Showing posts with label west belfast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label west belfast. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

West Belfast Result bodes well for Socialist Republican Resurgence

éirígí Sligeach activist Gerry Casey has said that the West Belfast result from last week's local government elections in the six-counties was clear evidence of the ever increasing support for éirígí and its socialist republican analysis.  He was speaking following the count in Belfast yesterday (Monday) where éirígí  candidates received more than 2000 votes in West Belfast.

Pádraic Mac Coitir, who was standing in the Upper Falls constituency, polled 1,415 votes [11.3 per cent], while John McCusker, who was standing in the Lower Falls constituency, polled 647 votes [6.6 per cent].

Congratulating the two candidates and those party activists and supporters who worked tirelessly during this campaign, Casey said that this was yet another step forward in the resurgence of a movement for a Socialist Republic.

He said:   "The decision of the party to contest this election, our first electoral outing, was only taken at our recent Ard Fheis at the end of January (see here).  And while others used vast financial resources, black propaganda and even intimidation to counter our challenge, more than 2000 people seen through this deceit and voted for éirígí and the issues we brought to this campaign - an end to British rule, an end to poverty and the creation of a socialist republic."

"Yesterday's result shows clearly that éirígi's Socialist Republican analysis is gaining support in significant numbers.  And while the party has always been consistent in its view that the aim of a socialist republic will not be attained through the ballot box, to attain such a sizeable vote  on our first election is very significant indeed." (To read our Policy Document 'Elections, Elected Institutions & Ireland's Revolutionary Struggle' click here)

At the conclusion of the count, Lower Falls candidate John McCusker said:   “Despite claims to the contrary, it has now been proven beyond fear of contradiction that éirígí has a large support base in west Belfast."

“Last Thursday, more than 2,000 people took the effort to go out and declare their support for éirígí, its strategy and the politics of socialist republicanism. On behalf of éirígí, I would like to thank these people and encourage them to get onto the streets in opposition to the cuts in the time ahead."

“The republican struggle is, slowly but surely, being rebuilt and today was another positive development in that process.  éirígí brought to this election the politics of socialist republicanism and the dedication and determination of our members and supporters. We are proud of our campaign and the result it has achieved."

“éirígí will continue to campaign for the rights of the working people of west Belfast and for the political, social and economic liberation of all the working people of this country.”

 Pádraic Mac Coitir added: “When éirígí entered this election campaign, its objective was to demonstrate a significant support base for socialist republican politics in west Belfast. Today, it is undeniable that such a support base exists in large numbers."

“I would like to thank all those republicans and socialists who came out to vote for éirígí and the politics we espouse. A vote for éirígí was a vote against the cuts, a vote against partition and a vote for a radical socialist republican alternative; large numbers of people have responded to that message in a positive manner."

“I would also like to thank the many, many republican activists who devoted so much time over the last number of weeks in fighting an effective, coherent campaign for éirígí. The contribution from every single one of them was invaluable.”

He continued:  “We must organise on the streets, in our communities and in our workplaces to build a movement for real change. We hope that all those who voted éirígí in this election, and the massive amounts of people who decided not to vote, will join this campaign in the time ahead."

"Today, the support for a radical, socialist republican alternative has been demonstrated unequivocally.”

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

éirígí Announces Names of Belfast City Council Candidates

Pádraic Mac Coitiréirígí has announced the names of two candidates who will be standing in May’s Six County local government elections.

John McCusker and Pádraic Mac Coitir will both be standing in Belfast; McCusker in the Lower Falls constituency and Mac Coitir in the Upper Falls area.

The socialist republican party took the decision to intervene in the council elections at its Belfast Ard-Fheis on January 23.

Republican ex-prisoner and former blanketman Pádraic Mac Coitir lives in the Lenadoon area of west Belfast and has been involved in socialist republican and community politics since 1970.

He said: “When I first became involved in the republican struggle, the goals of the civil rights movement were making the headlines, including the right to a job and the right to a home. Forty years later, these very basic and very limited demands have still not been achieved.

“This is why there is a need for a party like éirígí to stand in these elections: to reinvigorate the struggle for social and economic justice and the fight against partition and the British occupation.

“I am very proud to have been chosen by the éirígí membership to represent the party and its socialist republican politics and I am looking forward to engaging with as many working class people as possible in west Belfast over the next number of months.”

Thirty-three-year-old Falls Road man John McCusker holds a masters in international politics and has been involved in the republican struggle all his adult life.

John McCuskerHe said: “In light of the current economic crisis, it is clear that the old solutions and the old institutions have failed west Belfast miserably. What éirígí is bringing to this election is a platform that stands for active opposition to British government and Stormont cuts, a platform that offers an alternative to discrimination, poverty and partition and a platform that stands for rebuilding strong, vibrant communities.

“I am honoured to represent that platform and the politics of éirígí.”
Announcing their candidature, cathaoirleach éirígí Brian Leeson said: “In line with the decision taken by the party membership at our recent Ard-Fheis, éirígí will be standing candidates in both of the west Belfast local government constituencies.

“John McCusker and Pádraic Mac Coitir are two sterling activists who have devoted decades between them in fighting for the rights of working class people and in pursuance of socialist republican objectives.

“West Belfast has been discriminated against for decades and remains one of the most socially and economically deprived areas in western Europe. This was the case 20 years ago and it remains the case today. The vicious cuts which are being implemented by the British government and its Stormont administration are going to make an already bad situation an awful lot worse.

“éirígí is standing in this election to give the working class people of west Belfast an opportunity to say enough is enough. The fight back against poverty and partition, against inequality and exploitation starts now and there are no two better people to be at the forefront of that fight than John McCusker and Pádraic Mac Coitir.”

Leeson added: “Elections will constitute only part of that fight back. Ultimately, real change in this society will only come about when enough people get politically active in their communities, on the streets and in their workplaces.

“This will be the core message of éirígí’s electoral campaign: Together, working class people have the power to stop and rollback the cuts and, eventually, remove those responsible from power.”