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Entries by tag: linkage

Unfuck Your Habitat. This is my favourite among these pages, the site that gave me my first kick in the arse to start sorting things out, and still my go-to place if I'm demoralised by my living environment and can't for whatever reason work out for myself what to do first. (Sometimes I get to that stage. I'm never going to be a natural about these things. The best I can say is that it doesn't get to the most demoralising level quite as often these days.) I don't always follow it to the letter, but the beauty of UfYH is that you don't have to, provide you're doing something.
Phrases I regularly borrow: Unfuck, 20/10

FlyLady. This is the most comprehensive site if you need detailed instructions for each specific type of cleaning and/or detailed daily, weekly and monthly plans set out for you. I don't personally find this site the easiest to work with, although I have used it for ideas. The messages the site gives are very much geared to Christian stay-at-home mothers (people of other religions may feel some affinity with it, but it is very gendered and assumes that homemaking is the main role of most site users) who are encourage to see housework as a 'blessing' to their family. Sometimes this gets my back up, which is why I tend to stay away. (NB if I have a ton of housework to do I am normally feeling prickly, about that if nothing else!) I also find a prescriptive programme difficult to deal with as it sets off the issues I have generally with being ordered around for the sake of it. If you are one of the lucky people who doesn't have such issues or the sort who finds such programmes helpful, you'll like it a lot better. The one area of agreement I have with FlyLady is the idea that you need to start small and build up. In her case, she suggests starting by shining your sink each day then adding other daily tasks gradually, starting each one as the previous one begins to feel natural. Depending on how much you care about specific areas of your home or life, you might like to treat the specified tasks as placeholders. (NB if you're a vegan and/or anti-bloodsports type you may find the main author infuriating for other reasons, as she is paleo and derives her name from fly fishing. YMMV but don't say you weren't warned)

365 Less Things. This started as the main author's quest to reduce her clutter by one object per day, and that's the ethos she tends to stick with. I haven't poked around as much as I have with the other two, but it seems to contain a lot of useful advice on reducing the amount of stuff around your home. It is also written in a totally non-condescending way and doesn't seem to make assumptions about who might be reading.

More knitting linkage

Glampyre knits

Includes a skull and crossbones! (which i plan on defacing customising with a hair bow, a la the earrings i persuaded myself i was too old and sensible to buy)

Subvert something simple

The phrase 'I'm not a feminist, but...' tends to strike horror into my heart. Even so, a blog by that name was kind of intriguing, so i read it. And in case there was any doubt, the author certainly fits my description of a feminist. In particular: "Is it right for my boyfriend to look at lad mags?" is a great post. (short answer: no. in case you were wondering!)

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