decreased my acne - I used to get it terribly for half my life. Within a year of going vegan it had gone. I’m aware that high levels of vitamin B12 in diet can cause acne. I now take capsules of B12 in small daily doses to ensure my body has just enough.

Digestive system feels like a well oiled machine - I digest food efficiently, pass stool regularly and easily. Back when I was a meat-eater, stomach pain was commonplace for a number of years. It’s not something I was particularly concerned about and I can’t be sure exactly what was causing it. But one of the unexpected benefits of going vegan was that this has vanished completely.

Slight mental health boost - I think consuming animals had always weighed on me somewhere deep down. Knowing that I’m doing my bit to reduce suffering and fight for the environment gives me some sense of self satisfaction. There are a lot of things going on in the world that are out of my control. My diet, however, is something I can change to hopefully positively impact the world that we live in.

For the record, I tend to steer clear of most processed foods for the most part (think Quorn, Beyond Meat, Violife etc). I eat a diet based on a wide range of vegetables, some fruit, beans, nuts, pulses, tofu, some wheat. The benefits I’ve found are based on my own experience. Yours may be different. I am interested however in hearing what has benefitted you since going vegan!

Disclaimer: Please be kind and respectful to each other in the comments. I’m aware that non-vegans read this sub. This is not an post designed to attack anyone’s personal beliefs or claim superiority.

Looking for advice-Vegan Lifestyle Looking for advice-Vegan Lifestyle

My daughter (22) is a committed vegan and has been for several years. She just moved from her rural college town back to St Louis. She has endured a significant amount of teasing and lack of community support and vegan options. She has no vegan friends and most of her friends are awkward around her not knowing how to engage her in activities involving food. The Midwest had not really embraced this type of lifestyle and so she is lonely and without a support network. I want to help her find a network and resources as she feels like she doesn’t belong anywhere. I’d love suggestions of meet up groups, forums, resources…anything. I love her and applaud her for living with the courage of her conviction. However, I’m at a bit of a loss and see her just suffering and experiencing a crushing social anxiety.

I was hoping more people would be plant-based by now I was hoping more people would be plant-based by now

I've been exclusively vegan for about 5 years now. Somewhere around 2021-2022 there was a big buzz about being vegan, and a lot of new products hit the market. Somehow I feel like that fizzled out and still no one I personally know eats vegan. Even something as inconvenient as an electric car became completely normal and actually even overtook normal cars in many countries. It's kind of sad people don't make the same sane lifestyle choices when it comes to food. Unfortunately, I even see some vegan food items being removed in my area from restaurants and grocery stores.

I kind of hoped being vegan became more normal by now.

Anyone else feel this way?

How do I explain why I'm vegan to a large table of extended-family members without causing a scene but still staying true to myself? How do I explain why I'm vegan to a large table of extended-family members without causing a scene but still staying true to myself?

This'll be the first large extended-family-gathering since I've become vegan and I have no intention of starting this conversation but they've all heard through the grapevine that I'm vegan now, and I'm sure one of the more outspoken members of the family will mention my veganism and ask why I'm now one and the whole table might go quiet as they're all interested in what I'm going to say, while they're eating their meats, dairy, and eggs in front of me. I'd like to be able to say my truth, that it's for the animals, without painting them to be evil or putting them off their food. Regardless of what you or I think about non-vegans, I'd really like to just survive this lunch without much of a fuss. Any advice on how I can word it without causing too much offence but still staying true to myself?

Best animal charities/shelters to donate money to? Best animal charities/shelters to donate money to?

Besides being vegan I'd like to help animals further, and I figured donating money would be better than nothing. I'd like to have a pet/take care of a rescue but I'm extremely allergic so until I can find a hypoallergenic dog I want to know the best places to donate to. I've heard keep it local, and I've heard it's actually better to donate to kill shelters. Any advice/recommendations? There are humane societies near me, are those good options?

Learning more about being vegan - Recs for YouTubers, ticktocks and other accounts on social media Learning more about being vegan - Recs for YouTubers, ticktocks and other accounts on social media

Hey! so I have zero vegan friends and I am not exactly well educated on how to properly be vegan and avoid supporting the bad industries. Who do you guys follow to keep updated on vegan products or just like people who encourage the lifestyle? It would be nice to have some fun ways to learn more about it aside from doing research online

Becoming Vegan soon Becoming Vegan soon

Hello. I’m a teen boy who comes from an Indian-American family. I’ve been toying with the idea of becoming vegan for some time after realizing how horrible animal agriculture is, along with the health benefits and how the vegan diet helps the environment. My parents have been pretty supportive. Also, Over the past few weeks, I’ve slowly been transitioning to a more plant based lifestyle. Do you guys have any tips for living a vegan lifestyle?

I just married a vegan, what should i know? I just married a vegan, what should i know?

I am a male non-vegan, i have been in love with a female who is a vegan for about a year, i have just made the decision to propose to her a month ago and we got married, we have been actively planning for the ceremony for a bit now i also have an adopted son who is a meat-eater along with me. I just wanted to know some possible vegan foods that i could work into our wedding and day to day life. I would also like to know a few vegan cake recipes as i am the cook of the house.

Today, the majority of people believe it is right to kill animals for sandwiches Today, the majority of people believe it is right to kill animals for sandwiches

30 years ago, the majority of people believed it was right to deny same-sex couples the right to marry.

50 years ago, the majority of people believed it was right to use corporal punishment on children in schools.

100 years ago, the majority of people believed it was right to deny women the right to vote.

200 years ago, the majority of people believed it was right to practice slavery.

400 years ago, the majority of people believed it was right to burn individuals accused of "witchcraft".

500 years ago, the majority of people believed it was right to punish heresy with death.

Any Spanish vegans out there? Any Spanish vegans out there?

I run a site that attempts to outrank farms and slaughterhouses on Google. This results in people who are searching for a specific farm seeing the result for my site and visiting, instead of the actual farms website.

When a user enters the site they are asked if they would like to find out more about farming (around 10% click through). Currently for the UK site they click through to (warning: content is graphic).

I am attempting to translate the site concept into Spanish but am a bit stuck on where to redirect users to. Does anyone know if something similar to the link above exists for the Spanish animals ag industry, or if not a documentary similar to Dominion?

All help is appreciated 🙏

Does anyone feel like you don’t want to be catered for at parties and get togethers? Does anyone feel like you don’t want to be catered for at parties and get togethers?

Or is it just me who feels that it’s kind of annoying? Most of the time the “catering” is something very plain and boring, half the time the food is vegetarian, not vegan and then u feel bad coz they tried but u can’t eat it. And then half the time they do get something and talk about how hard it was and how tedious of a task it was.

So I always announce that: “do not cater for me, please” coz I prefer bringing my own snacks and foods.

Sometimes it’s a lovely tasty vegan dish though, so I guess it depends on the caterer. ☺️

Advice for my vegan wedding Advice for my vegan wedding

My fiance (32m) and I (31f) just got engaged and we've been talking about the food for our wedding. My fiance has been vegan for about five years and I have been vegan for one year. We have a few ideas for vegan caterers that we love and are delicious! My fiance thinks we should have a completely vegan wedding, which I'm on board with, but at the same time I think there would be a lot of complaints or maybe even people not coming :(

I had an idea that could possibly help with guests RSVPing, because I know thats another thing brides often have an issue with.

I was thinking we could write on our RSVPs that we will be serving a vegan dinner by default, however guests can have the option to choose a non-vegan dinner when they submit their RSVP. We would essentially hire two caterers, one vegan and one non-vegan. However, another worry I have with this is that it may end up being a mostly non-vegan wedding as far as the food is concerned.

I have also considered just not mentioning anything about it being a vegan dinner anymore. So far some of our family members have acted like I'm going to be serving them poison when I have mentioned a vegan dinner and they have suggested we buy regular food for our guests and vegan food for just us (which is a hard no).

What do you think?