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The Airbus A350 flies some of the world’s longest non-stop routes. Qantas’ Cam Wallace is banking on it to boost the airline’s international margins from 2026.

From a PR stunt to wellness zone: Qantas’ 22-hour non-stop gamble

The airline is banking on some of the longest flights in the world to be a hit with passengers, who will have to cough up 20 per cent more for the privilege.

  • by Amelia McGuire
Jetstar’s Collingwood headquarters is up for sale with a $60 million price tag.

Jetstar headquarters on the block

With a $65 million-plus million price tag, the long-time owners of the airline’s headquarters in Collingwood have decided to take flight after almost three decades.

  • by Tim Boreham

Opinion & Perspectives

Will Microsoft’s new AI assistants revolutionise the office? Maybe one day

Microsoft has poured millions of dollars and significant resources into its new Copilot AI tools. It might be a while until it sees a return on investment.

Matt Day

The surprising upside of impostor syndrome

Impostor thoughts, while often labelled as wholly negative, might just have a silver lining.

Shadé Zahrai
Shadé Zahrai

Careers contributor

China’s trade policy is almost a declaration of economic war

Forget free trade: Beijing aims to demolish its rivals and achieve monopolistic hegemony across entire industries, seeing trade as ideological warfare against democracies.

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

Banking & finance


Small business

Palm Valley Spirits managing director Lewis Millward backs efforts to strengthen labelling laws for Australian spirits, including adhering to rules about place of origin.

Whiskey wars: US distillers warn Australia to stick to spirit of the law

Complaints about Australian distillers mislabelling products as whiskey and bourbon risk triggering a trade dispute with the United States.

  • by Andrew Taylor
The pub sold to hospitality operators for $3.8 million.

Investors thirst for Melbourne’s much-loved pubs, but others call last drinks

A disturbing number of well-known hostelries are also calling last drinks because of soaring costs.

  • by Tim Boreham

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