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BSOD error in latest crowdstrike update
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AIO? My 23M boyfriend held me 19F underwater during a bath to prove a point and I’m still shaken
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AIO? My 23M boyfriend held me 19F underwater during a bath to prove a point and I’m still shaken

I’m 19F and have been with my boyfriend 23M for over a year now. We come from different countries and religions but we’ve made it work. I have to mention this. My boyfriend loves turning everything into a competition. We both go to the gym and he's always like "who can do this better" Even at home he’s always asking who can cook better.. clean faster.. you name it.

A week ago we were relaxing in the bathtub together. He asked who I thought could hold the other underwater the longest. I found it weird and just brushed it off as one of his usual questions. Just 2-3 minutes later he got up as if to get out of the bathtub and suddenly pushed me underwater. He kept me under for what felt like more than 20 seconds. When he finally let go he started laughing.

I’m generally healthy but I have a heart condition that requires daily medication to keep my heart rate normal. Without meds, my heart rate can go up to 140-150 bpm. Even with meds, sudden situations like this can make my heart rate spike to 140 and stay between 110-120 for the next few days. He knows this.

He brought up what happened today and said he apologized (which he didn’t) and that I should get over it. I'm trying. He said he was trying to prove a point. That I need to work on myself more. It doesn't make sense to me because he’s naturally stronger than me and no matter how much I work out. I can’t always defend myself against everything successfully.

I can’t talk to my sister or mother about it. They’d just ask what I was doing in a bathtub with a guy in the first place. And I still don't have friends here. It's only him and me. We’ve talked about it more than once and he says if I did this to him he would've found it funny. I don't know if I just need to loosen up more but I don't understand how holding me underwater for that long was ever funny in his head.

Edit: He’s also complaining now about the marks I left on his wrist/arm (almost faded). I didn't mean to. It was sudden and I swallowed bit of water and I was freaking out and just wanted him to let go. I apologized for this but told him it was a natural reaction to what he did.

As a German, I say, a fricking stone should be able to defeat trump.

Millenials - the generation growing up near 2000 and grown up no later than 2020. If you can't remember bittorrent, wikileaks, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, or Barack Obama, you're not a millenial. You don't have to remember myspace. Yes, a millenial is a millennial and neither are recognized as a noun, only as an adjective, so both are not even a word.

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As a German, I say, a fricking stone should be able to defeat trump.

Trump is by far the biggest danger the American democracy has seen so far, and the polls say in all seriousness he has a chance to win???

Are you serious? What the hell is wrong with you??? This guy blatantly ignores elections that don't go in his favor and just declares them as inside jobs done by the "deep state" without any semblance of proof. This guy should not be a president, no matter the circumstances. The Democrats could nominate a stone and I would vote for it, simply because of how terrible trump is. Biden might be old, but at least he isn't trying to throw over the government. The fact that there is even remotely a chance of trump being able to win shows how deeply broken the USA is right now.

United, Delta and American Airlines issue global ground stop on all flights

Lost interest in a girl because of her "hoe phase".
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this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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Lost interest in a girl because of her "hoe phase".

I (m) have this friend, she nice looking, out going, funny. We met in school and hit it off as friends, we hung out together or as a group, or me and my girlfriend with her and her bf a few time a week. We have never really been single at the same time, so I never really noticed her romantically, I mean I noticed she was attractive but never though of her romantically.

I ended up breaking up with my gf and a few months later she broke up with her bf. Well because most of our friends are paired off at the time, we end up hanging out like 4 days a week.

I wasn't aware I was starting to catch feelings for this girl until someone pointed out I stopped dating and approaching other women. I really hit home when she went on a few different dates and I noticed I was jealous.

So I sat her down and had a chat, told her I have noticed recently I was becoming interested in her, I absolutely hater seeing her go on dates with other guys. And wanted to see if us dating would be as cool as our friendship so far.

1st she smiled (big happy excited eyes). Then something happened, her smile turned unsure. She explained she had though of it as well and is interested in giving it a try. But not to the end of the summer.

Confused I asked why the end of the summer. She explained she was in her hoe phase (her words) and she wanted to have a "summer of fun" b4 she settled down. The rest of that day was awkward I cut things short. When she asked I told her we were fine, my pride was brused a bit and I was feeling disappointed. But not to worry we are definitely still friends.

I have to admit the second she chose potentially random hook ups and getting run through for the summer over a relationship, all romantic feelings died. I wasn't mad at her, she did nothing wrong, but the way I viewed her had changed. She was forever in the friend zone for me. I took a few days put my big boy pants on and we started hanging out again. But it was different, I only saw her as a friend and I only was interested in seeing her every now and again not all the time like b4. I started dating other girls again. I had no hard feelings I genuinely enjoyed being around her only like b4 when we both had spouses.

Anyway, one night we were our as a group we all had a few drinks and she says. "Hey good news, summers almost over". Oblivious to what she meant till later I say " that sucks I love summer". Then I got distracted by other conversations being had. I did notice she was cold towards me the rest of the night.

October rolls around she wants to do lunch just her and I. We meet up, having a great talk, we talked about our summer. She talks about all the guys she dated over the summer. She used this to steer the conversation to "us". She wanted to let me know she was ready to settle into a relationship and wanted to go back to our earlier conversation.

I told her it's cool, I valued our friendship and think we should stay just that friends. She wanted to know what's changed, and would not let it go. So I had to be honest.

I told her that her choice to put me on the back burner for "hot girl summer" was hurtful and I feel like if she actually liked me she would have wanted to be in a relationship with me. She said she knew we would be the real thing and she needed to "get through her hoe phase" to give us an honest shot. I let her know the fact she fealt we could have been something and she still chose potentially to get run through by a bunch of strangers instead of starting something real tells me she doesn't feel about me the way she thinks she does. I accept that and stayed friends with her with no hard feelings. But the second she chose to put me on the back burner I lost all romantic feelings for her. Forever because it feels like she was shopping around all summer and settled on me. And I am nobody back up plan.

She got Mad, stopped talking to me, our friends think I should apologize and give her a chance. But those feelings just arnt there.

What do you think, AITA?

I should probably add a time line, this was last summer. We have seen each other around but she avoids me if she can. The reason I wrote this now, is because a mutual friend and ib were talking about last summer, how the fall went, then pointed out she is still single and asked me recently if I have/would changed my mind. I don't think they were asking for her because they said she still thinks I'm an ass.

In 1980, the FBI created a fake company to bribe Congress members, and nearly 25% of those targeted accepted the bribe and were convicted.
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In 1980, the FBI created a fake company to bribe Congress members, and nearly 25% of those targeted accepted the bribe and were convicted.

We may be witnessing the largest IT outage in history
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A reddit dedicated to the profession of Computer System Administration.

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We may be witnessing the largest IT outage in history

For those sysadmins affected, we wish you well and we hope the overtime pay is great. Luckily the cause is quite well known and fixes are documented. God speed on implementing them!

For those not affected, remember that shit happens. It might not be you today, but it could well be next time. Don't rest on your laurels, make sure you have recovery procedures in place.

For those not sysadmins and are here with popcorn, enjoy the show! This will be going on for many more hours, and probably won't be entirely mitigated until next week.

The President called his widow after he was killed. Trump could not be bothered to do that and went golfing, and yet he has the gall to put up a firefighter's uniform--with his name misspelled on the back--and use it for political gain?
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The President called his widow after he was killed. Trump could not be bothered to do that and went golfing, and yet he has the gall to put up a firefighter's uniform--with his name misspelled on the back--and use it for political gain?
r/WhitePeopleTwitter - The President called his widow after he was killed.   Trump could not be bothered to do that and went golfing, and yet he has the gall to put up a firefighter's uniform--with his name misspelled on the back--and use it for political gain?