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i am in love and need MERCH i am in love and need MERCH

Okay! Just started playing and I (24M) am head over heels in love. I’ve never understood idolizing a fictitious man up until 8 days ago.

I’ve been trying to look for cool Clive merch, something like a photocard or sticker or something that will look nice on the back of my phone through a clear case. But I’m having a hard time finding much 😵‍�� please give suggestions if you have any

Not really into figurines and I don’t have much money to spend anyway as those tend to cost a lot

At this rate I’m just tempted to use my in game screenshots and get them printed small enough on photo paper!!

TLDR: I NEED CLIVE MERCH (i am this [👌🏽]close to starting a stan account)

About the Hideout About the Hideout

Hello everybody,

today i was playing my third playthrough for this fantastic game and right now, i am at dragon heads core.

But i realized something about the hideout. It is located in the dead lead, a part of valisthea that is dead because of the blight. It is the perfect hideout, since no on dares to wander through it. But that there is no aether means also: Bearers cannot use magic. And that made me realize:

All bearer that are brought there, may be at first confused because there is no aether but als relieved. They are at a place, where it is impossible to use magic (other than an dominant priming), and for the first tim in their live they get an well deserved brake after years of being exploited for their ability to use magic. Like: Running the whole day and finally at the evening sitting in a comfortable chair and resting.

Which nation has the stronger army, Sanbreque or Waloed? Which nation has the stronger army, Sanbreque or Waloed?

I mean both of these nations are seen as main military powers of Valisthea, Sanbreque is literally an expansionist Empire and Waloed seems to be a rising power challenging that. Both also use war-beasts such as Dragons in Sanbreque and Beastmen-Akashic in Waloed.

However without the addition of their Dominants and only conventional military forces including the war beasts, which of these two nations are militarily superior?

Any new gil farming spots in the DLC? Any new gil farming spots in the DLC?

So I read that I should acquire all of the accessories in the game before moving on to NG+, so I'm working on acquiring the gil for that. I've been killing a group of hyenas in Waloed over and over again for Goblin Coins, but I was wondering if a better farming spot has been found since the Rising Tide DLC came out? I've tried to google it but the articles are a bit dated.

Also, if anyone else has any other advice about what I should do now before starting NG+, I'll be grateful. I've already completed all the side quests and crafted the Gotterdammerung. Thanks.

Different playstyle Different playstyle

Should I recently just finish playing ff16 and the dlc, which i absolutely love and quickly became one of my favorite games of all time. This is in no way a complaint but more so a wish is that I wish instead of having 3 eikons at once, instead you could equip 1 and have different play styles depending on the equipped one. For example Garuda could be a DPS with low damage, titan with slow but high damage. Odin could be samurai-Ish build and etc. but I just want to hear other peoples opinions on this

Should I buy FF7 Remake and Rebirth? Should I buy FF7 Remake and Rebirth?

Premise: i never played FF games until 1 month ago. I started FF15 and i hated it. The story was not bad but i hate large open world games but empty and with ridicolous side quests (go from a to b, no story, no good dialogues). The travel system with that fucking car was so bad. Than i played FF16 and i loved this game. Epic boss fights, fantastic story, good traverl system, good side quests (not all ofc but some side quests were awesome, for example Otto quest, I almost cried). And FF16 it's also in italian (plus for me). Now i would to play FF7 Remake and Rebirth but i read that the first one is pretty linear, instead Rebirth is an open world. I'm not against open world in general (CP2077, The Witcher 3 and RDR2 are some of my favourite games), but when the open world is empty or boring to explore (bad fast travel system) i have hard times. I know Rebirth has fantastic reviews but i'm worry that the game could be not my ideal game. Any advice?

About the mining of crystals About the mining of crystals

Hello everybody,

i was in drakes head today. And it made me think: Are they using bearer to mine the crystals?

The mother crystals, absorb insane ammounts of aether. So, from time to time, aether floods happen.

So i was just thinking: Bearers have a certain resistance to aether and turning akasic. (Dominants are immune). So bearers can continue to mine, even when a flood happens.

And since Bearers have no human rights, it would make sense to use them, instead of upstanding citizens of Sanbreque.

Is boss damage gated? Is boss damage gated?

I feel like I’m surely losing my mind here, and I’m hoping someone can tell me I’m nuts.The more I’ve played and leveled up, I’m shocked how little my power actually seems to increase. Even with the highest stat gear in the game bosses tend to always be forced into having a set minimum amount of stagger stages, meaning no matter how strong we are the enemy can’t be defeated more quickly than the game will allow.

I kept brushing this feeling off until this happened the other day. I’m on NG++, level 99, and after the second stagger (around the 2:15 mark, the boss simply stops taking damage for an entire normal combat phase PLUS a third stagger phase. You can clearly see his health bar not move for nearly 3 minutes of fighting despite damage numbers popping up as I hit him. Am I missing something here or did the game really just not let me push through? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!