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Ce ma bucura maxim dupa shitshow-ul CrowdStrike de ieri este muia epica luata de toti CTOs CEOs si directori care au facut outsourcing la departamente de IT support catre tari precum India si care au stat ieri si care inca stau pe hold la telefon sa primeasca suport.

Comunitatea programatorilor romani de pe Reddit

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Ce ma bucura maxim dupa shitshow-ul CrowdStrike de ieri este muia epica luata de toti CTOs CEOs si directori care au facut outsourcing la departamente de IT support catre tari precum India si care au stat ieri si care inca stau pe hold la telefon sa primeasca suport.

Ce ma bucura maxim dupa shitshow-ul CrowdStrike de ieri este muia epica luata de toti CTOs CEOs si directori care au facut outsourcing la departamente de IT support catre tari precum India si care au stat ieri si care inca stau pe hold la telefon sa primeasca suport.

Muie pt ocazia asta si muie in avans pentru data viitoare cand se va intampla ceva similiar pentru ca stim cu totii ca nu vor invata nimic din toata nebunia asta si vor trata in continuare IT-ul ca o cheltuiala fara rost.

Bineinteles, F in chat pentru toti fratii sysadmins care au avut de tras si care probabil inca mai au de tras dupa toata chestia asta.

I think I fucked up. Need your help salvage this ship.

A wholesome community made by & for software & tech folks in India. Have a doubt? Ask it out.

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I think I fucked up. Need your help salvage this ship.

Throwaway account.

I joined TCS Digital out of college back in 2021. Luckily got into a good project and got a solid grip of things in 3 years. I joined as a junior backend dev and was the lead backend engineer in the project as of recent.

About a month before this project's contract was ending with TCS. I got a call from the client-side senior manager who wanted to onboard me directly. I have seen people jump directly to client, and even was kinda expecting this.

He gave me a generous verbal offer of 30 LPA and I resigned from TCS a day after we had our call - since our notice period is long (90 days).

The project ended in June. He said he'll give me the offer letter mid-July (70 days into NP).

On 15th, this guy hits me with a plethora of "sorries" and that his "senior did not approve on onboarding new engineers".

I have been trying to apply and interview during my NP, but sadly did not receive any interviews out of some 200+ applications.

As you can see, I'm now fucked.

I have 20 days before TCS releases me.

They've already started separation process. I have no other offers in hand. What should I do?

My partner is a game developer

The subreddit covers various game development aspects, including programming, design, writing, art, game jams, postmortems, and marketing. It serves as a hub for game creators to discuss and share their insights, experiences, and expertise in the industry.

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My partner is a game developer

Hey, my partner is a game developer and I am absolutely clueless about it. He comes home from work and I ask him about his day, and he says it’s fine, but I feel like he just doesn’t want to talk to me about it because he knows i don’t understand. He has an NDA at work so he can’t specifically go into too much detail, but I want to know if there is any paths I could take that would help me understand more, or help him open up more to me regarding programming. Any advice is welcomed (:.

Edit : Hey, just wanted to add a few details I missed out on. 1) We do play games together but I feel like I am unsure of the specific questions to ask to get him to open up. 2) I understand not wanting to talk about work, but he has expressed in the past it is simply because I do not know enough, and taking the time to explain everything seems impossible.

Found my first SE job at 32 years old

A subreddit for all questions related to programming in any language.

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Found my first SE job at 32 years old

Hi, I would like to share my joy of finally finding a job as a full stack software engineer after one year of learning programming from scratch. I would like to share with you my journey and I hope this will encourage others to stick to the path and to continue grinding. I know that these are worrisome times now for the industry, the market is scary, there are a lot of doomers everywhere, but if I can do it at 32 years old, so can you.

My journey:

February 2023 - bought book Python Crash Course.

May 2023 - finish the book, at this point I understand that I enjoy programming and that I want to dedicate myself to this full time.

June 2023 - quit my high-paying but unsatisfactory corporate job and buying one-way ticket from US to Thailand, never intending to go back to US and thereby forfeiting my H1B status.

June 2023 - January 2024 - grinding The Odin Project. Decided to skip the final 3 projects because I had no interest in building something which is just a portfolio throwaway when I know I have the skillset to built something that is actually useful.

February 2024 - April 2024 - spending 3 months to build and release my first full stack project. Getting bored by it after releasing it, so decided to write down the backlog and postpone it for later. Great ideas, but tedious to implement while not being too challenging.

May 2024 - having a month off from programming, traveling and enjoying life.

June 2024 - finding joy in quick dopamine boosts from grinding leetcode. Solved 50 problems following the NeetCode roadmap. Also building portfolio website showcasing some of my favorite projects that I've built throughout this journey.

July 2024 - actively applying to companies. Applied to about 25-30 companies. Just sending my portfolio and polished resume with a small cover letter to each company. Finding direct contacts of HRs on telegram and reaching out to them. Two start-up companies called for an interview. Had two interviews at each company. One is still considering, another gave me an offer. $1000 - while not much relative to USA (1/12 of what I was getting in US), enough to live comfortably in Asia and a good start to build career that I actually enjoy.

I spent this year traveling and doing the stuff I want. Taking days off when I need, and just doing everything at my own pace. Granted, I was fortunate to have some budget to afford this endeavor, it still didn't cost me too much. I lived frugally and spent at about $1000 per month through this period. I think it's not a bad cost for the education plus the opportunity to travel and see the world.

I begin my first working day on Tuesday and I'm very enthusiastic about this. Consistency and dedication makes it guys. Just keep grinding and don't listen to the doomers, and you'll make it.

Interactive release notes for Go 1.23

Ask questions and post articles about the Go programming language and related tools, events etc.

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Interactive release notes for Go 1.23

I believe that examples are crucial to better understanding language and stdlib changes. The Go release notes, on the other hand, are rather dry and devoid of code samples.

So I tried to remedy that by combining the Go 1.23 release notes (written by the Go team) with lots of interactive code snippets that show exactly what has changed and what the new behavior is.

Specifically, I've added examples for:

  • Iterators (range / types / pull / slices / maps).

  • Timer changes (garbage collection and reset/stop behavior).

  • Canonical values with the unique package.

  • HTTP cookie handling.

  • Copying directories.

  • Slices and atomics changes.

Hopefully they will be helpful to anyone interested in checking out what's new in 1.23.

At what point does an extravagantly long interview process become a red flag for a company/position?

For experienced developers. This community should be specialized subreddit facilitating discussion amongst individuals who have gained some ground in the software engineering world. Any posts or comments that are made by inexperienced individuals (outside of the weekly Ask thread) should be reported. Anything not specifically related to development or career advice that is _specific_ to Experienced Developers belongs elsewhere. Try /r/work, /r/AskHR, /r/careerguidance, or /r/OfficePolitics.

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At what point does an extravagantly long interview process become a red flag for a company/position?

I've been interviewing for a Tech Lead role with a ~100 person startup over the last few weeks and just got scheduled for the "final round" of interviews, which will now make for 7 different ~1 hour 1:1 conversations I'll have had with various folks in various departments. I get that it's a employers' market right now and companies want to be careful about who they hire, but I can't help but feel like this is getting ridiculous when they're effectively spending 7 hours of their peoples' time interviewing for a single role. Is this kind of thing indicative about a lack of good process? Do y'all ever take this kind of thing as a red flag when deciding whether or not to accept an offer somewhere?

How can we kill ChatGPT authored blogs?

A community dedicated to all things web development: both front-end and back-end. For more design-related questions, try /r/web_design.

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How can we kill ChatGPT authored blogs?

I keep seeing these stupid blog posts that were so obviously written by ChatGPT and wasn't even edited to see if it provides correct information. Literally just copy pasted.

I wish there was a way to report them to google to kill their SEO, because they so deserve it.

Latest example I've seen, it tells that you can move items upwards in Minecraft using hoppers, hoppers are literally unable to do something like that :

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