Who We Are

Standing for socialism and nothing but.

Welcome to the main website of The World Socialist Party US. We hope that you find our videos and blog of interest. Fill out the form on our Free Information Pack page for a shipment of free literature.

World Socialism (it's the system your plant would choose)

The World Socialist Party US is part of the World Socialist Movement. The World Socialist Movement consists of socialist ‘companion parties,’ groups, and individuals in various countries. You may like to explore the websites of our companion parties in Britain and Canada: The Socialist Party of Great Britain and The Socialist Party of Canada.

The goal of the World Socialist Movement is world socialism, which we define as ‘a world society based on the common ownership and democratic control of the means of production and distribution by and in the interest of the community as a whole.’

The word ‘socialism’ is used by different people to mean different things. An essential feature of socialism as we understand it is democracy. We also hold that socialism must be established by democratic means. The World Socialist Movement itself is organized democratically.

For further discussion of the meaning of socialism, see the website ‘What Is Socialism?’.

Capitalism is inherently unjust, exploitative, and predatory. Its ruthless pursuit of profit ruins the natural environment on which all life depends. Its rivalries sow conflicts that may escalate to nuclear war and destroy civilization. Only socialism can ensure human survival.

We invite you to join us, help spread socialist ideas, and lay the basis for a better life for everyone. Where else will you get the chance to argue about the finer points of dialectical materialism? We also encourage you to donate and buy some of our merch. Your generous donations and purchases allow us to continue our organizational and educational efforts. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions and remember: the emancipation of the working class must be the work of the working class itself.

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The Strange Case of the Soviet Union

This is an excerpt from a forthcoming book, written by Robin Cox, a comrade from our sister party, the SPGB.

15 min read

History, News, police, Politics, Terror

Pogroms — from Russia to Palestine

How Palestinians are subject to a Pogrom, even today.

5 min read

Capitalism, Class, Labor movement, Marxism, Work

Letting the Cat Out of the Bag

About an imaginary conversation that originally appeared in the October 1937 issue of The United Automobile Worker.

1 min read

International relations, War

Those Who Die as Cattle

The death toll in the Ukraine War steadily increases.

2 min read

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