Anarchist Affinity Group

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anon (not verified)
Anarchist Affinity Group

I don't really know how this forum feels about young people but I'm hoping for the best

Hey, new poster here. For a while I've sort of vaguely circled anarchist spaces with my involvement in protests and the punk scene, and I've always meant to dive more into anarchy but have always sort of procrastinated. I've recently begun reading material, lurking on forums, and thinking of some "small acts of anarchy" I guess you could call it. I've also become excited enough about this to decide to start an anarchy affinity group at my school (I'm young) that I hope will work as a sort of work and social oriented group for anarchists of all kinds of different opinions to come together. My school has some pretty shitty issues that are pretty typical of the so-to-speak "micro-government" that a school is, I hope to make a group that can help the student body where the school is failing them.

I know this is all pretty trivial stuff, but think about it as like anarchy with training wheels. For example, our school has vending machines—which I suspect they privately own because it seems they buy the product outright and then stock it themselves—that are run by "clubs." Since the beginning of the school year the vending machines have been stocked with extremely expired drinks and despite complaints for almost a month now the school has not removed to expired products. They have even restocked the vending machines without removing the expired product. I suspect these greedy bastards are doing this because trashing the drinks would mean they're losing money they spent buying them in the first place. I've decided to finally do something about this, so I made a petition calling for the "club" that runs the vending machines to remove all expired product.

Point is, this is the type of issues that I want to start an affinity group for. It's obvious that the school has been dragging their feet on this issue/straight up ignoring it for nearly a whole damn month now. If there was a group at our school that could ruffle some feathers to do what's best for the student body these problems would probably be solved much quicker than trying to get change "by the book."

Of course I also have tons of other ideas for what this group could be. A place to exchange literature, have discussions, create zines, make art, plan some "small acts of anarchy" like making some wildflower seed bombs. I wanna help some of the kids at my school who don't know how the fuck to "do anarchy," cause I remember what it's like to be that kid. I'm going to college soon but I figure I might as well do something worth while with my last year.

Life isn't a race so no

Life isn't a race so no worries. Try stuff out that sounds fun and liberatory for you. You will fail and bad stuff eventually will happen like every learning experi nce in life. But it's the trying and failing or succeeding that teach ppl stuff. So go ahead and do whatever u find fun and makes ur life better.

Thinking creatively about how u can affect the wold in a way u like is pretty impressive at such a young age. I'm impressed

anon (not verified)
Don’t be in a hurry to brand

Don’t be in a hurry to brand yourself, to organize, take stances, raise “issues,” and teach others what you think are the “right” beliefs. We are all of us always learning especially at a young age. Youth is fleeting and fragile and many a young anarchist has fucked themselves over with too much nerve and too little patience. I think most older radicals will tell you our beliefs evolved a lot due to experience. There’s a horrible pressure to “do something “ and have the “right takes,” don’t give in, it can crush your spirit as badly as any repression from external authority.

Why don’t you check out local groups who are already doing something culturally, politically or socially against the status quo, even if it’s not quite along the lines of your current ideas. Why don’t you study the history and trajectory of anarchism in context. A lot of anarchist groups have started out as reading groups that study theory and history and use them to discuss current events and struggles. Heck, spend some time volunteering for a “soup kitchen” or some other type project. You will get to know something about people and about activism.

And do think about staying out of trouble, as someone who’s been there - you may think you’ll “get off easier” as a kid but then again you might not; as a minor you barely have rights anyway. The ones you have can get taken away real quick and it can affect you for a long time. Be free, be smart, make friends, have fun, don’t get caught! Best of luck….

anon (not verified)
somebody dunked on me

somebody dunked on me recently by pointing out they'd never seen me run for any reason until my beer started floating away when i was chilling it at the beach? so yeah, almost never in a hurry

OP (not verified)
Thanks for the advice, we're

Thanks for the advice, we're trying to encourage people in the group to feel free to have plenty different beliefs. I believe that in the same way diversity creates a healthy gene pool it also creates healthier affinity groups. I don't want us to all hold the same opinions because then it turns into a little bit of a cult yk? Unfortunately I live in an incredibly rural area so all the "local groups" are about a two hour drive to the nearest city or are inactive. I want to get involved with our local food not bombs but I'm not sure if they actually are an active group here. And about getting in trouble, don't worry I'll try my best. I'm definitely not unaware of the risks and dangers, especially since in a couple months I can be tried as an adult. Thank you for the kind comment and thoughtful advice!

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