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Gloomstalker vs soulknife for guerrilla warfare Gloomstalker vs soulknife for guerrilla warfare
D&D 5e

we are playing a longer lower lvl campaign we are currently about to hit lvl 4 so multi-classing would be difficult.

i want to create a Tabaxi (Small sized like a house cat for infiltration) with the past of fighting viatnam style war and he was in a small team think ghillie suit crawling thru dirt and setting ambushes.

But i dont know which would be a better fit for that play style because rouge gets stealth expertise but gloomstalker gets Dread ambusher i would prefer those 2 subclasses but if you think im just missing some totaly obvious subclass that would be perfect for that let me know im pretty new to dnd.

let me know your ideas on this please and thank you

Tempest cleric druid multiclass? Tempest cleric druid multiclass?
D&D 5e

Hey all, looking for opinions and criticism of an idea I had.

Tempest cleric level 6, grabbing metamagic on the way for transmuting spells. Multiclassing into druid.

Now, we have spike growth, ability to push enemies back with lightning damage and an ability to change spike growth damage to lightning.

Say I deal some lightning damage to an enemy standing face to face with me who also happens to be standing on my lightning transmuted spike growth. Does he get launched across the world as every instance of lightning damage propels them further on the way through it?

Would we be looking at 16d4's plus of lightning damage, does this even work?

Help please!

asi for my fighter/wizard? asi for my fighter/wizard?
D&D 5e

Hello again! I asked for advice when I first built this character, and I’ve figured it out. We're leveling up to 15 soon, so I’ll be Eldritch Knight 13/War Wizard 2. I have Dueling for fighter and then Mobile and Warcaster already, and my stats are 21/14/18/20/10/10. We're about to level up and I get an ASI, I could raise my constitution to 20 but I'm looking for a little more damage or something utility like devil's sight (I don't have natural darkvision)

I've been considering Hex, Hunter's Mark, or Martial Adept but I'm not sure if there's something else that's better to take? Because I'm not sure how useful they'd be at much higher level. I only have second level spells currently. My weapon also is a crystal blade that does 1d8 slashing + 1d8 radiant.

I'm also avoiding taking fire spells/fire damage. Also dm might be willing to homebrew something if I have a good idea for it lol.

Any advice would be great!

I want the most broken build for 8th level I want the most broken build for 8th level
D&D 5e

Hello I am playing a campaign which is very deadly (our dm kicks our butts even when we are down) and I managed to stay alive for 7 levels as a wizard. So what I want is a back-up character idea for 8th level build that I can bring to the table and crush my enemies. I like it to be as a souls-like Faith enjoyer build, very effective in combat scenerios. You can specify race and everything. (multiclass is allowed)

But if you have very cool and interesting ideas other than that I appreciate them.

Edit: i don't like silvery barbs (yes as a player (and dm))

Shapechange Concentration Order of Operations Shapechange Concentration Order of Operations
D&D 5e

The setup is simple enough, Shapechange into an Ancient Brass Dragon in order to use its bonus action Change Shape ability to turn into a Humanoid Spellcaster. This Humanoid Spellcaster can cast, for our example, True Polymorph. So we cast True Polymorph on an ally (doesn’t matter what), since it’s Concentration our Shapechange ends due to it also being Concentration.

Now here is the Golden Question: Does True Polymorph still go off and can we still hold it to its full duration - or does us now no longer having the Spell mean it fails suddenly. Plus does concentration start during casting time or after it? Does it being only an action circumvent this?

Feed me your knowledge.

Bonus Points for anyone who figures out if a Simulacrum of someone under the Shapechange effect would also have Shapechange active.

Bard and sorcerer multiclass? Bard and sorcerer multiclass?
D&D 5e

So I'm going to join a campaign who already are at level 7. The group is kind of melee heavy with 1 wizard and 4 bonkers. They severly lacks support and someone good at speech checks. What they don't need is insane damage or a min-max character.

Therefor my idea was a Lorebard 6 / Clockwork soul Sorcerer X. I don't need the 8th or 9th level spells and with cutting words, clockwork sorcerer spell list and magical secrets it can probably work rather good even if I'm lacking a bit until it really comes online at 6/6 or 6/7. My idead for level7 was 6 Bard, 1 Sorc.

Am I just stupid for thinking this could work well?

Path of the Giant Barbarian Fairy Path of the Giant Barbarian Fairy
D&D 5e

I need help with building a Path of the Giant Fairy Barbarian.

What i would like to:

  • have the giant foundling background and with that integrate one of the gaint feats at later levels

  • Use a big sword (i already worked out that Longsword would be best for this since i could also use it out of rage, if you have some freaky build for greatsword tho let me hear it)

  • be viable from 1-20 or 3-20 since that where we get our subclass

  • maybe a build that at some point caps con and puts dex at 14 so i dont have to wear medium armor anymore and can finally profit from flight (fairys cant wear medium or heavy armor if they want to fly)

  • of course strength based path of giant barbarian, since the idea for this build was a fairy with a big sword and not a fairy poking people with rapier as a dex fighter or smth

we use pointbuy, start at lvl 1, going to probably 14 or smth i guess, but its nice to know how i would progress after 14 just in case.

maybe some starts recommendations if you have some, also if you played the subclass even withour being a fairy tell me your experience with it.

Community Test: Structured game naritive or railroading? Community Test: Structured game naritive or railroading?
D&D 5e

I'm new to dnd but I run a 1on1 campaign for my wife so we can get a more regular dnd fix. I like posting my ideas on redit for a bit of peer review. Most of the time I work out my ideas just by writing them out but the feedback is still useful. I've started writing out the ideas for the next chapter of our campaign but all the feedback tell me I'm being to railroady and need to stop trying to use tricks to preserve the naritive of the game. Some of the replies have been pretty toxic. I wana know if this sub is better.

What do you people think of using some simple tricks to help preserve the main naritive of the story. I don't want to limit player choices I just want to keep them from accidentally derailing the campaign.

Most of the tricks are just having all paths lead to a predictable next step and I expect the players to want to follow certain agreed quest hooks. The big one I'm getting $#!+ for is keeping my bbegs from dying to early by letting them run away at the end of a fight.

I don't think these are that bad. How can I write them a fulfilling story if I don't lead them down a bit of a railroad. I don't think it's to unreasonable for a Dm to layout the campaign theme and main quest in session zero and if the players agree to play they should be expected to play as characters that would cooperate with the agreed questlines. If the dm worked to write out a bbeg that was naritivly important to the their players back stories and the campaign relied on many escalating encounters with him I think it would be a shame if the rogue got a lucky crit and oneshot them in session zero.

TLDR: dues this subredit think it's ok do do a little railroading to give your players more fun or should ijust quit dming and write a book.

Big sword, small Fairy Big sword, small Fairy
D&D 5e

Ok guys pls help me build this:

A Fairy character with a big sword, (combine puck the fairy and guts greatsword from berserk kinda vibe)

Things i prefere not to do is:
-multiclass (edit: i wrote this because im used to multiclass hurting my build as a spellcaster main so if you have good multiclasses based on strength fairy im happy to hear them)
-take rune knight, warlock since we had both alreada and i want new characters in next session

Things i want:
-strength based
-posibly keep the flight so probably no fighter unless you find a fix for that
-big sword, but since small probably gonna go with longsword twohanded

My ideas so far:
-Barbarian idk which subclass is best for this early till late game. Im also ready to go soem kind of claw focused way since a little honey badger fairy slashing up the noble knights sounds fun too.

-No UA/Homebrew
-starting lvl 1 going till 10-14 probably idk tho

My concerns:
-how do small races interact with grapple, shove, imrpovising a goblin as a weapon etc?

Help me make some NPCs(and more) for a magic Academy! Help me make some NPCs(and more) for a magic Academy!
D&D 5e

So I made on post on this subreddit before asking for a character for said campaign(thanks for that y’al) but my DM has asked me to post on here for some NPC ideas or just things that would be in a magic academy.
Here was what he sent me.

I need faculty for some teachers (One(or more) for every School and an artificer teacher.) Other staff, a head teacher and whatever else.

Some students of varying years (3 years im thinking)

Maybe some magic creatures or golems or whatever a magic school could want.

Some areas people could travel to

And maybe a few villains or two ;)

He also asked for either a good Map or a good map making tool.

Thanks Y’all!

Create a 9th level character who lives in the abyss Create a 9th level character who lives in the abyss
D&D 5e

My party has decided to venture into the abyss. I really don’t want my character going there and our DM has given us the option of making temporary characters that live in the abyss while our main characters stay in the materials plane.

What are some fun 9th lvl builds for characters who would be found in the abyss?

Bonus points for ties to historical mythology from anywhere in the world.

DMing Vecna: Eve of Ruin and wanting players to have strong, flavorful characters. DMing Vecna: Eve of Ruin and wanting players to have strong, flavorful characters.
D&D 5e

I’m going to be DMing the new Vecna campaign soon (with my own added things to help make Vecna a better villain), and I’m helping my players with some magic items that add to the flavor of their characters. Helped my friend with her jester wild magic sorcerer and my other pal sent me his pirate swashbuckler/swords bard and I’m trying to think of some interesting and strong items to give him.

My main question is about one thing in particular because I’m not sure if it’ll be too much, but I was thinking about giving his character a dancing scimitar and a paired +2 musket and +2 pistol that allow the drawing and firing of the other when one is used. Basically, he could start a turn throwing his scimitar at the enemy, draw and shoot his pistol, stow it, then draw and shoot his musket as well, all within the same turn. Is there flexibility with this that will allow him to do some fun tricks while staying strong but not too strong? Or do you think that giving him stuff that uses both his action and bonus action while being a bard is just gonna make action economy harder?

Also, if you have some cool ideas, shoot them my way. So far we have the jester, pirate and a soulknife assassin (not sure yet though).

Level 11 - 15 Shada-Kai Echo-Knight - Something something Dark Side build. Level 11 - 15 Shada-Kai Echo-Knight - Something something Dark Side build.
D&D 5e

Hello all. Going to be joining a campaign and I am thinking of running a Shada-Kai (SP) Elf Echo Night or Blade singer. Here are my thought and let me know what you think.

Option 1: Echo-Knight / Blade Singer - MAD Dependency and lots of use of Bonus Action --

Option 2: Echo-Knight / Illusionist -

Option 3: Echo Knight / Something something dark side.

Option 4: Blade Singer

Option 5: Blade Singer - Thief

I want to know your thoughts on what option I should do or give me something better to work with. I want a martial fighter that is good front lining but also really good at zipping around the battlefield as well.


PS: First Post on this sub I think so let me know if I did ok.

To Multiclass or Not? Lvl 7 Swarmkeeper Ranger - TWF To Multiclass or Not? Lvl 7 Swarmkeeper Ranger - TWF
D&D 5e

Hi all, I’m trying to decide whether or not to multiclass with my next levels and need some advice. It’s a long term home brew game so we often go awhile between levels so I want to use them wisely.

Meet BEES:

  • a plasmoid made of honey

  • lvl 7 swarmkeeper Ranger -TWF, and dual wielding feat (mostly for flavor) - dual rapiers

  • cha dump stat

Just trying to figure out the best way to optimize my build without losing flavor. I know this is a somewhat weird build for a Ranger. I know a couple levels in fighter never hurts, but what other options would be good/are there any specific subclasses that would synergize well? TIA!

Party Comp: Oath of Glory Paladin Oath of Vengeance Paladin Arcane Trickster Rogue Moon Druid

Level 20 Abjuration Wizard for one shot Level 20 Abjuration Wizard for one shot
D&D 5e

Hey gang, I'd like some help making a level 20 abjuration wizard for a one shot tomorrow. Here are the problems:

I've never played a wizard and I suffer massively from choice paralysis. I'm not sure what a good game plan is, what spells to choose, etc. Also the DM hasn't said anything as far as what magic items are allowed or not (playing at a local game store).

That being said, I at least know that I want to focus on buffing/supporting the party and making sure that I don't die.

For Spell Mastery, I'd like to have either Shield or Silvery Barbs for 1st level, Blur, Mirror Image, or Misty Step for 2nd level, and my Signature Spells would be Counters Pell and either Blink or Haste. Other than that I know Raulothim's Psychic Lance looks cool.

Any other advice would be great. Thank you!

TL;DR I've never played a wizard and I wanna see what I can do.

New Player, a little overwhelmed. New Player, a little overwhelmed.
D&D 5e


I am joining my first campaign and am less prepared for our session 0 than I want to be.

The things I need to know by session 0:

-family relations, groups they may be in, important defining moments for the character.

We are playing the wild beyond the witchlight: A feywild adventure.

Here is what I know about my character: her name will be Rane Karnok (last name still up to change)

She is a half-orc barbarian. She likes gardening, nature and flowers and uses those things to help her regulate her emotions. She has a lot of scars.

I’m leaning towards the folk hero background or the outsider background. But am open minded.

I want her to use gardening to help manage her temperament. I like the idea of her having tried to suppress her orcish tendencies, maybe she comes from an evil family and wants to distance herself from them. And a natural disaster showed her that rage can be used for good and now she’s leaning into that and becoming an adventurer. I don’t know her main motivation. To confront her family? Rescue a sibling? Prove herself to be good and worthy in society?

I know nothing about DnD and am trying to read through the handbook but would love ideas from seasoned players!

Silly Dwarven Monk/Barb Tank idea, thoughts? Silly Dwarven Monk/Barb Tank idea, thoughts?
D&D 5e

So here's the breakdown:

  • Race: Dwarf (Hill or Mountain, PYF)

    • Point Buy if Mountain: Str/Con/Wis 14 | Dex 13 | Int/Cha 8/9 (your choice)

      • Becomes Str/Con 16

    • Point Buy if Hill: Str/Dex/Con/ 14 | Wis 13 | Int/Cha 8/9 (your choice)

      • Becomes Con 16 | Wis 14, plus 1 more max hp/lvl

  • Long Death Monk 4

    • Important Bits: Patient Defense (1 ki BA dodge) and Touch of Death (Monk lvl + Wis mod temp hp per kill)

    • ASI: Dwarven Fortitude (+1 Con, Spend 1 HD and heal for that + Con whenever you Dodge)

  • Ancestral Barbarian X

    • Important Bits: Basically everything lmao (normal Barb stuff like rage, reckless attack, and the Ancestral Guardian stuff for tanking/aggro reasons)

    • ASI: Prioritize Str and Con, get Durable if you can (+1 Con, when healing via HD the min roll = Con mod).

The idea is effectively to use Ancestral Guardian and Reckless Attacks to encourage the enemy to attack you instead of allies, and keep yourself standing through Patient Defense + Dwarven Fortitude (together counteracts the downsides of Reckless Attack and provides healing) and the Temp HP from Touch of Death.

So, thoughts? Feelings? I also think that the subclasses fit together thematically as well (well, if you reflavour Long Death monk away from its canon as an order of torturers and murderers who explicitly do not care about the afterlife. Though I suppose you could frame the PC as a former member of the order who now seeks to honour those they killed during their studies)

EDIT: You could also grab 3-4 levels of Warlock to get Gift of the Ever-Living Ones instead of Durable, so you just maximize the rolls of any dice that would heal you (so long as your familiar is within 100ft). That would require you to go *really* MAD tho for the 13 Cha.