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Entries by tag: lizard talk

The email inbox of an animal rights campaign does attract really cranky, bizarre stuff. Most of it is harmless. But today i came across the worst one ever.

Cut for anti-semitism and gory stuff. Do not click if you are feeling remotely fragile, sensitive or likely to be sick at the slightest provocation.Collapse )

The worst bit isn't that I saw it, or that any of the hundreds of people on this wankstain's list who are sensible and horrified by such things saw it. The worst bit is that some people - like the paranoid guy who spouted anti-semitic crap at an animal rights meeting about a year ago and put me (and possibly other people) off going to the meetings for ages and who was for months the *one* person i outright refused to work with on Veggies events - see this shit and believe it. Some of the people on the list will have paranoid tendencies, or be young and impressionable, or any number of other reasons why they might take this crap seriously. And this is why i bother to take this crap seriously and bother to argue with it.

You know you want this

Conspiracy theory generator. I'm not convinced of the merits of making this task easier, but anyway.

The burning question

So, 'David Icke - was he right?' I bet anyone who read last night's post has been losing sleep over whether or not i'd been converted... what, you haven't? Well, you're all a bunch of lizards!
Anyway, the short answer is 'no'. The best i can say about Icke is his heart may possibly be in the right place - that's more than i would say for his brain, however. He's more a sad old git than a hate figure, imo. Either that or he's done his idea of a good PR job, brushing off the anti-semitic edges. Still really sad that coming over the way he did constitutes a good PR job in his slightly pathetic little world. Also, as a former Green Party member, i find it hard to forgive the damage he did to that group's reputation.

On the subject (?!?!), DK, thanks for the card. 'Someone' forwarded it, along with every other bit of post from the table, and used insufficient postage. So i just got it today. Thanks anyway. :)

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