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I feel like Adam Ray isn’t getting his flowers

r/KillTony is a subreddit dedicated to the discussion of the podcast Kill Tony Hosted by Tony Hinchcliffe and Brian Redban, recorded live from the Comedy Mothership in Austin, Texas!

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I feel like Adam Ray isn’t getting his flowers

Shane’s Trump is obviously amazing but I feel like I’ve seen at least a few Trump impressionists that are close to as good.

I haven’t seen anyone parody Biden as well as Adam did. From the startled facial expressions to trailing off sentences and mixing up words. I thought it was an epic impersonation

AITA for cutting off my best friend of 20+ years after she continued to make me and my husband uncomfortable.

Subreddit for listeners of the Two Hot Takes Podcast! Here you can post your own write ins, thoughts on the stories shared on the pod, or any ideas for future episodes, etc. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Things posted on this page are subject for use on Two Hot Takes podcast and social media accounts.

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AITA for cutting off my best friend of 20+ years after she continued to make me and my husband uncomfortable.

Will be using fake names because I am still fairly new to this and only know about this subreddit because I religiously watch Two Hot Takes. 💕 This may be a little long but I will include the details that lead up to me cutting her off.

I (27F) have been best friends with Cathy (27F) for over 20 years. Our parents were best friends so naturally we were too, since about 2 years old. Me and Cathy continued to hang out constantly since we were kids. We would have times we would not talk but could always get together and talk like nothing changed. Fast forward to 2023 me and my now husband Michael (30M) have been together nearly 10 years and have a perfect baby boy together Oliver (1M) Cathy and Michael got along pretty well the few times we hung out but everytime we hung out Cathy would constantly try to get close to Michael: i.e she commented saying “ you’re SO lucky, you guys are so cute together” and also trying to give him long hugs everytime she left, leaning on him etc. Granted my husband is autistic and he doesn’t like to be touched and she knows this and I’ve asked her to respect that. So fast forward to my son’s first birthday party, we invited all my closest family and friends including Cathy and her brothers. Cathy shows up to the birthday party in a see-through low cut top and see-through pants that showed her underwear. I don’t normally shame anyone about what they wear but it was inappropriate for a 1 year olds birthday party. The first thing she does is go up to Michael to hug him, he politely gives her a that awkward side hug and walks away. She also asked Michael to walk with her to the bathroom, like what? He says no and she walks on her own. We continue on with the birthday party with no other occurrences. After the party is over, everyone goes home and Cathy comes over to help us bring in all the gifts and set up the toys we received at Oliver’s party. When we get home me, Michael and Cathy all sit down to set up the toys. Cathy started playing dumb acting like she couldn’t put the toys together and INSISTED Michael come show her how saying things like “Michael can you do this, idk how” despite me sitting right next to her and it was literally a puzzle piece mat lol and Michael is across the room. Michael politely told her that I could help her, she made the puppy dog face and laughed it off. But you know men are embarrassingly unaware sometimes and he would just didn’t realize. I was annoyed but this was my best friend and I just decided to let it go because I trusted my husband and am mostly secure with myself.

After we put together all the toys, we decided to order in, Cathy was vegan so we ordered in from an Indian restaurant that could easily accommodate her restrictions. We all sat on my bed together and waited for the food to arrive. Oliver was running around and when Cathy commented on how cute he was, she made a particularly weird comment saying Michael and me make pretty babies and that she wants to have one too with us, making intense eye contact with Michael, things got really awkward until she laughed and said “JUST KIDDING” We just moved on and our food got there and we all started eating. Michael had a spicy pepper on his dish and he ate it and immediately turned red and started sweating. Me and Cathy were laughing and Michael spit out the pepper and told me to try it (I don’t mind trying something my husband already partially ate since we’d been together 10 years I don’t find it gross at this point) but much to my surprise Cathy immediately grabbed it and ate the whole thing. She started sweating and taking off her jacket and commented on how hot she was while looking at Michael. It was weird but again we just moved on. At the end of the night she asked to stay the night because she was couch surfing/sleeping in her car at the time. She was still my best friend and I didn’t want her with nowhere to go, so I agreed. Before we all went to bed she made the joke about laying in the middle of me and Michael and we could all cuddle. That made both of us uncomfortable but she played it off as a joke. We all went to bed and she left early in the morning for work.

So after that whole encounter I decided to text her about my issues with that night. I texted her letting her know that she was being very inappropriate and made Michael and me uncomfortable. And that her outfit she wore to my son’s birthday was inappropriate as well. She immediately got defensive and replied with the “it was hot that day please stop projecting your insecurities on to me and Michael did not seem uncomfortable” at this point I was pissed off and told her that the way she’s acting with MY husband is weird. We got into a pretty big fight and I told her that I did not want to continue talking to her. And it’s been about a year since this occurrence and I have her blocked now on everything and haven’t talked since. My family said I was being dramatic. But my friends agreed with my decision because she did not respect my boundaries.


EDIT Just answer a few questions - at the time we lived in a very small 1 bedroom apartment with the living room having only my sons play gym/playpen so the bedroom was the only real place to sit.

When she asked to cuddle with me and my husband I immediately shut it down and she played it off as a joke. She has always been awkward and tends to “riff” so I figured she was just being awkward

I am posting this later because I listen to the Two Hot Takes podcast daily on my way to work and I was thinking of a situation/story I could share that I would like others opinions on since I got mixed reactions from friends and family.

I didn’t cut her off out of nowhere this was the 3rd time I had tried to set boundaries but the day of the party was the breaking point. I am a people pleaser and struggle to deal with conflict face to face so it was hard for me to just kick her out especially because I’ve been homeless before.


This is a subreddit for the podcast, Distractible, hosted by Mark Fischbach, Wade Barnes, and Bob Milkskin. This is a place where you can talk about anything and everything about Distractible! Visit for more information about the podcast. Looking for the previous episode discussion threads? Official Discord for the pod is : Check out for Merch!

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Sorry if this is rambly but I just met Wade and Tyler and I’m still reeling from how nice they were. I was at work (at a target Starbucks, don’t wanna say where for everyone’s privacy but let’s just say the chances were low to none for this to happen) and I saw a group of people walk in, one of whom looked very much like Wade. Like I did a triple take before I had to take my next order. Two women walked over to order some drinks as the men walked to the back and I could hardly think, my heart was already racing. I took their orders trying to stay calm and treat them as nicely and normally as any other customer (they were also super cool and nice to me throughout the whole exchange!) Finally I somehow awkwardly brought up that one of the men they came in with looked familiar and Molly laughed and said“is it Wade?” To which I said, probably louder than I meant, “IS IT WADE?!?” And it was, and Tyler was there too!!!

The whole time all I’m thinking is don’t be a nightmare fan, they’re in public trying to do their shopping. I wasn’t gonna ask for any pics or anything, I was just happy to have seen them irl honestly lol.

Even though they totally didn’t have to, Wade and Tyler both came back up to chat with me!! I was so nervous but they were both so kind, Wade offered to take a pic with me which I did take him up on (I did really want a pic but there was no shot I’d have the nerve to ask) and I made Tyler an iced matcha latte and told him how he’s converting me into a sports knower more with each episode!

I told them I’m in a couple bands and spend a lot of time on the road listening to distractible and GMFST, and I’ve been watching since the early days of drunk minecraft, but I find myself thinking of things I wish I’d said. They’ve been such a huge part of my life for damn near ten years now, I started listening when I was 15 and I’m 25 now lol. It’s just so awesome to know that they really are as cool and compassionate in real life as they seem online. It made my day, week, and month, and I just can’t get over how they didn’t have to do any of that but they did just to brighten some guy’s day that they’ve never met. I definitely never thought in a million years that they’d walk into my store of all places!!!

If you (Wade or Tyler) see this, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Also, thank you so much to Molly for telling the boys they had a fan up front 😭🙏🏻 It meant more than you know and you guys are the best ever!!!

I told my boyfriend that he was adopted… on Christmas… and he was 20 years old

Subreddit for listeners of the Two Hot Takes Podcast! Here you can post your own write ins, thoughts on the stories shared on the pod, or any ideas for future episodes, etc. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Things posted on this page are subject for use on Two Hot Takes podcast and social media accounts.

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I told my boyfriend that he was adopted… on Christmas… and he was 20 years old

Well, this is just as wild as it sounded, but I thought you all needed to hear this. I hope you laugh because my soon to be husband and laugh about it when it comes up.

I remember this with such accuracy because the number of times we’ve retold this story in recent months has been crazy. On December 23rd, Christmas Eve Eve, my then boyfriend, Jack, and I were at my grandparents house for Christmas Eve celebrations. They live three hours from our house, so we normally go the night before for all family functions to avoid driving 6 hours in one day.

Jack’s father, Larry, just died of cancer earlier in December that year, and Jack was devastated. Rightfully so, he was a very good man, and it was a very fast, horrible cancer that took him. Jack’s mom, Carrie, had cancer years before aand has been in remission since. That night, something had happened, and Jack was voicing some concerns about how he was worried that since both of his parents had cancer, he might get it too, and if it was like his dad’s, it would be untreatable and fast spreading. I tried to calm him down, but ended up blurting out—

“Babe, it’s not like they are your real parents anyways,” we both just looked at each other, and in my dumb dumb brain, I couldn’t back track that. It was already a dumpster fire of a situation. He continues to stare at me, and asks what that could possibly mean. All this time, I thought he knew. I thought he was just super chill about it and believed it didn’t matter who his biological parents were, his real parents raised him as their own.

After a few more seconds I follow up with- “You were adopted, so they aren’t your real parents. It doesn’t really matter genetically if they had cancer.” And by some miracle, this blessing of a man did not break up with me. He spent the entire night probably in complete shock. We had to fake it through Christmas Eve and then Christmas Day with his grieving mom.

Now, I can hear it. You’re asking how did I know? His mom told my mom and my mom told me. Nobody thought that it was a secret because… why would you tell someone if it was? So, who else knew? Well everyone! His brothers begged his parents to tell him. His friends knew because his mom told their moms. So like everyone knew.

Now, everyone but his mom knows he’s knows and the horrible story behind why I told him and what I said. I think it has given him good closure because his brothers told him everything they knew, about his bio parents, and even gave him pictures of the day he was legally adopted. His mom doesn’t know because we didn’t know how to tell people in the first place. Unfortunately, it was a year later when we told his brothers, and by then he had grown distant to his mom since she remarried to someone who is a garbage man. You can see my other posts about that.

I hope you got a little giggle at my blunt stupidity.

Alrighty then…

For fans of the Blank Check Podcast, with Griffin Newman, David Sims, and Ben Hosley. Is Ben "Professor Crispy"? Will Griffin and David ever get the premise of the show down to 30 seconds or under? Let's listen together and find out! #thetwofriends

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Alrighty then…
r/blankies - Alrighty then…

It's all about love

Podcast with Australian psychologist, Matthew Browne, and anthropologist, Chris Kavanagh. From their site description: "[...] a close look at the contemporary crop of 'secular gurus', iconoclasts, and other exiles from the mainstream, delving into their unique insights and galaxy brain takes." Charitable, thoughtful, sometimes goofy criticisms and discussions pertaining to the "forbidden" ideas and concepts explored by the "IDW" and the like.

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It's all about love
r/DecodingTheGurus - It's all about love

I usually enjoy me some David Lucas roasts but what he said about Jacob Barr was hard to watch…yikes.

r/KillTony is a subreddit dedicated to the discussion of the podcast Kill Tony Hosted by Tony Hinchcliffe and Brian Redban, recorded live from the Comedy Mothership in Austin, Texas!

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I usually enjoy me some David Lucas roasts but what he said about Jacob Barr was hard to watch…yikes.
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My boyfriend smells like b.o 24/7. How tf do i tell him without sounding rude

Subreddit for listeners of the Two Hot Takes Podcast! Here you can post your own write ins, thoughts on the stories shared on the pod, or any ideas for future episodes, etc. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Things posted on this page are subject for use on Two Hot Takes podcast and social media accounts.

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My boyfriend smells like b.o 24/7. How tf do i tell him without sounding rude

My boyfriend is perfect, but he smell like b.o. and onions. How do i bring this up to him without being offensive?

Hi. So i’ve never posted on reddit before but i don’t really have anyone to give me an unbiased opinion so hopefully this will help me. So i’ve been dating this dude i met on tinder since about mid April. He’s rly sweet and he’s funny and he treats me so good. He drives to my house just to take me 15 minutes away to work at 7:30 even tho he lives 45 minutes away. I rly like him and everyone i’ve introduced him to also loves him.

The only problem is that his armpits STINK. and i mean stink. all the time. everyday. In the begging when i first noticed it, it violently pissed me off. i noticed it when we hung out the second time, but i think a part of me convinced myself it wasn’t that bad because other people around me told me they didn’t notice. As gross as it sounds i think i got used to it so it started to not bother me. However a couple of days ago he met my mom for the first time. My mom is like me and has a STRONG sense of smell. The first thing she said after he left was “he stinks. he’s sweet, but he smells awful.” I tried to make up an excuse that he had just gotten off work because i didn’t want to admit that he always smells like that. The next day he came over again while my mom wasn’t home to help me take out the trash and then go out to eat. While we were in the car my mom called me and told me that she won’t say how but she came smell that someone had been in her house. When i got home she had his work shirt hung up on a hanger, drying over the bathtub. She said verbatim “This was the culprit!” and explained that she washed it after cleaning the whole house trying to find out why the smell was still there. She then had a longgg conversation with me about why he probably smells like that and that it’s probably because he doesn’t shower everyday. I’ll admit i got a little defensive because i was already aware of this fact and my mom has a tendency to take things from a nice little “hey just thought u should know this “ to an hour long lecture of how he wasn’t raised right and might be poor (which is not the case). So reddit please tell me how i can bring this up to my boyfriend and how doi say it without potentially sounding like i’m being mean?

More iconic trio?

Bill Simmons is a sportswriter, television personality, and podcaster. After many successful years at ESPN as a writer, tv host, and creator (of Grantland & 30 for 30), he signed a lucrative deal to partner with HBO. He currently hosts "The Bill Simmons Podcast", and founded and Ringer Podcast Network in 2016

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More iconic trio?
  • r/billsimmons - More iconic trio?
  • r/billsimmons - More iconic trio?

Tana I am so fucking proud of you

A place to discuss all opinions of the Canceled Podcast with Tana Mongeau and Brooke Schofield, anything related to them, and their friends

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Tana I am so fucking proud of you

You have been calling out problematic men with your whole chest lately, & you’re doing so much for young tana but also a lot of us who have also gone through serious things with disgusting grown men who should have known better. Watching you speak on Jason Nash and David on the latest episode, I felt your anger. Girl don’t stop, get allll these men. I know you’re healing as well. 🖤

(Not OOP) AITA for refusing to eat pancakes my friends girlfriend made?

THIS SUBREDDIT IS FOR A PODCAST CALLED Reddit On Wiki, THAT READS REDDIT STORIES. People cross-post stories for a chance that our podcast hosts (Sean, John and Josh) will read the story on the show. Before the podcast started reading reddit stories, the hosts would choose a topic and research it using Wikipedia.

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(Not OOP) AITA for refusing to eat pancakes my friends girlfriend made?
  • r/redditonwiki - (Not OOP) AITA for refusing to eat pancakes my friends girlfriend made?
  • r/redditonwiki - (Not OOP) AITA for refusing to eat pancakes my friends girlfriend made?
  • r/redditonwiki - (Not OOP) AITA for refusing to eat pancakes my friends girlfriend made?

The simultaneous release of Never Stop Blowing Up and CR's Downfall is probably the most extreme sample of BLeeM's range since...

A subreddit dedicated to Dimension 20, Dropout's TTRPG show!

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The simultaneous release of Never Stop Blowing Up and CR's Downfall is probably the most extreme sample of BLeeM's range since...

... May 2022, with Starstruck and EXU Calamity, lol.

(Obviously that's not very long ago - I'm just struck that the juxtaposition has happened twice.)

At the time, Starstruck was arguably the most comedically unhinged season of D20, and Calamity was probably the most dramatic we'd seen Brennan (still with some brilliant bits of humour).

Now, he's taken it fifteen backflips further with Never Stop Blowing Up, whereas the first episode of Downfall last week was even more sober than Calamity.

All that to say: boy, does the man have range. And we're experiencing the polar opposites of it right now.

  • Subreddit for listeners of the Two Hot Takes Podcast! Here you can post your own write ins, thoughts on the stories shared on the pod, or any ideas for future episodes, etc. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Things posted on this page are subject for use on Two Hot Takes podcast and social media accounts. members
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  • THIS SUBREDDIT IS FOR A PODCAST CALLED Reddit On Wiki, THAT READS REDDIT STORIES. People cross-post stories for a chance that our podcast hosts (Sean, John and Josh) will read the story on the show. Before the podcast started reading reddit stories, the hosts would choose a topic and research it using Wikipedia. members
  • r/KillTony is a subreddit dedicated to the discussion of the podcast Kill Tony Hosted by Tony Hinchcliffe and Brian Redban, recorded live from the Comedy Mothership in Austin, Texas! members
  • A place to discuss all opinions of the Canceled Podcast with Tana Mongeau and Brooke Schofield, anything related to them, and their friends members
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  • For fans of the Blank Check Podcast, with Griffin Newman, David Sims, and Ben Hosley. Is Ben "Professor Crispy"? Will Griffin and David ever get the premise of the show down to 30 seconds or under? Let's listen together and find out! #thetwofriends members
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  • Bill Simmons is a sportswriter, television personality, and podcaster. After many successful years at ESPN as a writer, tv host, and creator (of Grantland & 30 for 30), he signed a lucrative deal to partner with HBO. He currently hosts "The Bill Simmons Podcast", and founded and Ringer Podcast Network in 2016 members
  • A subreddit dedicated to Dimension 20, Dropout's TTRPG show! members
  • Podcast with Australian psychologist, Matthew Browne, and anthropologist, Chris Kavanagh. From their site description: "[...] a close look at the contemporary crop of 'secular gurus', iconoclasts, and other exiles from the mainstream, delving into their unique insights and galaxy brain takes." Charitable, thoughtful, sometimes goofy criticisms and discussions pertaining to the "forbidden" ideas and concepts explored by the "IDW" and the like. members
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  • This is a subreddit for the podcast, Distractible, hosted by Mark Fischbach, Wade Barnes, and Bob Milkskin. This is a place where you can talk about anything and everything about Distractible! Visit for more information about the podcast. Looking for the previous episode discussion threads? Official Discord for the pod is : Check out for Merch! members
  • This is the subreddit for all things Peter Attia and The Peter Attia Drive. Here we fans discuss the cutting edge of longevity science, the latest episodes, and anything we'd like to see/feedback for the future of the podcast. If you just landed here, feel free to make a post about who you are, why you listen, and what you love about the show. members