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How many Millennials out there have zero tattoos?
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How many Millennials out there have zero tattoos?

Just curious.

AITA for telling my husband that I will divorce him tomorrow because he doesn’t clean anymore?
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this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITA for telling my husband that I will divorce him tomorrow because he doesn’t clean anymore?

I'm at my wits end. Everything changed after marriage and I couldn't tell you why. Our biggest problem is cleaning. My husband used to clean up after himself but after marriage he just completely stopped with no warning. We were dating for 3 years, engaged for 1, and now freshly married. We're 28 and 29.

After we got married my husband stopped cleaning. He wouldn't pick up after himself, wouldn't do his agreed upon chores and suddenly became a slob. It was like he's been intentionally dirtying things up. I stopped doing all of my housework out of protest a month into our marriage and I now live in complete and utter filth. I'm rarely home due to the mess. I part time live with my sister at this point and he doesn't even care. I come home only to sleep at night and sometimes I don't even come home at all. It's like we aren't even married anymore and it's draining my mental health to the point where I've had multiple breakdowns this month. I'm completely over it. I wanted to get married but this is not the man I married. I would much rather be home where I belong, but I'm not a maid.

The mess is as follows: wet food in the sink from him throwing his plate (finished or not) in there, bugs, garbage littered everywhere, puddles of mystery substances, the trash is never taken out, all of his laundry is dirty, clothes unfolded, crumbs galore, takeout everywhere since he won't cook, dishes piled to the skies. I can guarantee you there's more but I can't describe it right. It's like he's a toddler. It's exactly like mommy isn't cleaning up so he's tornadoing through our house and not caring. Before he would scrape his plate, rinse it, then leave it. He would take the trash outside and take the cans to the curb, he'd sweep, vacuum, occasionally do laundry and he would never eat in the bed. Now he does it all.

A few hours ago I told him that if he doesn't clean up tonight then I'm divorcing him tomorrow. I said if I don't see some progress on the house then we're over. He told me that I'm being an asshole for no reason and that cleaning is no longer his job. I nearly popped a fucking blood vessel. We did not decide on that. He's telling me that I'm throwing everything away over pride and that all new marriages go through this transition. Bull fucking shit. He told his mom and she called me not too long ago and told me that I need to calm down and reconcile. I really love my MIL and she's one of the most level headed people I know, hence the reason I'm writing this post. She's making me wonder if divorce is too far because it's only mess, but it's mess. She told me that we can reach a compromise, need to take a breather and talk about it all, but I truthfully do not want to. She reminded me of our good times and that life won't always be the way it is now, but I'm feeling incredibly skeptical. I cannot stand filth and I can't live like this even if it's for him. AITA?

Edit: After writing a long comment, I'm done. I know I just posted, but I truly am done. My MIL made me second guess myself but all I needed was to think about it all and hear an outside opinion even if it's just one. He fooled me for 4 years and marriage is not trapping me. He used to clean up after himself and be the most wonderful partner. It's a real shame that he showed his true colors after we paid so much on our wedding. I'm not a maid and he's not a toddler. Even toddlers are more responsible and respectful than him.

TIL that in 2018, an American half-pipe skier qualified for the Olympics despite minimal experience. Olympic requirements stated that an athlete needed to place in the top 30 at multiple events. She simply sought out events with fewer than 30 participants, showed up, and skied down without falling.

Florida pedophile church pastor rapes children, faces potential DEATH PENALTY
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I spend $2,000 a month on escorts.
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I spend $2,000 a month on escorts.

I’m 27(m). I work in tech and I make 90k a year. I’ve been seeing escorts for 4 years now. I need some serious help on how to beat this addiction. I’m too scared to tell my family or friends about this. Everyone thinks I live a great life and I have this hiding behind closed doors. The wake-up call was when I recently caught feelings for one(like an idiot) and she ended up ghosting me. I’ve thought about just getting rid of my iPhone but I don’t know what other steps to take.

Edit: I got women chatting me up about potential sugar baby options. A girlfriend does not cost more than 2k a month lol.

There is a 4th of July festival in Glacier View, Alaska with the sole purpose of launching cars and trucks off a 300 foot cliff into a pond surrounded by spectators
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For the most interesting things on the internet

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There is a 4th of July festival in Glacier View, Alaska with the sole purpose of launching cars and trucks off a 300 foot cliff into a pond surrounded by spectators
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