Bangladesh protests

Bangladesh: The defiance continues (plus statements from South Asian left)

Omer Abdullah Khan — Students across Bangladesh are grieving, but their anger and grief is fueling a heroic movement of resistance and defiance.

Rebecca Meckelburg: Suharto’s lingering shadow — Prospects for human rights and democracy in Indonesia and West Papua after Prabowo’s election

Rebecca Meckelburg assesses the political and human rights situation in Indonesia and West Papua in light of Prabowo Subianto’s recent election.
White Paper movement China

The beginning of the end of China’s rise? An interview with Au Loong-Yu

Au Loong-Yu discusses the factors that fueled China’s phenomenal economic rise, how they have begun to exhaust themselves, and the significance of the White Paper movement, which he argues heralds a new period in Chinese politics.

Foreign direct investment: The opium for development

Dmitry Pozhidaev — If religion is the opium of the people, FDI is the opium of development: it creates an appearance of development while undermining and restricting development opportunities.
Child in Gaza

Gilbert Achcar: On the murder of children and the return of genocide to banality

Gilbert Achcar — It is one of the cruel ironies of history that those who claim to speak on behalf of the victims of Nazi genocide are the perpetrators of the most horrific campaign of extermination in the history of contemporary settler colonialism.
destruction in Gaza

An unending genocide in Gaza: Interview with Toufic Haddad

Toufic Haddad speaks about the history and political economy behind the genocide — from Hamas’ October 7 attack to Israel’s strategic objectives in its repeated wars on Gaza, to the failures of the Oslo framework.
Trump Biden

The United States hurtles toward political crisis: Assassination attempt emboldens Trump, further immobilizes Democrats

Ashley Smith analyzes the impact of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump on the deepening political crisis in the US and the ever growing weakness of the Joe Biden campaign.
New Popular Front

The French left after the parliamentary elections: A new beginning or a return to the past?

Roger Martelli — It is to the credit of all components of the French left, without exception, that it did everything possible to defeat the far right. But it should not draw the conclusion that it now holds all the cards.
Jeremy Corbyn and supporters

Britain: The right after Sunak — and the left‑wing alternative

Phil Hearse — As Britain grapples with the aftermath of its recent general election, the political landscape is shifting dramatically. With the Labour left marginalised and the far-right Reform UK surging, the implications for Britain's future and the international scene are profound.
olkets Klimamarch is held in Copenhagen before the upcoming EU Parliament elections on Sunday 2 June 2024.

More than just an electoral upwind? Nordic left-wing parties after the EU elections

Record results for (Centre-)Left parties in the Nordic countries, with far-right parties losing ground. Ada Regelmann gives a sober assessment of the European elections results in Denmark, Finland and Sweden.
Sweden Left Party

Sweden’s Left Party celebrates its biggest win in 20 year

John Hörnquist — After winning over 11 percent of the vote in June’s European Parliament elections, the Swedish Left Party Vänsterpartiet is celebrating its best election results in twenty years.
Construction workers in Marbella, Spain. Photo by Chris Gold. Used under CC license 2.0.

Green class struggle: Workers and the Just Transition

Gareth Dale — A resilient history of workers’ initiatives overcoming redundancies, alongside recent activist, trade-union and workforce collaborations, provide concrete examples for empowered just transitions.