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AMA w/ Jesse @ TIDAL

Now playing - in the open - "TIDAL SDK for Web"

Which Tidal features are most important to you? Which Tidal features are most important to you?

Hi everyone! I'm doing some research for a blog post about Tidal's features, and I was hoping to get some feedback from long-term subscribers. Which features are the most important to you and why? I've been using Tidal as my main service for a little while now (although I'm currently testing another one for research), but I'd love to hear what other people value about the platform.

Thanks in advance for any answers!

Sorting "My Collection" on Android is a nightmare Sorting "My Collection" on Android is a nightmare
App / Site

This is mostly a shouting into the void post in hopes that Tidal sees this or something, but why on earth is it not possible to sort liked songs/albums on mobile in the same way you can on the desktop app? Why is there no option to filter by release year, genre, etc.? And why is simply scrolling through them so bad?

I have hundreds of liked albums and thousands of liked songs. If I want to sort them by year of release or date added, the android app only allows one option: newest to oldest. Meaning the oldest songs/albums are always stuck at the very bottom of the massive list. Desktop at least allows you to switch between new - old or old - new, I find it very odd that this isn't present on Android and can almost swear that I used to be able to do so.

This wouldn't be the end of the world, if scrolling all the way down to them was actually possible most of the time - but whenever I attempt scroll through a mass amount of songs/albums so the list constantly stops to load and refreshes, usually kicking me all the way back to the top of the list. And why the hell isn't there a scroll bar or something that allows you to quickly skip large portions of the list? Sitting there swiping upwards like a madman for ages is beyond tedious.

All I'm asking for are basic features something like iTunes had over fifteen years ago lol

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk

Download device limit reached, but with 4 devices available. Download device limit reached, but with 4 devices available.

Hey all,

I have a Family subscription. My wife, 2 children and I are the only family members. We only use the app on our 4 respective mobile phones.

I've made a playlist to play at the in-laws' wedding anniversary, and we know there won't be any mobile data signal, so I've downloaded the playlist.

No problems there but my wife wants to download the playlist too, as a backup, but when she tries it says that we've reached the limit of authorised devices for download so I need to de-authorise one.

Logging in on my PC it only has my phone as an offline device, and it says '1 active, 4 available'.

Before I submit a help query, I thought I'd quickly check if anyone knows the answer.


Tidal (Android) - App crashing when the phone is connected to a certain WiFi network Tidal (Android) - App crashing when the phone is connected to a certain WiFi network
Tech Issue

Hi guys!

My friend has this weird problem with the android app, which would crash almost instantly after opening it. He then kept saying how it started working again afterwards, but we were so confused. Now he tested again, the app crashed when he was connected to our WiFi network, but when he switches to mobile data, the app works just fine.

What could cause this issue and how can we fix it (and also know how to fix if someone else has the same issue at our place)?

His phone is the Xiaomi Poco X3, we already deleted the cache/data, reinstalled the app and the phone, but this didn't help. The Tidal apps on our phones work just fine, so I don't know how any issue in the network would be causing this problem.


Device limits Device limits

Just need a little clarification before joining on the device limits.

There is only me, so I only need one account. However I have quite a few devices, such as a smartphone, ipad. Lenovo tablet. Laptop. Desktop PC, 2x imac's. TV. Yamaha AV receiver (with Musiccast which supports Tidal integration). 4 Yamaha wireless network speakers (with Musiccast, which supports Tidal integration). Yamaha network streaming amplifier (with Musiccast, which supports Tidal integration). My Car has Tidal integration. I probably have a few more devices I've forgotten about too.

So thats about 15 devices that support Tidal, I appreciate I may only be able to stream to one device at a time, I cant see of a reason this would be an issue, so I'm happy with that.

But will I have an issue with the amount of devices I have?

Apple vs Tidal Apple vs Tidal

After being a longtime Spotify user, I switched to Tidal. Something about Tidal is not meshing with me and so I’m using it side by side with Apple. The ability to find playlists with Apple is really winning me over. The discovery feature with Tidal hasn’t started really helped me discover new music. It’s usually songs I already know. Good thing is they change everyday.

For those who have used both, what are the pros and cons of both.

Opus to Tidal? Tune my music with metadata help Opus to Tidal? Tune my music with metadata help

So I use ytdlp and opusfile for my music, and I've been using this metadata collector to apply to my opus files, when I try transferring my music from youtube to tidal directly but the meta data isn't there so it only gets 200 out of 600 songs. So I was wondering if I could just make a json file with the artist, name, playlist, Date. Into a json file to upload. Is there something on github? Or could I just put my folder directly into tune my music and transfer the metadata directly. So it can located the music.

The problem is tidal isn't good with japanese song names which majority of my songs are. So I'm probably going to need every bit of metadata in my files for cross referencing.

Thanks for help

Good Idea, but the Worst App Imaginable Good Idea, but the Worst App Imaginable
App / Site

If Tidal works for you then congrats. At this point I have canceled my subscription and am going back to Spotify. Yes Spotify has issues, no its not the most amazing thing ever, but it at least works for me. Not looking for advice, mostly posting this because I used reddit to make decisions. I switched to Tidal based on a few reddit comments. Someone can read this and decide if they want to put up with it if they are considering it.

For me this has been the most embarrassingly terrible experience I have had when it comes to an App. I am a software developer by trade. I would be canned if my work was this unstable. This was on a Samsung A14G running the latest Android updates. I have a 512GB SD card to store my 4300 song playlist I ported over from Spotify.

Off the bat music selection was fine. The quality was fine. The shuffle was superior to Spotify. The UI, few downgrades related to favorites and showing My Tracks when on android auto. No big deal breakers. I was drawn to Tidal due to the price and higher quality than Spotify. I never got around to running it on my McIntosh XRT22 speakers. Instead I only ever used it with Air Pod Pros or Android Auto which were fine.

Now the problems. It crashes. Oh lord it crashes like that is its job. I can't seem to get a full hour out of it without it crashing. Network errors? Crashing when you open the lyrics? Network errors when in airplane mode?

Crashing is annoying, but if Tidal crashes or is closed it will sit and "buffer" the first song you try to play for 1-3 minutes. You can be in airplane mode. You can be playing a downloaded song. Does not matter. It will buffer. Pray it doesn't crash in succession. Spent the first ten minutes at the gym trying to do cardio with it crashing repeatedly last week. Today it only crashed once, but every time say hello to a multi minute wait for it to play. Were I at home. I could set up my stereo. Select a record. Put it on, navigate roughly to the song i want, and do it faster than I can get Tidal to play a track it should already have downloaded.

I primarily use it when I am at the gym, on a road trip, or working on my cabin which has poor cell reception. For this reason I download my entire library, which is a joke because downloads don't work. You can set yourself to airplane mode. It will randomly limit how many songs it will show as downloaded. It will still buffer on opening. It will still throw a network error occurred message and crash. Zune had a better subscription service that shut down over 12 years ago, what is Tidal's excuse?

If you download at max quality, but don't set it to airplane mode it will still attempt to stream music you have downloaded. Why? If you are driving and reception cuts out for a moment or on a shoddy internet connection it doesn't buffer. It stops playing, throws a network error and crashes. Great on overcast days when say your gym has a metal roof or when you are driving between major cities. Forget trying new music on a road trip. Set it to airplane mode or be ready for it to crash at the drop of a hat.

Other fun bugs:
Skipping songs and opening the lyrics will often show the lyrics for the last song unless you back out and re open lyrics.
Lyrics can crash the app.
If you download songs, but then tell tidal to delete them because say you downloaded to internal storage instead of your SD card, it won't. You have to delete the app to reclaim the space.
If you have a large downloaded library Tidal doesn't seem to want to delete itself. It just sits and says it being deleted.