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Microsoft was hit with a cyber outage on Friday.

‘Largest IT outage in history’ caused by US-based cybersecurity firm

A widespread CrowdStrike outage is affecting the nation’s supermarkets, banks, telecommunications companies and other businesses on Friday afternoon.

  • by David Swan and Eryk Bagshaw
This week’s Bulls N’ Bears ASX Runner of the Week is … the ASX itself.

ASX leads way to better market times ahead

This week’s Bulls N’ Bears Runner of the Week is … the ASX itself. The ASX 200 hit a record high of 8083.7 points as the top end of town continued to flourish.

  • by Andrew Todd

Opinion & Perspectives

$67 million stegosaurus upends the dinosaur hierarchy

A billionaire hedge fund founder has splashed around nine times Sotheby’s presale estimate for a stegosaurus skeleton, making it the most valuable fossil sold at an auction.

Chris Bryant

My company got sold and no one told us. Is that fair?

Your employer may not have a legal responsibility to tell you about the sale of the business, but it’s clear they may not value you appropriately.

Jonathan Rivett
Jonathan Rivett

Careers contributor

Waiting for a career breakthrough? A bit of luck is all you need

In a world of careers advice that emphasises having a plan, setting goals and controlling your future, it is worth reflecting on the role luck plays.

Jim Bright
Jim Bright

Careers contributor

Banking & finance


Small business

The pub sold to hospitality operators for $3.8 million.

Investors thirst for Melbourne’s much-loved pubs, but others call last drinks

A disturbing number of well-known hostelries are also calling last drinks because of soaring costs.

  • by Tim Boreham
Max Mustard is the eponymous heroine of the VR game by Gold Coast developers Toast Interactive.

Meet Max: She’s the top-selling VR game on Meta, and created in Queensland

Like many great ideas, Max Mustard owes her existence to someone being told not to do something.

  • by Nick Dent

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