February 22nd, 2019

drawing exercise in class today- the aim was to do 100 drawings in 15 minutes. i managed 50, which i’m pleased with, all things considered! 

February 19th, 2019

one of the doggos from my LOVELY PUPPIES III mini zine! i should probably get my etsy shop up and running again sometime soon.


i am still having a lot of problems wrt: health. my tendonitis/rsi is still limiting my everyday….everything and that’s taking a huge toll on my mental health. however, i just started school again and i’m really excited for the next couple of years at rmit, even though right now things are very difficult and i’m nervous about my capabilities in class.

i’m going to make more of an effort to post here when i draw or make anything, even if it’s not super great, just so i have a record that i have in fact been making things even though it’s hard! <3

February 6th, 2019

i’ll also have copies of ‘FORGOTTEN, FORGIVEN’ - a comic i made last year with my wife, @najalater

February 6th, 2019

gonna be at @sticky-institute‘s festival of the photocopier on sunday with two new zines!

IDLE HANDS: i have been on another health-related hiatus for the last few months dealing with chronic wrist pain so i made a zine about it bc i felt bad abt not making things even though i have a perfectly good reason to not be making things, lol

LOVELY PUPPIES III: another little foldover zine full of puppers!

October 28th, 2018

alice oehr did a workshop at rmit this week, where we made paper-cut portraits. this one is ~a2 size and was super fun to put together!

October 16th, 2018

little gouache painting from a while ago. i’m really into those holbein acryla-gouaches….

September 27th, 2018

a new four-colour riso print for @treepapercomics‘s upcoming exhibition benefitting greyhound adoption, SNOOTS!

August 23rd, 2018

learning how to use blender

the key issue using a macbook with a touchpad, it seems

August 18th, 2018

snack break

(gouache, pencils and pens, construction paper)

August 10th, 2018

been busy moving house/getting married/going overseas! i am alive though

here is a BAGCAT for your entertainment

maybe i will make stickers of this bad boy

melbourne-based illustrator, comic-maker, dog-patter. (order may vary.)
