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Cringe & Facepalm

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A place to watch the best and worst videos from TikTok. Here you can find TikToks that are cringe-worthy, funny, wholesome, and more! We recommend sorting by flair to find the exact content you're looking for.

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Georgia State Board of Elections is planning a coup if GOP don’t win in November

A place to watch the best and worst videos from TikTok. Here you can find TikToks that are cringe-worthy, funny, wholesome, and more! We recommend sorting by flair to find the exact content you're looking for.

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Georgia State Board of Elections is planning a coup if GOP don’t win in November
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Drunk boomer keeps woman trapped in bathroom because he wants to be her hero (and more)

BoomersBeingFools is for images, videos, and stories of baby boomers and elders behaving in an obnoxious, entitled, or otherwise foolish manner. Paired with r/BoomersBeingBros

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Drunk boomer keeps woman trapped in bathroom because he wants to be her hero (and more)

This happened a few years ago at a housewarming party and to this day is still one of the most boomerish things I've ever witnessed.

A friend's mom had just purchased a home and hosted a small gathering to celebrate. Among the guests were the host's younger sister (40 something) and the host's boomer (60 something) male coworker. The boomer showed up early and was already noticeably drunk by the time other guests started arriving (my friend & I were already there to help with preparations).

When the sister arrived, the boomer was smitten with her and started dropping cheesy pickup lines. She was clearly uninterested and uncomfortable but did her best to be polite and not embarrass or offend him. He was oblivious to the social cues while continuing with his creepy act. After about half an hour of tolerating him, she excused herself to use the restroom. This is where things got really interesting.

A few minutes passed and we heard some knocking and shouting. The bathroom door lock was jammed and the sister could not get out - just the "hero opportunity" super boomer was waiting for.

He made a beeline for the door and started forcefully twisting away at the knob, but it wasn't budging. In spite of his ineffective attempts, he wasn't letting anyone else get near the door to try and open it. He just stood there with his hand on the knob while insisting he would "rescue" her, and implying that she would "owe him" once he did. This went on for over 40 minutes, and he even wanted someone to bring him a chair so he could sit down while fighting with the lock (thankfully no one did).

As luck would have it, his earlier indulgence caught up with him and he had to pee. The other bathroom was upstairs and he reluctantly stepped away to relieve himself, but not before reassuring the trapped sister that he'd be right back to "rescue" her and insisting that no one else attempt to open the door as "we don't know what we're doing and would just make things worse."

Once he was out of the way, my friend & I had the door open in under a minute. Turns out the hinges were a bit loose, allowing the door to sag enough to bind the latch. By lifting on the knob while turning, it opened right up.

Super boomer returned just in time to see freesister hugging and thanking my friend & I for getting the door open, and he was pissed. "I told you not to do anything til I got back!" as if he was making any progress. My friend's mom, being the good humored saint she is, offered to get herself trapped so he could rescue her. The laughs at that were too much for super boomer's fragile ego. He left abruptly and the rest of us had a great time rehashing the whole fiasco.

"Don't put her on the counter!"

BoomersBeingFools is for images, videos, and stories of baby boomers and elders behaving in an obnoxious, entitled, or otherwise foolish manner. Paired with r/BoomersBeingBros

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"Don't put her on the counter!"

I (F53) am on a road trip with my daughter in-law (F28) and my grandaughter (F3). Not a long one, just 3 hours from home to see the travelling Pompeii exhibit, but long enough to need a pee break.

While in the CircleK, my grandaughter had her wigglebutt going and was being her usual adorable self. Enter Boomer lady, staring.

"How old is she??"

My grandaughter is the gregarious sort, she chirped "I'm THREE!" My DIL laughed. "She's 3, going on 30."

Sez the Boomer lady: "Make sure you never put her on the counter when you're cooking! She could get burned up!"

I have never heard silence so deafening! My DIL and I stared at each other, then at her. My grandaughter, thankfully, was oblivious to that remark. DIL picked her up and almost SPRINTED to the car. I just stared some more.

"Wow. You said that with your entire outside voice, didn't you?"

Boomer snapped "I was just trying to help!"

WTF? Help? How? Who accosts strangers in the CircleK to tell them not to let their preschooler get burned to death??? How is THAT top of mind when you see a cute little kid???

Funny interaction between soccer fans during the match Mali vs Israel

BoomersBeingFools is for images, videos, and stories of baby boomers and elders behaving in an obnoxious, entitled, or otherwise foolish manner. Paired with r/BoomersBeingBros

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Funny interaction between soccer fans during the match Mali vs Israel
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Older sister hung up on our Mother after she said No


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Older sister hung up on our Mother after she said No

My oldest sibling who is 11 yrs older than me called my mother who is 84 years old and asked her to borrow over $3000 to pay for her husband‘s cataract removal (uninsured)by choice because they refuse to make sacrifices.

My mother is not a rich woman and lives on Social Security and my father’s pension … She pays over $800 in rent that does not include her utilities … plus she pays for Medicare and her extra health insurance which cost her another $800.00 per month. No car cost she is blind.

My sister and her husband own a small appliance repair service and because he has issues with diabetes and his feet he needs help to work his jobs when he works. They decided to hire a family friend and pay this person 2k a month to help her husband with his jobs and my sister also get social security … Her husband is too young for SS. They also pay $400 a month for rent in a friend’s home they have been living with for 15 yrs.

So my Mother told my sister she would need to check with my other sister who takes care of her bank account before she could commit because she has had rent and insurance increases….So Last night my Sister called my mom and said OK Appointment for his cataract removal is all set for next month. My mom had no idea she was doing this.

My mom then asked her why can’t his sisters help him with this (both are lawyers and so our their spouses) My sister said because they pay for his eye appointments every couple of months which cost $900.00 and he is also on a program that pays for eye injections that cost them nothing.

My mom then told her she couldn’t give her 3k because she is feeling the cost increase pressures of rent and insurance and before she could say anything else to my sister hung up on her.

Now my other sister is pissed and my Mom is so upset that she took a nerve pill last night just to sleep and I can’t get involved because Im not suppose to know about any of this and my mom asked me to stay out of it ….

My sister has never made any hard choices in her life and then expect my mother and others to help her out. She is a bad risk and notorious, for not paying people back including my mom and my mom has given her so much money over my life time.

Makes me mad that she hung up on her.

This isn’t mildly infuriating it’s down right evil.

Woman tries to guilt my family into giving her a seat we reserved
r/EntitledPeople Stories from your lives about people who think the rules don't apply to them and they should get what they want. Sister subreddit of /r/entitledparents

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Woman tries to guilt my family into giving her a seat we reserved

Once, I was at a parade in my city. My entire extended family was there. So think about 15 people total.

My grandpa had reserved some seats for us all. We get there and a woman and her kid were sitting in two of them. My grandpa told her we reserved them.

She looks at her daughter and says “Well, I guess we better give him his seats…” probably expecting us to feel bad and say “No, it’s ok!”

We didn’t. Instead our group just stared until she got up with her kid and left.

Good luck on finding your very specific luxury cat breed for free (NOT purchase!) because you... checks notes... are an animal welfare advocate I guess 🙃

This subreddit is for posting screenshots, pictures, or stories of people who are being way too picky when begging for things.

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Good luck on finding your very specific luxury cat breed for free (NOT purchase!) because you... checks notes... are an animal welfare advocate I guess 🙃
r/ChoosingBeggars - Good luck on finding your very specific luxury cat breed for free (NOT purchase!) because you... checks notes... are an animal welfare advocate I guess 🙃

Boomer wouldn’t get out of the way when I was taking another patients X-ray

BoomersBeingFools is for images, videos, and stories of baby boomers and elders behaving in an obnoxious, entitled, or otherwise foolish manner. Paired with r/BoomersBeingBros

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Boomer wouldn’t get out of the way when I was taking another patients X-ray

I had to take an X-ray for one of my patients. We’re a decent distance away from the check out desk. But we tell the patients who are checking out to please stand behind the wall for extra safety. So I set my patient up for the X-ray and I go behind the wall. When I am about to take the picture. I noticed a patient checking out. Completely exposed. I asked him to go behind the wall. And he brushed me off. My coworker who was checking him out. Said ‘sir you need to stand behind the wall, as the MA is about to take an X-ray and we don’t want you to be exposed.’ The boomer says ‘no I don’t want too.’ My coworker says ‘sir you need to, you will be exposed to radiation’ boomer says ‘no im comfortable here’ coworker says ‘it’s dangerous for you to be exposed to radiation please go behind the wall’ boomer says ‘I have bad knees! I can’t!’ Meanwhile he wasn’t using a cane and was standing fine, and he literally just had to scoot two inches. My coworker looks at me and says ‘just take the X-ray some people just don’t want to listen’ so I took the X-ray and when I was walking with my patient back to her room. (She was also a boomer, but very nice). She asked me what that was all about. And I just shrugged. And explained that it was dangerous to be exposed to radiation and all we asked was to move two inches behind a wall. She said that was terrible what he did, and we didn’t deserve his attitude. She was nice. And I was shocked that the boomer who refused to listen to us complain that he was being exposed. Even though we told him multiple times to go behind the wall. Ugh! Some people!

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  • A place to watch the best and worst videos from TikTok. Here you can find TikToks that are cringe-worthy, funny, wholesome, and more! We recommend sorting by flair to find the exact content you're looking for. members
  • BoomersBeingFools is for images, videos, and stories of baby boomers and elders behaving in an obnoxious, entitled, or otherwise foolish manner. Paired with r/BoomersBeingBros members
  • Scroll through LinkedIn and you will find a mix of rampant virtue signaling, cringeworthy titles, and stories that could come from r/thathappened. This subreddit is for sharing and discussing these LinkedIn characters. **Linkedin is public content, there is no need to hide user names** members
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  • Stories from your lives about people who think the rules don't apply to them and they should get what they want. Sister subreddit of /r/entitledparents members
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  • This subreddit is for posting screenshots, pictures, or stories of people who are being way too picky when begging for things. members
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  • This community is dedicated to cringe-worthy pictures, stories, and videos of service members acting boot. This is not a place for bashing the military. No Law enforcement, EMT's, or any other professions that are not the military unless the specific post involves both the military and another profession. members
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  • Are you an edgy teen that just stumbled onto Black Metal via TikTok? Do you make shitty black metal TikTok’s? Are LifeLover & Psychonaut 4 your favorite bands? Do you wear shitty corpse paint even though you don’t perform?Do you get triggered when someone calls you a poser? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may just see yourself on here. Congratulations. members