Registration now open

The Fullerton Hotel Sydney | Tuesday August 20, 2024

Australia’s higher education sector is at a tipping point. Enrolments are at a near-decade low, international competition is growing, and seemingly intractable funding and equity concerns continue to plague the system. The newly published Universities Accord is the policymakers’ answer to the structural problems facing the sector, but the jury is still out on whether it is a ‘blueprint for the next decade’ or just another missed opportunity.

Yet from challenge comes innovation. It seems clear that Australian higher education institutions will need to evolve their strategies and business models in order to stay relevant and competitive into the future – the only question is how?

At the Higher Education Summit 2024, we will critically examine the policy shake-ups, big ideas and bold strategies that aim at equipping the sector to meet the needs of our economy for decades to come. Held in conjunction with the Financial Review Higher Education Awards.

In person and virtual passes available.

To read the editorial coverage of the 2023 event, please click here.


Jason Clare

Minister for Education

Prof Genevieve Bell

Vice-Chancellor and President

Australian National University

Prof Duncan Maskell


University of Melbourne

Prof Sharon Pickering

Vice-Chancellor and President

Monash University

Dr Aruna Sathanapally


Grattan Institute

Catherine de Fontenay


Productivity Commission

Tom Snow


Canberra Airport and Snow Medical Research Foundation

Prof Shitij Kapur

Vice-Chancellor and President

Kings College London

Prof Mark Scott

Vice Chancellor

University of Sydney

Prof Mats Benner

Research Policy

Lund University

Megan Huisman


Nous Group

Prof Margaret Sheil

Vice-Chancellor and President

Queensland University of Technology

7:00 am Registration open
8:00 am Opening remarks Michael Stutchbury, Editor-In-Chief, The Australian Financial Review
Megan Huisman, Principal, Nous Group
Zac Ashkanasy, Principal, Nous Group
8:05 am Keynote Jason Clare, Minister for Education
8:35 am Panel | The big picture Vicki Thomson, Chief Executive & Director, Group of Eight
Prof Duncan Maskell, Vice-Chancellor, University of Melbourne
Peter Wiseman, Principal, Nous Group
Prof Rufus Black, Vice-Chancellor and President, University of Tasmania
Jennifer Hewett, National Affairs Columnist, The Australian Financial Review
9:15 am In conversation Prof Genevieve Bell, Vice-Chancellor and President, Australian National University
Julie Hare, Education Editor, The Australian Financial Review
9:35 am Morning break
9:55 am In conversation Prof Shitij Kapur, Vice-Chancellor and President, Kings College London
Julie Hare, Education Editor, The Australian Financial Review
10:20 am In conversation Sarah Henderson, Shadow Minister for Education
Tom Burton, Government Editor, The Australian Financial Review
10:40 am Panel | Future of international education markets Matt Durnin, Principal, Nous Group
Prof Sharon Pickering, Vice-Chancellor and President, Monash University
Abul Rizvi, Former Deputy Secretary at the Immigration Department and Migration Expert
Phil Honeywood, CEO, International Education Association of Australia
Julie Hare, Education Editor, The Australian Financial Review
11:20 am In conversation
11:40 am Panel | Achieving long-term university reform Prof Mary O'Kane, Chair, Australian Universities Accord Panel
Prof Peter Coaldrake, Former Chief Commissioner, TEQSA
Prof Mats Benner, Research Policy, Lund University
A/Prof Gwilym Croucher, Deputy Director of the Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Melbourne
Jennifer Hewett, National Affairs Columnist, The Australian Financial Review
12:20 pm Networking lunch
1:15 pm In conversation Prof Mark Scott, Vice Chancellor, University of Sydney
Julie Hare, Education Editor, The Australian Financial Review
1:40 pm Panel | Advancing workforce productivity Catherine de Fontenay, Commissioner, Productivity Commission
Luke Sheehy, CEO, Universities Australia
Prof Barney Glover, Commissioner, Jobs and Skills Australia
Prof S. Bruce Dowton, Vice Chancellor and President, Macquarie University
Euan Black, Work and Careers Reporter, The Australian Financial Review
2:20 pm Panel | Strengthening research for economic growth Prof Margaret Sheil, Vice-Chancellor and President, Queensland University of Technology
Tom Snow, Chair, Canberra Airport and Snow Medical Research Foundation
Michael Brennan, CEO, E61 Institute
Prof Emma Johnston, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), University of Sydney
Dr Alana Piper, Director, AFR Ventures, The Australian Financial Review
3:00 pm Afternoon break
3:20 pm Panel | Experience, equity, and access Prof Verity Firth, Vice-President Societal Impact, Equity and Engagement, University of New South Wales
Lisa Bolton, Director, QILT Research and Strategy, Social Research Centre
Prof Chi Baik, Professor of Higher Education, University of Melbourne
Fiona Buffini, Editor, The Australian Financial Review
3:55 pm Panel | A rethink of business models Dr Aruna Sathanapally, CEO, Grattan Institute
Prof Attila Brungs, Vice-Chancellor and President, University of New South Wales
Lisa Paul, Chancellor, University of Canberra
Ant Bagshaw, Executive Director, Australian Technology Network of Universities
Cosima Marriner, Managing Editor, The Australian Financial Review
4:30 pm Closing remarks and networking drinks Julie Hare, Education Editor, The Australian Financial Review