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Displaying 1 - 50 of 338148
Project Title Status Priority Category Version Replies Last updatedsort ascending Assigned to Created
Material Icons PHP Fatal error: During class fetch: Uncaught ParseError: syntax error, unexpected '|', expecting ';' or '{' Needs work Normal Bug report 2.0.2 14 1 min 4 sec 1 month 2 weeks
TLSRPT (SMTP TLS Reporting) Start converting annotations to attributes and require core 10.3 Fixed Normal Task 1.x-dev 5 3 min 38 sec 22 min 17 sec
Geolocation Tianditu If possible, add test for Features Active Normal Feature request 4.0.x-dev 3 7 min 53 sec 1 day 23 hours
Solo Line height in q tag Active Normal Support request 1.0.7 8 12 min 34 sec 1 day 21 hours
Rivet Rivet form fixes Fixed Normal Bug report 1.0.x-dev 20 14 min 30 sec 2 weeks 6 days
Geolocation Tianditu Zoom position didn't work Active Normal Bug report 4.0.x-dev 4 15 min 2 sec 5 days 19 hours
Sa11y Update README.md file according to "README.md template" Needs work Normal Task 3.0.0 4 21 min 24 sec 20 hours 42 min
CKEditor 5 Paste Filter Align coding standards with core Needs review Normal Task 1.0.x-dev 5 28 min 29 sec rishabjasrotia 7 hours 53 min
Drupal core Migrate Toolbar button to SDC Active Normal Task 11.0.x-dev 13 45 min 40 sec 21 hours 27 min
Tour Fully validate schema Needs review Normal Task 2.0.x-dev 4 1 hour 2 min 4 hours 10 min
Drupal core Symfony\Component\Validator\Exception\LogicException: The LangcodeRequiredIfTranslatableValues constraint can only operate on the root object being validated Reviewed & tested by the community Major Bug report 10.3.x-dev 33 1 hour 4 min 1 month 1 week
Lightning Workflow Circular reference detected for service "cache.backend.database". Active Critical Bug report 4.0.x-dev 15 1 hour 6 min 6 days 15 hours
Drupal core [meta] Fix strict type errors in kernel tests Active Normal Plan 11.x-dev 32 1 hour 8 min 8 months 4 days
Web Experience Toolkit Code comments in wxt_ext_layout say to remove these Fixed Normal Task 5.2.2 8 1 hour 8 min 6 days 13 hours
Drupal core Fix usages of AssertContentTrait and stop recommending FormattableMarkup Active Normal Task 11.x-dev 5 1 hour 10 min 7 months 4 days
Drupal core Secondary tabs design is distorted on block view page Reviewed & tested by the community Normal Bug report 11.x-dev 11 1 hour 11 min 2 months 55 min
Drupal core Fix strict type errors in AssertContentTrait Needs review Normal Task 11.x-dev 20 1 hour 12 min 7 months 2 weeks
Drupal core Cache metadata bubbling does not work for AccessResultForbidden Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Normal Bug report 11.x-dev 16 1 hour 13 min 6 years 2 months
Panels Add support for lazy_builders and dynamic page cache Needs review Major Task 8.x-4.x-dev 44 1 hour 14 min 6 years 4 months
Visitors Phpunit: Missing @group annotation Fixed Normal Task 8.x-2.x-dev 4 1 hour 19 min 2 weeks 3 days
Chaos Tool Suite (ctools) Block entity_field renders entity field twice. Reviewed & tested by the community Normal Bug report 4.1.x-dev 24 1 hour 30 min 6 years 7 months
Drupal core Add an index on locales_location on type and name Needs work Major Bug report 11.x-dev 22 1 hour 32 min 4 years 14 hours
Web Experience Toolkit Layout Builder ST not listed in modules list. Fixed Normal Bug report 5.2.x-dev 17 1 hour 33 min 1 week 7 hours
GitLab Templates cspell fails when drupal-dictionary.txt is missing Active Normal Bug report 2 1 hour 38 min 2 hours 24 min
Drupal core Allow plugin service wiring via constructor parameter attributes Needs work Normal Task 11.x-dev 35 1 hour 40 min 1 year 12 months
GitLab Templates CI installs wrong Drupal version Active Normal Bug report 4 1 hour 53 min 19 hours 32 min
Web Experience Toolkit Split contextual footer menu migration Needs work Normal Feature request 5.2.x-dev 6 1 hour 59 min 1 week 13 hours
Paragraphs Image preview when selecting paragraphs Needs work Normal Feature request 8.x-1.12 5 2 hours 4 min 3 years 11 months
Paragraphs Show icons for paragraph "actions" Active Normal Feature request 8.x-1.x-dev 1 2 hours 9 min 2 hours 9 min
Tour Update tests for D11 Fixed Normal Task 2.0.x-dev 4 3 hours 7 min 5 hours 40 min
Mini site Remove Drupal 9 Support from Minisite module Active Major Task 2.x-dev 2 3 hours 10 min pandaski 3 hours 12 min
Web Experience Toolkit Group module Fixed Normal Task 5.2.x-dev 2 3 hours 22 min 1 month 2 weeks
Web Experience Toolkit Security advisory for group module Needs review Normal Bug report 5.0.1 31 3 hours 28 min 6 months 3 weeks
Tour Tour module popup stays fixed when toolbar moves Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Minor Bug report 2.0.x-dev 43 3 hours 41 min 10 years 3 months
Drupal core Use UUID as entity ID Needs review Normal Bug report 11.x-dev 25 3 hours 44 min 1 year 9 months
Tour Follow-up for #3051766: Create API for tour items to replace use of drupalSettings Active Normal Task 2.0.x-dev 11 3 hours 45 min 3 years 1 month
Metatag AI Discuss the need to add an access role. Needs work Normal Feature request 1.0.x-dev 9 3 hours 46 min 4 months 3 weeks
Views (for Drupal 7) Variable Variables for php 8.2 Needs review Normal Bug report 7.x-3.x-dev 7 3 hours 50 min 17 hours 6 min
Tour Integrate help_topics with tours Postponed (maintainer needs more info) Normal Feature request 2.0.x-dev 9 3 hours 57 min 3 years 2 weeks
Web Experience Toolkit Update file_entity in composer.json Fixed Normal Task 5.2.x-dev 4 4 hours 9 min 1 month 3 weeks
Web Experience Toolkit Use content language for footer menu visibility conditions Fixed Normal Feature request 5.2.x-dev 3 4 hours 11 min 1 week 10 hours
Cloud Fix compatibility with Maclof\Kubernetes\Client Needs review Normal Bug report 7.x-dev 5 4 hours 14 min yas 1 day 20 hours
Codit: Batch Operations Project page/Documentation review Active Major Feature request 1.0.x-dev 6 4 hours 19 min 4 days 7 hours
Drupal core Wrong DRUPAL_ROOT with non-standard code structure Reviewed & tested by the community Normal Bug report 11.x-dev 247 4 hours 21 min 11 years 9 months
Visitors Location: browser language Fixed Normal Feature request 8.x-2.x-dev 8 4 hours 22 min 10 months 2 weeks
Web Experience Toolkit PHP deprecation issues with AutoSaveFormBuilder Fixed Normal Bug report 5.2.2 5 4 hours 27 min 2 months 2 days
Paragraphs Bundles Facilitate mass conversion of photo galleries to paragraph bundles Active Normal Feature request 1.0.x-dev 6 4 hours 31 min 1 week 1 day
Drupal core Make the comments in Views handler Manager around overrides clearer Needs review Minor Task 11.0.x-dev 5 4 hours 32 min 14 hours 9 min
Web Experience Toolkit Patches failing to apply Fixed Normal Bug report 5.2.2 13 4 hours 32 min 2 weeks 3 days
Web Experience Toolkit LB inline blocks are no longer translatable. Fixed Major Bug report 5.2.x-dev 9 4 hours 36 min 1 week 6 hours


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