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The Ultimatum

I do not say this often, but Roxanne is a genuinely bad person.
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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I do not say this often, but Roxanne is a genuinely bad person.

To be able to sit next to your partner and not celebrate their success is so wild. She pushed Antonio to do better, he bought a business and wanted to include her in it and she could only say, "I was into cars like 10 years ago". How fucking rude. I hype my boyfriend up when he gets a new haircut, if his business is bumping then I'm bouncing off the walls for him, I am bragging on his behalf. I felt so bad for Antonio because buying your own business is a big deal and it does deserve to be celebrated!

She also won't even acknowledge the fact that she talked negatively about her partner when he wasn't around. She often called his interests annoying and his lack of motivation as unattractive.

She did give Kat her unwanted opinions and she often came across as "Alex WANTED me and DIDNT want you", not from a caring place like she claimed. The comment about Alex telling her he wanted 12 kids with her was obviously not serious and she was trying to make Kat feel as though he would have had kids with her OVER Kat.

I really hope she sees this backlash online and works on herself, but she'll probably play the "oh they're just jealous" card. Like girl, we are not jealous of your overfilled lips and crinkly skin, we are concerned about the people in your life lol.

i’m honestly disgusted at this point
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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i’m honestly disgusted at this point

mildred blatantly admitted to being arrested for domestic violence on NATIONAL TELEVISION. smashing a picture frame and throwing a dog gate at tiff and blaming tiff for calling the police. she made it about herself and about how she was arrested as if those aren’t the consequences for abusing someone. she bulldozed tiff the entire conversation to the point where tiff couldn’t even defend themselves properly. and how dare yoli stick up for her and be there for her as if she didn’t admit all of that. and when they cut to aussie’s face and when someone had to put their hand on aussie’s shoulder. and sam having to go out there and console tiff. it’s all so disgusting and i’m so glad sam and aussie said something because they brushed over that so much and let mildred completely overtake the conversation and narrative

Alexis and Colby
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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Alexis and Colby

Bro, the way she handled that rejection was so bad. Colby was polite in his rejection the first time. Alexis was just shocked she couldn’t snag him and felt entitled to his attraction. Then she came back to what? Beg to be rejected again. Even when he told her he wasn’t attracted to her, he was as nice as you could be about that. She put him in a shitty position and tried to make him seem like the asshole.

I just had to get this off my chest.

Opinions on The Ultimatum?
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Opinions on The Ultimatum?

Love is Blind had its dark moments, but was built on the premise of matchmaking single people. On the other hand, The Ultimatum is taking already strained relationships and introducing "cheating" to them. Almost all the participants have expressed regret and that was before they even had the chance to see how they were being edited. I honestly feel bad for the participants, especially because most of them are in their early to mid twenties and probably can't imagine the impact this could have on their lives.

What the hell is going on with the pupils in The Ultimatum? The emotional tirades some people when on seemed so drug fuelled. There are more but I can't get close ups (S1 E3)
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Unofficial Netflix discussion, and all things Netflix related! (Mods are not Netflix employees, but employees occasionally post here).

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What the hell is going on with the pupils in The Ultimatum? The emotional tirades some people when on seemed so drug fuelled. There are more but I can't get close ups (S1 E3)
  • r/netflix - What the hell is going on with the pupils in The Ultimatum? The emotional tirades some people when on seemed so drug fuelled. There are more but I can't get close ups (S1 E3)
  • r/netflix - Not even dark

Who is watching The Ultimatum South Africa? Cuz it’s amazing !
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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Who is watching The Ultimatum South Africa? Cuz it’s amazing !
r/TheUltimatumNetflix - Who is watching The Ultimatum South Africa? Cuz it’s amazing !

Natasha (Tiff’s Friend) Needs To Host The Reunion
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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Natasha (Tiff’s Friend) Needs To Host The Reunion
r/TheUltimatumNetflix - Natasha (Tiff’s Friend) Needs To Host The Reunion

Yoly is one of the biggest Netflix reality clowns to ever exist … I—
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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Yoly is one of the biggest Netflix reality clowns to ever exist … I—


(In case you saw this in your notifications)

Goes on the show with Mal, falls in clear love with her partner, acts like she doesn’t GAF about Mal….

Then accepts Mals proposal, says it was HARD, doesn’t retract her engagement to be with Xander (HOW DO YOU FUMBLE XANDER!!!!!!!), ruins Xander & Nsa relationship, ends up single and alone and might not even end up having kids (which was the reason she came on in the first place).

Oh, and to top it all off she sided with Mildred in the reunion. I never went from liking to hating someone so fast. 😭

Even tho i mostly liked her bc i loved her and Xander together 🤧 (at the initial time of watching)

I don’t understand the obsession with Madelyn? Looks wise, she’s average at best - definitely the least attractive girl on the show. Colby is far better looking. Personality is WAY WORSE as well as her clear issue with alcohol. Why do the cast keep talking about her like she’s some kind of stunner?
r/TheUltimatumNetflix icon
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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I don’t understand the obsession with Madelyn? Looks wise, she’s average at best - definitely the least attractive girl on the show. Colby is far better looking. Personality is WAY WORSE as well as her clear issue with alcohol. Why do the cast keep talking about her like she’s some kind of stunner?
r/TheUltimatumNetflix - I don’t understand the obsession with Madelyn? Looks wise, she’s average at best - definitely the least attractive girl on the show. Colby is far better looking. Personality is WAY WORSE as well as her clear issue with alcohol. Why do the cast keep talking about her like…

Ryann is a Trump Supporter
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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Ryann is a Trump Supporter

They seemed so great on camera together for 3 short weeks but Ryann is a classic southern Trump supporter. She follows the orange felon himself and his wife. Trey follows democratic leaders.

As a black woman, it sucks that when you date interracially you have to remember to look over your shoulders for stuff like that.

I really liked her the most too which is too bad. Even if politics wasn’t a barrier for them both I find it hard to believe her family would have accepted him.

I Feel Netflix Failed Tiff
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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I Feel Netflix Failed Tiff

According to Tiff’s IG story we only saw 25% of the verbal attack that Mildred unleashed on Tiff at the reunion.

I think it is ethically dubious that Mildred was even invited after being arrested for Domestic Violence against Tiff. Ultimately Tiff said that they went into it open so I guess if they were okay with it that’s the bottom line.

However, allowing an abuse victim to be LAMBASTED for minutes by their abuser is absolutely disgusting. The host sat there dumbfounded and production just let it play out. I wonder how they can claim to be looking out for the cast’s safety (psychological and otherwise) when they facilitated someone being re-traumatized.

Tiff is an adult and did what was best for themself, but IMO it never should have gotten to that point. Tiff deserved to be at the reunion and feel safe in the process. If I were a producer I would have cut Mildred’s audio to let Tiff respond and had security in place to escort Mildred out if she couldn’t find a way to engage in a conversation instead of verbal abuse.

I don’t know how Tiff has silently sat on all of this for so long. I’m glad they get to tell their story now.

I feel like people are overlooking the true MVP of The Ultimatum. I would like to sincerely thank Hunter for his contribution to the show.
r/TheUltimatumNetflix icon
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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I feel like people are overlooking the true MVP of The Ultimatum. I would like to sincerely thank Hunter for his contribution to the show.

Thank you so much for proposing to Alexis. If I had to see more of her than I already did, it would have driven me up the fucking wall.

The Ultimatum South Africa Subreddit
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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kat had roxanne read like a book
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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kat had roxanne read like a book

roxanne tried so hard to overcompensate for her own deep rooted insecurity, by making kat seem small and weak, and honestly kat handled her so so perfectly, and everything kat said to or about roxanne was 100% spot on. that’s all.

Can we talk about Shanique’s beautiful family! I mean look at her dad, he looks like he’s 30. The whole family got blessed genetics
r/TheUltimatumNetflix icon
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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Can we talk about Shanique’s beautiful family! I mean look at her dad, he looks like he’s 30. The whole family got blessed genetics
r/TheUltimatumNetflix - Can we talk about Shanique’s beautiful family! I mean look at her dad, he looks like he’s 30. The whole family got blessed genetics

Soo… can we talk about this haircut?
r/TheUltimatumNetflix icon
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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Soo… can we talk about this haircut?
r/TheUltimatumNetflix - Soo… can we talk about this haircut?

Aussie should not be in any relationship period.
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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Aussie should not be in any relationship period.

I’m watching through the series and while everyone has their flaws, Aussie is the worst of them all. The way Aussie acts is literally like a 5yr old throwing tantrums in walmart isle because they are not getting their candy. Can’t communicate at all and is always a victim. Just can’t stand all of the bullshit. At 42 yr old if you haven’t figured out to not shut down every time you don’t get your way, you shouldn’t be in any relationship period. Just stay single and keep your baggage. No one deserves to be treated like how Sam was treated. Boohoo, you grew up in typical Asian household. So did billions of people including myself and they don’t act this way.

Edit: to clarify to people defending Aussie’s actions because Mildred=bad, my post is in response to how Aussie acted towards SAM. Calling her mate, saying she is asking dumb question. Utterly disrespectful. Walking out every single time when criticized in any small way. Sam’s walking on eggshells but still constantly gets triggered. Also even at the end calls walking out on Sam “pauses” to minimize what was done. Every time Aussie says ‘I did nothing wrong’? Can’t own up to anything.

Trauma can be an explanation not an excuse. Calling your partner’s feelings bullshit and walking out on them is an awful behaviour. What Aussie does to Sam is another form of abuse. Demeaning her left and right, shutting down any sort of communication when Sam is speaking for herself. Aussie and Mildred to me is opposite side of the same coin. Both abusers that pretend to be victim. They also both lie right out. Mildred def more extreme but nonetheless Aussie also twists the truth every opportunity.

I'm so disgusted by the reunion
r/TheUltimatumNetflix icon
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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I'm so disgusted by the reunion

Watched it last night, and now that I'm thinking back about it, I'm disgusted.

Yoly and Mildred are AWFUL. Is yoly just obsessed with feeling like everone is in love with her? The way she strung Xander along after accepting Mal's proposal is so gross to me. And then denying and lying in the reunion. Also, nessa had every right to bring up the hawaii issue.

I honestly find myself liking nessa?? Wtf.

Mildred has serious problems and the way she was allowed to steamroller over tiff is truly atrocious. I feel so bad for Tiff. I'm so incredibly disappointed in netflix.

And as a side note, the way L laughed off the way she treated nessa was so irritating. She was literally obsessed with what happened with rae and was a straight up bully, then comes on the reunion and laughs about it. I also find it hypocritical that she was so upset about what happened with rae, but is very obviously pursuing an OF career.

Season 1 Episode 10 'Reunion' Discussion Thread
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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Season 1 Episode 10 'Reunion' Discussion Thread

KHANYA is HORRIBLE! -The Ultimatum- South Africa
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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KHANYA is HORRIBLE! -The Ultimatum- South Africa

I needed something to watch so I decided to watch the South African one and boy am i glad I did. Khanya has me so mad rn lol. She puts all of the US villans to rest. This woman is actually horrible! How can someone be so full of herself!

Roxanne is the epitome of the toxic girl boss
r/TheUltimatumNetflix icon
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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Roxanne is the epitome of the toxic girl boss

I just watched that awkward lunch with her parents and I felt so uncomfortable the whole time. She can’t shut up about being independent and needing someone who challenges her but bullies the guy for not always opening the door and pulling out the chair. I don’t see anything wrong with liking gentlemen but her whole character is built around being a grinding and hustling girl boss who doesn’t believe in marriage. The whole time I was asking myself what she’s doing for the guy in the relationship? I feel like she only has expectations but offers nothing in return. Her personality is like looking at an Instagram account of some entrepreneur who sells hair extensions but you can’t shut it off.

(And let’s just ignore the fact that she’s definitely not 31.)

P.s.: 1. guys, I’ve just realized that I’ve been renting my room out on Airbnb for years. I’ll call myself a property manager boss lady from now on. I’m grinding hard doing laundry and making small talk all the f*cking time. I mean c’mon I get more internet traffic than her “business”.

2. I’m 33 and I am fully against ageism. Women are beautiful at 20 and 40 and 70 and at every other age. But I absolutely hate lying and thinking that viewers are completely stupid, just because she probably doesn’t want to admit the age gap between them (which is not a problem at all in my book, they’re adults) or wants to make herself younger. It’s sad.

Riah handled Lisa a lot better than I would at the Reunion
r/TheUltimatumNetflix icon
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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Riah handled Lisa a lot better than I would at the Reunion

Even after all this time Lisa is still feeling threatened and being rude to Riah at the reunion for no reason. She’s honestly better than me because if I was her, I would’ve mentioned that even though I’m a “Hooters B*tch” I’m

  • actually engaged and you don’t have a ring on your finger.

  • your 6 figure lifestyle still didn’t get your man to commit to you so are you actually better than me?

  • You’re literally the baby mama you didn’t want to be TWICE. How about that

Riah handled that with class and Lisa just kept showing how immature she is (not to mention the DV)

Zay is not the best, but oh GOD I HATED RAE SINCE DAY ONE
r/TheUltimatumNetflix icon
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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Zay is not the best, but oh GOD I HATED RAE SINCE DAY ONE

I cannot stand her one bit. Frankly, I hate something about everyone in this show but I hate her the most

Roxanne is incredibly abusive
r/TheUltimatumNetflix icon
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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Roxanne is incredibly abusive

She won’t tell Antonio that she loves him. She won’t wear her engagement ring (despite wearing rings on every other finger). She constantly puts Antonio down m. She’s downright mean. Her behavior during the reunion was just flat out gross. You could see that Antonio was hurting. I 100% believe that a male contestant exhibiting the exact same characteristics would’ve been viewed much worse than Roxanne.

I in 2023, we couldn’t get…
r/TheUltimatumNetflix icon
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The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits.

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I in 2023, we couldn’t get…
  • a queer host

  • pronouns listed at the start of the show

  • proper handling of DV

This is sad as hell.

  • The sub for The Ultimatum (2022) on Netflix, the series revolves around five or six couples approaching marriage, but one partner feels readier than the other. The pairs will live together, and after a week, each person must choose someone from among the five couples to move in with for three weeks. Once the eight weeks are up, the original couples have to decide whether to tie the knot or call it quits. members
  • This subreddit is for The Ultimatum South Africa (2024). "A six-way partner-swap sparks wild attractions and tearful betrayals; participants choose whom to love and leave in this heart-pounding experiment." members
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