Showing posts with label Occupation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Occupation. Show all posts

Monday, May 23, 2011

The Anti-Windsor March on Dublin Castle – Full Report

The largest demonstration of the entire Windsor state visit took place on Wednesday [May 18] with éirígí’s March on Dublin Castle. Despite the best efforts of the state and the corporate media to deter people from taking to the streets up to 350 people joined the protest, which assembled at the site of Robert Emmet’s execution at St Catherine’s Church on Dublin’s Thomas Street.

Although the start time for the first of the speakers had to be postponed by half an hour to facilitate those who had been delayed by the lockdown of Dublin city, the crowd was kept well entertained by Joe Keegan’s repertoire of rebel songs.

At 6.15pm the first of the speaker’s, éirígí Dublin City Councillor Louise Minihan, took to the platform. She was followed by independent Councillor Davey Hyland from Newry, independent Dublin City Councillor Cieran Perry, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Ireland Eugene McCartan, independent Fermanagh Councillor Bernice Swift and éirígí Rúnaí Ginearálta Breandán Mac Cionnaith.

A common theme of opposition to Windsor, and the archaic system of monarchy, class and imperialism that she symbolises, emerged from the contributions of all the speakers. Belfast singer/songwriter Pól MacAdaim’s songs of resistance resonated with those themes. Videos of all those who spoke and sang will be posted on this website shortly.

With Breandán’s contribution complete the march lined up on Thomas Street behind the lead banner which bore the words ‘Britain out of Ireland’. Behind that a black coffin bearing the words ‘British Empire’ was carried by four protesters. And behind that again the main body of the protest assembled carrying a range of colourful placards, flags and banners.

As the protest moved off a cacophony of whistles and chants rose above the Rebel Liberties, a sound that was added to by the approving claps and cheers of many of the onlookers that lined Thomas Street. By the time the march reached the top of Francis Street it has swelled in size to an estimated 350 people. It was at this point that a detachment of roughly fifty helmet-wearing, baton-yielding Gardaí moved rapidly from a side street to form a line along the right-hand side of the march, where they remained for the remainder of the protest.

Hundreds of Riot Police Block March from Proceeding to Dublin Castle

By the time the March on Dublin Castle reached the Garda lines it was clear that the state had no intention of allowing the protest to get any further than Christchurch Cathedral. Hundreds of Gardaí, many wearing helmets and carrying batons, positioned themselves on three sides of the demonstration. It was a show of strength without any recent parallel in the Twenty-Six Counties, which made a mockery of the suggestion that the state was willing to tolerate opposition to the Windsor visit. The air of intimidation surrounding an entirely peaceful protest was palpable.

Cathaoirleach éirígí Brian Leeson then addressed the crowd, congratulating people on their courage and discipline in the face of the extreme provocation provided by both the Windsor visit and the security operation that surrounded it. Hundreds of black balloons were then released in memory of all of those who have died at the hands of Windsor’s official and unofficial death squads. And the black coffin of the British Empire was left at the Garda lines.

Brian Leeson addresses crowd at Garda Lines
In his closing contribution Brian reminded those present that thousands of people had lined the streets of Dublin in 1911 to greet ‘King George V’ and only a couple of hundred had joined with James Connolly to oppose it. And that was only five years before the 1916 Rising. In five short years everything can change. The challenge now is to accelerate the rebuilding of the republican movement to ensure that any future British royal visit will be met not by three hundred protesters but by ten thousand.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Saor Éire 2011 – A gathering for socialists and republicans

éirígíThey think they have bought half of us off with the withdrawal of the British garrison in Ireland to barracks and fooled the rest of us into believing that bail outs and tax breaks for the rich are somehow in the interests of working people.

However the fools they have left us armed with something far more dangerous than any bullet or any ounce.

The historical legacy and political ideas of James Connolly should act as a guide to the actions that republicans and socialists should be engaged in.

Ninety-five years after the execution of Irish socialist republican James Connolly, Ireland remains under the yoke of capitalism and imperialism.

On Saturday, May 7, éirígí has organised a gathering where the way forward for the national liberation and class struggles in Ireland today can debated and discussed.

‘Saor Éire’ in the 1930s was central to the project of radicalising a generation of activists and it is fitting then that it will today be the title for a gathering which hopes over the coming years to achieve the same end.

‘Saor Éire’ – A gathering for socialists and republicans

James ConnollyVenue: Ashling Hotel (Parkgate Street, across from Heuston Station)
Date: Saturday, May 7

10am – The resources of Ireland for the people of Ireland?
The giveaway of Irish natural and the struggle to reclaim them. Speakers: Maura Harrington (Shell to Sea) and more.

11am – James Connolly – Idol or Ideologue for Irish Republicans?
Speakers: Aindrias Ó Cathasaigh (author) and Dr Brian Kelly (lecturer, QUB).
A discussion on whether Irish republicans only see James Connolly in terms of his involvement in the 1916 Rising or seriously use his writings and actions over his lifetime as a guide to their political commitments.

12 Noon – Fighting back against the EU/IMF cuts
Speakers include éirígí's Daithí Mac An Mháistir, Pepe Gutierrez from Latin America Solidarity Campaign and Brendan Ogle of Unite the Union.
1pm – Break

1.30pm – No Queen Here – Why we oppose monarchy and imperialism
Brian Leeson of éirígí, Roger Cole of PANA and others will take part in a discussion on the imminent arrival of the commander of British military and why imperialism in Ireland and abroad must be resisted.

3.30pm – James Connolly Commemoration, Arbour Hill cemetery.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

'British Queen' for the Guillotine

éirígí are to hold a protest at the GPO in Dublin this Saturday April 16th at 1pm,  which will see the symbolic beheading of an effigy of 'Elizabeth Windsor' in a French revolution-style mock guillotine.

It is the latest in a series of demonstrations organised by the socialist republican party against the upcoming state visit by Elizabeth Windsor to the Twenty Six Counties.

Speaking in advance of Saturday's protest, Cathaoirleach éirígí Brian Leeson said:

“With the Windsor state visit due to begin in Dublin in just over a month éirígí are stepping up its campaign of opposition to the visit.  This Saturday's protest is just the latest that éirígí have organised against the parading of the British head of state and commander-in-chief of the British Army through the streets of Dublin and elsewhere in Ireland.”

He added:  “As éirígí has already pointed out, the timing of the visit is deliberately provocative.  It is designed to rub salt in the wounds of the victims of British state violence, beginning as it does on the 37th anniversary
of the Dublin/Monaghan bombings.”

“And if that was not bad enough, Windsor will attend events at the Garden of Remembrance and Trinity College within yards of the site of the explosions at Parnell Street, Talbot Street and South Leinster Street where 26 people were killed.  The British state continue to this day to thwart all efforts to reveal the truth about British military involvement in those bombings.”

Leeson also revealed the reasons behind the inclusion at Saturday's protest of a piece of street theatre that will see an effigy of Elizabeth Windsor symbolically beheaded in a mock guillotine.

“The guillotine has been chosen to make a very serious political point. It is closely associated with the French revolution, when the people of that country threw off the chains of monarchy in favour of freedom and republicanism based on equality, liberty and fraternity. And that was over two hundred years ago.”

“Yet two centuries later our people are still expected to bend the knee to a woman who was born into her role as head of the British state and commander-in-chief of the British military – a state and a military which
continue to occupy the Six Counties.”

He concluded:  “The mock guillotining of Elizabeth Windsor symbolises that which needs to happen to all of those political and economic systems which are based upon inherited privilege, imperialism and class. The time of monarchy, imperialism and exploitation is well and truly past. Nothing makes that point quite as clearly as the guillotine.”

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

RIR Stunts Will Be Opposed

éirígí candidate for the Lower Falls in the forthcoming local government elections in the Six Counties John McCusker has said any attempt by the British army to hold a parade in Belfast will be actively opposed by the socialist republican party.

The British Ministry of Defence recently announced that they plan to parade soldiers from the Royal Irish Regiment through the streets of the Six Counties when they return from the war against Afghanistan in May.

In 2008, hundreds of people attended an éirígí demonstration in opposition to an RIR parade through Belfast city centre.

McCusker said: “The Royal Irish Regiment is about as welcome in Ireland as it is in Afghanistan, which is not very welcome at all.

“If the British Ministry of Defence thinks it can march the RIR through the streets of Belfast without facing opposition then it is gravely mistaken; it should have learnt its lesson in 2008.

“The British army is an army of occupation.  In both Afghanistan and Ireland, it acts as the military enforcer of the diktats and interests of foreign politicians and business interests.  It has no positive role to play in either

McCusker added: “At a time when Britain is involved in its latest imperialist offensive, this time against the people of Libya, it is even more incumbent that the glorification of these mass murderers is opposed at every turn.

“éirígí will be actively opposing any British army propaganda stunt that involves the parading of killers in uniform through Irish streets.  We call on all republicans, socialists and democrats to do likewise.”

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sinn Féin called on to re-think Opposition to Anti-Royal Protests

The socialist republican party éirígí have called on Sinn Féin to re-think their publicly stated opposition to protests against the forthcoming visit by the English Monarch Elizabeth Windsor.

Their call comes in the wake of recent comments carried in various national and local media outlets by newly elected Sinn Féin TD for Sligo/North Leitrim, Michael Colreavy, in which he called for “no protests” against the visit.  Deputy First Minister of Britain's puppet parliament at Stormont, Sinn Féin's Martin McGuinness made similar public statements in recent days.

Responding to Deputy Colreavy's remarks éirígí Sligeach activist Gerry Casey said: “The decision by Sinn Féin to publicly call on people not to protest about the upcoming visit by the British Head of State and Commander in Chief of the British army defies all logic."

“The purpose of this visit is an attempt to legitimise and normalise the continued occupation of the six counties by her government and thousands of her troops. It is a further attempt to copper-fasten partition and continue to deny the right of self-determination to the Irish people as a whole.”

Casey added: “This woman and the sectarian institution that she represents is an apologist for illegal military occupations and war crimes carried out by her troops, not just in Ireland but in Iraq and Afghanistan also."

“She believes that she and her family have a god-given right to rule and live a life of luxury funded by the labour of working people whom she considers her ‘subjects’.  Everyone that considers themselves a republican, a socialist and a democrat should, not only be appalled at the prospect of this visit, but should be actively protesting and organising resistance to it.”


He continued: “Our position is clear - it is that of James Connolly and of Bobby Sands. Britain has no right to occupy the six counties or any part of Ireland.  Until there is a complete British military and political withdrawal from our country it must be consistently and vociferously challenged. 

“There cannot and will not be any ‘normalisation’ of British – Irish relations. As such, this and future British state visits will be met with vigorous opposition.”

Casey concluded: “I would urge Deputy Colreavy to urgently re-examine the stance he and the leaders of his party have taken; a stance clearly at odds with the views of his own party’s grassroots members in this region.  It is not too late for them to do the right thing and to join the growing opposition and resistance to this visit.”

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Online Petition launched Demanding Enda Kenny Abandon planned 'British Queen' Visit

éirígí have launched an on-line petition as part of its campaign against the planned state visit to the 26 counties by the  British Head of State Elizabeth Windsor, which was confirmed over the weekend.

The petition demands that Enda Kenny and his incoming government abandon plans for this visit ,due to take place in May, which were announced over the weekend.

Launching the petition, Cathaoirleach éirígí Brian Leeson said that opposition to the visit is growing daily and that éirígí's campaign of resistance against it will be intensified over the coming weeks.

“The political elite and large sections of the corporate media cannot contain their excitment at the prospect of seeing a 'British Queen' paraded through the streets of Dublin. They conveniently ignore the fact that she is the Commander in Chief of the British army who continues to occupy part of our country and that she is an apologist for war crimes committed by her troops in Ireland, Iraq and Afghanistan.”

Referring to the petition Brian said:

“Millions of Irish people, both here in Ireland and around the world, are opposed to this visit. Our online petition was launched in order to give such people an opportunity to express their opposition against what is a blatant attempt to 'normalise' and legitimise the ongoing British occupation of the six

“By any definition the continued prescence of 5000 occupying troops, hundreds of MI5 personnel and a 9000 strong paramilitary police force engaged in widespread repression against the nationalist community and those who dare challenge British rule in Ireland is not 'normal'.”

Brian concluded by urging people to be pro-active in their opposition:

“éirígí would encourage people to express their opposition by signing the petition at and demand that Enda Kenny and his incoming government abandon this planned state visit. We are also urging people to take to the streets and partcipate in protests against this visit, the next of which takes place this coming Saturday March 12 at 2PM outside the British Embassy in Dublin. Together we can ensure that Britain’s attempts to ‘normalise’ its occupation of the Six Counties is stopped in its tracks.”

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Sligo Shopping Centre gives Commitment on Dead Sea Products

The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) North-west have cancelled a planned demonstration that was to take place today (Wednesday Jan 26) outside Johnstons Court shopping centre in Sligo.

The protest had been called as a result of a company 'Premier Dead Sea Cosmetics' trading from a stall in the shopping centre. An impromptu protest was held on Saturday by a number of local IPSC activists who became aware of the stall which was selling Dead Sea Cosmetics product, the sale of which helps fund the Israeli apartheid regime, its brutal occupation of Palestine and its illegal settlements in the West Bank (click here to read news coverage of that protest).

The cancellation of the protest comes as 'Premier Dead Sea Cosmetics' have ceased trading there yesterday (Jan 25). The Management of Johnstons Court also gave a commitment today that this company and their Dead Sea Cosmetics would not be allowed to return and trade in the shopping centre.

Welcoming this commitment local IPSC activist Ciaran Adams urged other shopping centres to follow suit:

Mr Adams said: “The products being sold on these stalls help to fund Israel's war economy and their brutal and illegal military occupation of Palestine. It is also highly likely that these goods come from illegal settlements on Palestinian land, although it is routinely mislabelled as coming from within Israel's borders.”

The IPSC in this region will now be stepping up our campaign in support of the call by Palestinian civil society for a Boycott of all Israeli goods, similar to the campaign that helped bring about an end to apartheid South Africa. We would now urge other shopping centres in the region to give a similar commitment to not allow this company, or similar ones selling Dead Sea products, to trade on their premises.” 

He concluded: “By taking this stand and boycotting Israeli goods, businesses and shopping centres can play a positive role in helping to bring an end to Israeli apartheid and secure the long overdue freedom that the people of Palestine both desire and deserve.”

Also welcoming the news was éirígí Sligeach activist Gerry Casey who urged the public to refuse to buy Israeli products, to complain to the management in stores that stock these goods and to contact the IPSC to let them know where these products are on sale.

Casey said: "This year has started like any other year for the Palestinian people. The Palestinian people continue to endure terrible suffering and brutal repression at the hands of the Israeli regime on a daily basis."

"The illegal occupation of the West Bank, theft of Palestinian land and resources, the continued expansion of illegal settlements and the construction of their apartheid wall continues unabated. Israel continues to kill Palestinian people, kidnap children and jail those who dare resist this brutal occupation. Israel's illegal and inhumane siege of Gaza, a clear violation of international law, also continues."

Referring to the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, Casey continued: "The Boycott campaign is an opportunity for every individual to express their abhorrence at the crimes committed by the Israeli state and to express solidarity and support for the rights of Palestinian people to secure peace, justice and freedom."

"More importantly, it is an opportunity to take practical measures that can have a positive effect, similar to what happened with the South African boycott which helped bring about an end to the apartheid regime in that country. So too all of us can play a role in helping to bring about an end to the apartheid Israeli regime and the occupation of Palestine."

Casey concluded: "Where people become aware of Israeli goods being sold, they should refuse to buy them, complain to management and contact the IPSC to make them aware of where these goods are being sold. While the EU and what passes for government on this island refuse to impose sanctions against Israel, the people of Ireland themselves have the power to make such a boycott effective.”

For more information on the activities of the IPSC and the BDS campaign click here or e-mail

Saturday, August 28, 2010

éirígí Announce Protest for Blair Book Signing

éirígí has reiterated its demand for the former British prime minister Tony Blair to be arrested for war crimes if he enters the Twenty-Six Counties.

The demand was made as the socialist republican party announced it will be staging a demonstration outside Eason’s bookshop on O'Connell Street, Dublin at 10am on Saturday [September 4], where Blair is scheduled to attend a book signing event.
Partners in Crime - Tony Blair & George Bush
Announcing the protest, éirígí spokesperson Daithí Mac An Mhaistír said Blair's legacy is one of illegal invasions, occupations and war crimes.

Mac An Mhaistír said: “Tony Blair is a war criminal, with the blood of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians on his hands.  Alongside his US allies, Blair launched brutal and bloody wars against the people of Afghanistan and Iraq.  More than 1.3 million Iraqis are believed to have been killed during the illegal invasion and subsequent occupation.

"This man should be arrested and put before the International Criminal Court.”

He continued: “In Afghanistan, casualties continue to mount as the occupation and slaughter of civilians continues.  Blair’s justifications for these invasions are a tissue of lies and deceit.  His book is an attempt to rewrite history and justify his role in these illegal wars and the countless war crimes committed by British troops.

“In his time as British prime minister, Blair also oversaw the normalisation of the British occupation in the Six Counties and the murder by pro-British forces of nationalist civilians, including human rights lawyer Rosemary Nelson.  He also blocked all attempts to secure the truth about collusion between British forces and unionist death squads, in particular their role in the Dublin/Monaghan bombings.”

Mac An Mhaistír concluded:  “The book promotion in Eason’s is an insult to the victims of Blair's war crimes and Eason's should withdraw their invitation to him.  If Blair proceeds with his visit, éirígí will be highlighting his crimes and staging a protest outside Eason's from 10am on Saturday [September 4].”

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Latest PSNI incursion into Donegal Condemned

Sligo éirígí activist Gerry Casey has slammed the latest incursion by armed British forces across the border into the 26-counties. He was speaking following revelations that the PSNI crossed the border from Belleek in County Fermanagh into County Donegal on Thursday August 12th.

A PSNI spokesperson attempted to justify the incursion by saying that it was a “simple mistake” and that “the officers were from the Omagh area and not familiar with local landmarks.”

PSNI Checkpoint
Yet this is at the very least the third incursion by the PSNI at this very same location this year alone. On both previous occasions, once when they set up a checkpoint and stopped cars in County Donegal and on a second occasion when they entered a shop south of the border, the PSNI ignored locals who told them they were out of their juridstiction.

This excuse that the PSNI were unaware of where exactly the border lies is absolute nonsense. Do the PSNI honestly expect people to believe that they send their officers out to patrol the border without knowing where the border actually is? The border is clearly marked with the bridge over the Erne river seperating Fermanagh from Donegal. Signposts welcoming people to Donegal also give the game away for any supposedly 'below intelligence' or 'lost' PSNI personnel.

Newspaper coverage of previous PSNI incursion at the same location
Rubbishing the PSNI 'excuses' Casey said: “Incursions by the British military and police south of the border are nothing new. Over the past few decades they have regularly crossed the border for a host of various reasons, from intimidation, to intelligence gathering to murder, as in the instance of John Francis Green who was assassinated in county Monaghan. British army helicopters have also regularly overflown and indeed have even landed south of the border .”

He continued: “On a number of occasions, armed British soldiers from both regular units and undercover SAS units have been apprehended in this state by the Gardai. In stark contrast to the 26-county states treatment of those who engaged in resistance against the British occupation, these armed terrorists were released without charge and sent back across the border to continue their operations against nationalist and republican communities.”

Bridge seperating County Donegal from Belleek Co.Fermanagh
“Particularly reprehensible has been the silence and lack of action by what passes for government in Leinster House. However, we shouldn't be surprised at that considering it is only a few months back that Donegal Fianna Fáil Senator Cecilia Keaveney proposed allowing British troops to operate in the 26 counties in some circumstances.”

Casey concluded: “This latest incursion is just the latest example of a police force that have not changed their ways as the nationalist parties in Stormont would have us believe. They continue to act as a law unto themselves, to engage in harrassment and intimidation of northern nationalists as well as political repression of those, including éirígí activists, who oppose the continued British occupation. The PSNI remain a heavily armed unaccountable and unchanged British paramilitary force enforcing British rule in Ireland and, as they showed once again in Ardoyne on the 12th July, they are willing to use whatever force necessary to maintain the occupation.”

Monday, August 9, 2010

Successful Mountain-top Protest

Around 100 people participated in éirígí’s demonstration on the Divis Mountain in Belfast on Saturday [August 7].

The demonstration took place in opposition to the British Ministry of Defence laying claim to a section of the mountain, where they have maintained a military communications post.

Speaking at the protest, rúnaí ginearálta éirígí Breandán Mac Cionnaith said: “Today we are standing at another example of the British misuse of Irish resources. The Divis Mountain is a piece of natural heritage that should be the property of all the people of Belfast, to be appreciated and enjoyed.

“Instead, this part of it has been misused by the British war machine in Ireland, at times through sentry boxes and at times through use as a communications post. Every person who has a concern for human rights or national independence should actively be opposed to the presence of such outposts in Ireland.”

Mac Cionnaith spoke of the history of the mountain, noting that the protest was taking place not far from the spot where the United Irishmen first came together in 1791 and pledged to oppose British rule in Ireland. He also commented on recent remarks about éirígí in the corporate media, challenging Sinn Féin to a public debate with the party in west Belfast.

Following the embarrassment caused to them by a similar éirígí demonstration last year, the PSNI had a more low-key presence this time around. Two PSNI helicopters hovered above the demonstration while three land rovers sat in the car park taking vehicle registration details. This was used to stop and harass a number of people as they left in their cars, though this attempt to isolate people in smaller numbers proved futile.

Friday, August 6, 2010

éirígí to Reclaim the Black Mountain

éirígí general secretary Breandán MacCionnaith has called on people to attend tomorrow's demonstration on Belfast's Black Mountain.

The British Ministry of Defence maintains a ‘communications post’ on the mountain.  When éirígí protested at the post earlier this year, the PSNI launched a massive operation, detaining mountain walkers and peaceful
protestors alike under legislation that was illegal under EU law.

MacCionnaith said: “The Black Mountain is a piece of natural heritage that should be a resource for all the people of Belfast – not the British Ministry of Defence.

“To highlight this point, éirígí will be leading a walk to the British post tomorrow.  We are encouraging  everyone, young and old, who uses the Black Mountain to join us on the walk.”

MacCionnaith continued: “The British military’s involvement in Ireland continues to be highly disruptive and deeply abnormal.  Two weeks ago, it was revealed that an area of road in south Down was being closed to the public under the orders of the British secretary of state.

“Whether it be the abuse of our areas of natural heritage, the closure of our roads or the invasion of our airspace, the British military’s presence in Ireland is totally unacceptable and needs to be actively challenged.

“éirígí’s Black Mountain demonstration is the latest initiative in our Campaign for a British Withdrawal, we are encouraging as many people as possible to join us in this endeavour.  The message needs to go out that the British army must get off the Black Mountain.”

éirígí’s Reclaim the Black Mountain demonstration will assemble at the Divis Hills car park, Hannahstown Road, Belfast at 3pm on Saturday, August 7.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Resist Normalisation – Oppose Armed Forces Day

Britain's Armed Forces Day takes place this Saturday (June 26). As well as the many triumphalist and jingoistic parades and events that are taking place throughout Britain, events to mark Armed Forces Day are disgracefully to be held in a number of locations within the occupied six counties here in Ireland. Amongst the events on Saturday to mark this occasion will be the raising of a British military flag over Belfast City Hall.

If we were to believe the official Armed Forces Day website, the day is “an annual opportunity for the nation to Show Your Support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community”.

Indeed earlier this week British Prime Minister David Cameron was also urging people to support Armed Forces Day and wave the union jack. Cameron claimed that “there is huge respect for the Armed Forces community out there, and I want that expressed more loudly and more proudly. As someone once said, silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone – so next Saturday I hope we see an explosion of red, white and blue all over the country.”

Contrary to Cameron's suggestion, the Irish people do not have 'huge respect' for the British army. Contempt would be a more apt description of Irish peoples views of a military force responsible for Bloody Sunday and many other massacres in Ireland and around the world.

Cameron also needs to be reminded also that the six counties are not his country. They are an integral part of our national terroritory. They are not now and never will be a part of Britain.

British troops have no right to be here in any part of our country. For Irish republicans and nationalists, Armed Forces Day is a deliberate insult to those who suffered at the hands of the British army throughout their occupation which continues to this day. It is an insult to all the families of those who were murdered directly by the British army or by loyalist death squads acting in collusion with the British army.

Sligo éirígí activist Gerry Casey described the 'celebrations' as obscene and an attempt to normalise the continued occupation of our country.

Casey said: “There most definitely is nothing to 'celebrate' about one of the world's most murderous military forces.”

The British army record in Ireland has been a lengthy, shameful and bloody one. Their occupation, which continues to this day, has been one of intimidation, political repression, assault, torture, collusion and murder. More than 5000 troops remain in the six counties with the Special Reconaissance Regiment (SRR), effectively an undercover British army death squad, back on the streets of the six-counties once more.”

He added: “To 'celebrate' and 'glorify' a force with such an appalling human rights record and a propensity for mass murder is truly obscene. It is nothing short of trampling over the graves of their victims, especially coming less than two weeks after the publication of the Saville Report which was a damning indictment of the British army massacre of civil rights marchers on the streets of Derry on Bloody Sunday 1972.”

It is also a blatant attempt by the British Government to attempt to normalise the six counties and the continued occupation. However, just like previous attempts at 'normalisation' by successive British governments, republican opposition will ensure that this attempt is doomed to failure also.”

While some people may now be willing to support a policy of 'normalisation' and administer the occupation from Stormont, Irish Republicans will never accept or legitimise it, will never accept British troops in our country and will continue to resist that occupation for as long as it continues.”

Casey concluded: “Like the British army, éirígí will be marking Armed Forces Day. Unlike the British army, we will not be celebrating their murderous deeds. éirígí will be holding a demonstration to oppose these events taking place in our country outside City Hall in Belfast at 12 midday. Oppose British imperialism and the continued occupation of the six counties and Afghanistan. Bigí linn.”