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New blood

What the Hell is wrong with Republicans in the U.S. House?

Speaking as someone who's lived a long life and one who has a penchant for following this country's political affairs, I repeat, "What the Hell is going on?"

House Republicans have been a pain in the ass for several years. But, the current crop has simply gone bananas.

An impeachment committee, looking for evidence it can't find, trying to embarrass a sitting President whose done nothing "impeach-able."  A President, based on his lengthy experience, who could conduct a graduate-level course in politics that many of them couldn't pass.  A "special" committee trying to find "evidence" that doesn't exist?  Really?

There are 221 GOP'ers in the House.  Most are sane.  Most are there to do the people's work.  Most have a sense of the importance of the positions they hold.  The history.  The responsibility.


About 40-50 of those folks have no understanding of their roles in our democracy.  They don't know the real work that must be done.  They offer nothing in the way of responsible legislation.  They produce nothing constructive.  They make noises and clutter the atmosphere with baseless charges and personal antics that should be embarrassing.  At least to them.  'Cause they're certainly embarrassing  to the rest of us.

If those cretins were workers at a business in the private sector, it's doubtful they'd be long-employed, given their disgraceful antics.

Facing the 2024 national election, you have to wonder if the folks at home will send these miscreants back for another term.  At an annual salary of $174,000 a pop!  I know.  I know.  Your good guy is my bad guy and my good guy is your bad guy.  Heard it all before.

But, Boebert?  Taylor-Green?  Gaetz?  Biggs?  Johnson?  Really?

All of this is getting out of hand.  What's needed is a Speaker of the House who will "crack the whip" and get things quickly straightened out.  A "Tip" O'Neill kinda guy.  Gonna happen?  Ya think?

The current Speaker is not up to the job.  He's proven time and time again he really doesn't understand all the details.  Mike Johnson, busy trying to hang onto that job, sold his soul to "the devil" to get it and, given ample evidence of his ego, he now must "dance to the devil's tune" to keep it.  At the moment, he's on very shaky ground.

Only takes one member to start a recall under a recently adopted rule.  Just one.  Which means ol' Mike could be out of a job any day now.

The U.S. House appears to be very close to being ungovernable.  There are so many caucuses of this and that.  Little groups of 10 to 40 that vote as a block.  In close votes, one or more "caucuses"can make a difference.

The Senate, while splintered in philosophy as well, seems to be able to get its work done.  How long that will last is anyone's guess.

Looking down the political road to the election of 2024, that one is going to be absolutely critical.  If there's any chance to weed out the miscreants and replace the wrong-doers with new, younger, smarter  folks to get things back on track, November 5th, 2024, is the 'drop dead' date.

This time around, we can't keep voting for the same old names.  What's needed now is 'new blood.'  Fresh faces.  Ages between 40 and 60.  Either party.  Younger people, some - hopefully - with legislative experience at home.

'New blood.'


Two remarkable Idahoans

Two native Idahoans were featured in news stories during June–one received plaudits upon his departure from this mortal world, the other demonstrated her legal prowess on the national stage. The sad news was the passing of John Peavey, a former state senator who had a substantial impact on Idaho’s environment, water policy and political campaign transparency. The happier news was the impact that Elizabeth Barchas Prelogar has had on cases affecting the rights of women in Idaho and across the nation.

John Peavey, who passed away on June 16, will be remembered for his many contributions to public policy issues in the Gem State, including voter approval of Idaho’s Sunshine Initiative, requiring the reporting of campaign financing.  But, another of his major accomplishments was lighting the fuse that forced the state to take action to improve the administration of its water resources to meet the demands of the future.

Peavey and others filed legal proceedings against Idaho Power Company in the late 1970s, claiming the company was failing to protect its water rights on the Snake River to the detriment of electric ratepayers. That sparked one of the largest water fights in state history, often referred to as the Swan Falls water fight, which was not fully resolved until the late 1980s and which resulted in the adjudication of Snake River water rights in southern Idaho.

Former Governor John Evans and I worked in tandem against the power company forces during that fight to protect the State’s control of Snake River waters. It would take a 376-page book to describe the struggle and that’s why I wrote A Little Dam Problem, which explains it in detail. During the course of the fight, the Governor and I were often critical of Peavey for lighting the match that got it started. In retrospect, it is clear that he did us all a big favor. Several years ago, when speaking about my book at a Hailey Rotary Club meeting, I told John that he deserved great credit for focusing attention on the need for action. It was only because Peavey got the ball rolling, that the State modernized its water law and protected that valuable resource for future generations.

The other distinguished Idahoan in the news was Elizabeth Barchas Prelogar, one of the most important legal figures in the United States. Most Idahoans do not know that the Solicitor General of the United States was born, raised and educated in Boise, Idaho. Nor do they realize that she bested the Idaho Attorney General (AG) in two important abortion-related cases decided by the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) in June.

The AG was able to convince the high court in January to temporarily prohibit Idaho doctors from providing care for pregnant women who come to the emergency room with dangerous complications. Under Idaho’s total abortion ban, doctors cannot provide emergency care until the pregnant woman is on death’s doorstep. A federal law required doctors to provide stabilizing care, including abortion, to protect the health of the mother. The AG repeatedly made the false claim that Idaho’s law was exactly the same as the federal law.

When the case was argued before SCOTUS in April, Solicitor General Prelogar was able to convince Justice Amy Coney Barrett and other members of the Court that the AG’s position was a misrepresentation. The Court decided in Prelogar’s favor last month, allowing emergency room care for Idaho’s pregnant women.

Prelogar was also able to convince SCOTUS to dismiss another case that Idaho and other red-state AGs were supporting to ban Mifepristone, a medication used to end an early pregnancy. She pointed out that the doctors who brought the case did not have “standing” (the requisite legal basis) to pursue the case and that studies claiming the medication was dangerous were manipulated and unreliable. Scotus tossed out the case for lack of standing in June, much to the chagrin of the state AGs.

Those who are knowledgeable in legal circles regard Idaho’s Elizabeth Prelogar as one of the best Solicitor Generals ever, a supreme advocate. She certainly has a bright future ahead of her, perhaps as a member of SCOTUS.

Idaho has produced some remarkable leaders. As we bid eternal rest to that influential rancher and politician, John Thomas Peavey, we wish ever greater success to Elizabeth Barchas Prelogar, our Idaho-grown legal star who represents the entire federal government before the nation’s highest court.


Nixon’s revenge

If you enjoy a little irony to compliment your summer this has been a week for you.

Irony one: on the day the United States Supreme Court dramatically realigned our historic understanding that “no man is above the law,” granting every former president “absolute immunity” for acts committed in their official capacity, former Donald Trump advisor Steve Bannon reported to jail for refusing to provide information to Congress about the failed Trump coup attempt on January 6, 2021.

Bannon, whose reason to be centers on dismantling the “administrative state,” is a world-class grifter who stands to enlarge his toxic influence in a second Trump administration. Bannon has no more cause to be near the presidency than does the man he worked for, but while he is paying a (small) price – four months in a minimum security prison – the instigator of the coup, thanks to the Supreme Court, will likely never face any consequence for one of the most heinous acts in the long history of the Republic.

If Trump makes it back to the presidency – an increasingly likely outcome – he will never face a jury for trying to overturn an election or any of his other crimes, while the flabby mouthpiece of white nationalism and a proponent of the January 6 insurrection goes to jail, not for cheerleading the riot but for refusing to talk to Congress about cheerleading the riot.

Another irony: While Americans celebrate the nation’s independence this week, a movement initiated 248 years ago against a mentally unstable English king, the Supreme Court has effectively put the once and future crimes of an American president out of reach of the vaunted “rule of law.”

A certifiably crazy former president is now set to be a certifiably crazy king.

As Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in dissent against the Court’s gobsmackingly outrageous decision – “immune, immune, immune, immune.”

“We are the United State of Amnesia,” the novelist Gore Vidal once wrote, “we learn nothing because we remember nothing.”

Remembering nothing, for instance, like Richard Nixon. Fifty years after Nixon resigned the presidency under a cloud of crimes associated with the Watergate caper that the Supreme Court has now decided that was no big deal. Nixon acted as president when he authorized the CIA to concoct a cover story for the break in at the offices of the Democratic National Committee in 1972. He was acting in his official capacity when he ordered the break in of the doctor’s office where the medical records of the leaker of the Pentagon Papers were housed. Nixon was acting officially when he order hush money payments to keep witnesses quiet.

“As I looked at it, I realized Richard Nixon would have had a pass,” said no less an authority than John Dean, the White House counsel who helped reveal the extent of Nixon’s crimes.

“Virtually all of his Watergate-related conduct,” Dean said and, “virtually all that evidence falls in what could easily be described as ‘official conduct.’”

And here’s law professor Jeffrey Toobin writing in the Washington Post: “The strongest evidence that Nixon obstructed justice in the Watergate investigation was the so-called smoking gun tape of June 23, 1972. In that conversation, Nixon told H.R. Haldeman, his chief of staff, to instruct the CIA to tell the FBI to curtail its investigation of the Watergate break-in on spurious national security grounds. Nixon told Haldeman: ‘When you get … these people in, say, ‘Look, the problem is that this will open the whole, the whole Bay of Pigs thing. … That will uncover a lot of things. You open that scab there’s a hell of a lot of things and that we just feel that it would be very detrimental to have this thing go any further.

“Under Trump v. United States, Nixon’s statement would not amount to obstruction of justice because it related to his ‘official’ duties — that is, supervising the FBI and CIA. ‘Investigative and prosecutorial decision-making is ‘the special province of the Executive Branch,’ Roberts wrote, ‘and the Constitution vests the entirety of the executive power in the President.’ Accordingly, ‘the President cannot be prosecuted for conduct within his exclusive constitutional authority.'”

Nixon, of course, accepted a pardon from President Gerald Ford for the simple reason that he knew he faced prosecution for the crimes he committed and abetted. Now, the Supreme Court says forget it. Turns out Nixon was right when, after his resignation, he infamously told interviewer David Frost, “when the president does it, that means it is not illegal.”

Toobin argues that the evidence of Nixon’s obstruction, the “smoking gun” audio recording, could not, under Roberts anti-constitutional reading be used as evidence. That’s right. Read it again.

“What the prosecutor may not do, however,” Roberts wrote based on nothing more than his own ideology and aiming for his desired outcome, “is admit testimony or private records of the President or his advisers probing the official act itself. Allowing that sort of evidence would invite the jury to inspect the President’s motivations for his official actions and to second-guess their propriety.”

The ultimate Trump card delivered by not a conservative Supreme Court, but a radical and reactionary court with a majority more activist than judicial, more driven by its desire for a political outcome than by fidelity to the Constitution.

But it that this American way? Do we really want to encourage an already overly powerful president to have the ability to commit crimes in his official capacity and be held immune for his actions? Is this the way our 248 year experiment in checked and balanced government ends?

To see where this is going read the dissents to Chief Justice John Roberts’ outrageous opinion for the court, an entirely ahistorical document that would almost certainly make even the old Watergate defendant squirm.

“Never in the history of our Republic has a President had reason to believe that he would be immune from criminal prosecution if he used the trappings of his office to violate the criminal law,” Justice Sotomayor wrote. “Moving forward, however, all former Presidents will be cloaked in such immunity. If the occupant of that office misuses official power for personal gain, the criminal law that the rest of us must abide will not provide a backstop.”

Sotomayor ended with this: “With fear for our democracy, I dissent.”

Roberts dismissed such concerns with the high handed authoritarian impulse he has now effectively amended the Constitution to permit. He argues that a president, shielded now with immunity granted by six unelected judges, has the power to be “bold.”

Was Nixon being “bold” when he initiated the coverup of his crimes, all done, by the way, to further his own political prospects and to punish his political enemies?

Unlike Roberts, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson has read history. In her dissent Jackson quotes the great Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis and in the process demolishes the claim that the Constitution encourages an all-powerful executive.

The Constitution’s “separation of powers was adopted by the Convention of 1787,” Brandeis wrote in 1926, “not to promote efficiency but to preclude the exercise of arbitrary power. The purpose was, not to avoid friction, but . . . to save the people from autocracy.”

Final irony: a former president with autocratic ambitions – Trump took to social media this week to assert, that is to lie, that former Congresswoman Liz Cheney had committed “treason” for investigating his coup activities – has had those ambitions supercharged by the authority of the nation’s highest court.

In short, the Supreme Court majority – three of them appointed by Trump – has vastly increased the likelihood that should he gain office again Trump will rule like the “dictator” he has pledged to become.

Joe Biden had an awful debate last week. He’s too old to be president. He should stand down. Trump’s court has emboldened his desire for absolute power and his lust for revenge against his opponents. What a choice.

We can have a dime store Nixon with a third the mental capacity of that corrupt former president and ten times the venality, or we can have a diminished man whose entire career supports the American ideals the Supreme Court has now kicked in the ditch.

With fear for our democracy, I despair.


Instant majority

At the end of a long road to ballot qualification, Idaoans will get to decide whether all the voters, or only a tiny sliver of them, will pick the leaders of its government going forward.

That’s the core of what’s really a simple proposition. There is no lack of efforts to confuse and distract, of course, from what the open primaries initiative actually would do; confusion and distraction are just about the best tools the opposition has.

For example, this from an op-ed by Morgan McGill of the Idaho Family Policy Center (a pro-Republican group): “Through open primaries, Democrats will slowly take greater control over Gem State politics as they build a coalition with more moderate or ‘squishy’ Republican candidates that can flip seats historically held by more conservative Republican candidates.”

The sense of that falls apart when you recognize that the initiative would not change the people of Idaho or their candidates either. It simply would bring more people into the process of selecting their leaders. The only rational reason for opposing the initiative is if you think that’s a bad idea, as a good many people in current state Republican leadership clearly do.

So how does it work?

There are two steps, one at the primary election, one at the general.

At the primary, instead of a convoluted system of trying to figure out which Idaho voters can vote for what, the answer would be this: Everyone (who is a qualified voter) gets to vote for everything. For instance: If there are five people - say, three Republicans, one Democrat and an independent - running for the state Senate seat where you live, you vote for whichever one you prefer. When the votes are tallied, the four candidates who get the most votes go on to November.

In November, once again you get to vote for whichever of the four you prefer - but you also can make another choice, if you want to: You can indicate the candidate who is your second choice (if your first choice doesn’t win), and your third choice (if neither of the top two come out on top). This is the “ranked choice” system, the terminology of which has tangled a lot of understanding about what’s really a pretty simple process.

The idea is that a candidate should have to get more than half of the vote to be elected. (Many of Idaho’s cities operate on this principle in their elections,and mayoral runoffs are not rare.)

This would mean that the people who are supposed to be in charge in this state - the voters, all who choose to participate - would get a voice in selecting their leaders. As it is now, because of the convoluted system governing party elections, only a small fraction do.

That’s it. Nothing terribly hard to understand about it.

What would be the effect? State Republican Chair Dorothy Moon wrote July 3, “In a winner-take-all election, the candidate with the most votes wins—the candidate that the most voters want. However, in an RCV election, the winner is the candidate a majority can tolerate. This shifts the focus, incentivizing candidates to avoid taking strong stands on issues.”

That’s one way of putting it: A move toward leadership by the broadly acceptable rather than bitter extremes. Here’s another: Wins under the open primary system would go to whoever has the most support among the most voters - as opposed to (in the current setup) whoever gets the backing of a small in-group, often a tiny fraction of the voters. Or: Do you want leadership representative of most of us, or of just a few of us?

Of course, looking ahead, all this depends too on the Idaho Legislature. Initiatives pass laws just as the legislature does, but just as no legislature can bind a later one, the legislature can change - or repeal completely - any initiative passed by the voters. Given how little regard the Idaho Legislature has had in recent years for the voters, the open primary law - if voters do pass it - may have a shaky future.

In the meantime, Idaho voters have a decision to make, about whether they want to be respected as vital participants in a system of self-governance. Or not.


Where’s your mouth?

Maybe not where your money is.

It seems the Idaho Legislature loves children. Especially the unborn or foster children that have been removed from their negligent parents’ custody.

Shame, shame.

Why do these people who do such things deserve our dear tax dollars?

There’s no way a young single mother of three who is facing another pregnancy can imagine state support if she would consider terminating that child. No, if she would bring up that consideration to a medical practitioner and she received advice to go beyond our borders, our Attorney General would consider such advice criminal.

She would not get a dime from us Idaho Taxpayers in her situation. And any health care provider talking to her has to contemplate loss of licensure and jail time. That is where the Idaho Legislature has put their mouth.

And their laws. Our laws.

But the focus of the Idaho Legislature recently has been on how the Department of Health and Welfare has been caring for foster children.

Foster children are those remanded from parental custody for some significant reason. These kids get put into state custody for something pretty bad. It’s not like the parents were giving them cold cereal every morning.

Parents going to prison. Parents addicted. Parents who have harmed their children. And it’s not just a swat on the butt we are talking about. And there is no close relative that can step up. These kids are the least supported you can think of.

Our family took in a niece when she was looking at jail time. She graduated. It was hard.

I have heard many others tell the same story. When available, Idahoans step up. But sometimes, there is no family resource. And that’s when we revert to state custody. And here, the Idaho legislature is all mouth and no money.

Put your money where your mouth is.

That’s what you say to a braggart who challenges you. Show me you really believe in what you are spewing. Or are you just show?

Sometimes the money comes out. Often the braggart slinks off.

Our Idaho Legislature has continued to spew its dissatisfaction with foster children care. But no one has made them put up the money. Not our governor. Not themselves, in their own self-respect. And worst, not us voters. That’s our job, to hold their feet to the ballot box fire. Instead, we keep reelecting them. As long as they are Republican, they have our vote.

If you cared about the placement, the support of a foster child, what would you do?

Would you do your best for them?

I would. Our niece was not fostered with us, just placed for her senior year. It took a lot from our family to care for her. Maybe that’s what all you Idahoans expect that we should all just take care of each other.

I wish such were the case.

I have told you; some kids have no resources. Then it is just the state: the last resort.

So which state person should care for this foster child? Most of these situations are very complex and often contentious. It’s not like ordering your Big Mac.

But we pay these state workers about what MacDonalds pays.

The new hire at the IDHW who will work with foster children is paid $16 an hour. This is according to the Idaho Legislature’s budget mouth. They have put their money there. They are not just spewing. They have ponied up.

It’s like the guy says he can beat me at eight ball and put’s up a quarter.

I’ll beat him anyway, and he can keep his quarter.

And our legislators, whom you have elected have approved these budgets, though reluctantly.

I posit they don’t really care about children.




Let’s talk numbers


We've had this debate.

What was said during those 90-minutes has been drowned out by the cacophony of talking heads so suddenly concerned about the President's age.  And, supposed infirmities.

Yes, the man is 81.  Yes, he appeared somewhat feeble of voice and motion during the debate.  And, yes, it's fair to ask questions about his ability to fully carry out the duties of the Office.

But, it's NOT fair to suggest - as some have - that Joe Biden isn't up to the job based on this one hour-and-a-half.  It's NOT fair to base some sort of threats to his continuance in office based on what he said - or how he said it - during that short window.  Ninety-minutes.

We have a nationwide election coming up in about 120 days.  Biden's name will be on the ballot.  So, too, will that of convicted felon Donald Trump seeking the same office.  If you seriously believe Joe Biden isn't up to the job - that the other guy can better represent your interests - you've got your chance to make a change.  Your decision.  Your vote.

I'm seven years older than the President.  Haven't had the chance for a good public debate recently.  But, I've held my own in interactions with other folks.  I can still drive a vehicle with confidence.  And, my reflexes - both physical and mental - continue to be acceptable in mixed company.

Age is just a number.  It really is.

Spend some time in a doctor's office waiting room.  Look around.  You'll see 50-year-olds - even younger - who have all sorts of physical and mental restrictions.

Go over to the nearest YMCA or country club.  You'll find seniors of all ages being active in a number of physical settings.  Check the tennis or handball courts.  May not still have the speed or accuracy of their younger years.  But, they're out there - challenging - trying hard - keeping themselves "young" by staying active and engaged.

Same for Biden.  He's still active and engaged.  In his job, he's active and engaged 24-hours a day.  He's surrounded by competent staff and advisors.  He's absorbing mountains of daily information.  He's getting advice on situation-after-situation around the clock.  He's involved in decision-after-decision every waking hour.

If he falters.  If he waivers.  If he appears unable to handle the job, there are plenty of advisors to give support and direction.  He's never alone.  He's never without support.

And, you can bet that support will advise others if they see a problem working with the President.  There are plenty of guardrails.

Yes, Biden gave a poor performance at the "debate."  About eight years ago, so did that other guy - Barack something.  Not good.  May have flubbed one appearance.  Was still a pretty damned good President, though.

There was that other guy.  Reagan.  Spent a few years in the Oval office.  Dealt with some memory lapses in front of the cameras, too.  On many occasions.

Whatever you think of his politics or physical/mental stamina, Biden has only about 180 days left in his current term.  Watch him closely.  Listen when he speaks.  Judge for yourself - on a continuing basis - to see if the man has serious problems.  Make your own decision.

But, it's totally unfair to judge him - or anyone else- on one difficult appearance.  On one high pressure moment in time.

Give the guy a mulligan on this one.  There's another debate coming up in September.  And, there'll be many public appearances between now and November fifth.  Judge for yourself.


10 Commandments may be coming

Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry recently signed a bill into law requiring the Ten Commandments to be hung in every public school classroom in his state. He knew the bill violated the Establishment Clause in the First Amendment to the US Constitution, but did it anyway. Landry is a Christian nationalist who wants to infuse his version of Christianity into practically every aspect of public life in America.

Landry acknowledged that the bill would provoke a legal challenge, but welcomed the prospect. He obviously wants to bring the case before the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) in hopes of getting the Court to overturn previous rulings prohibiting the intrusion of religion into public schools. He knows he will have favorable federal judges in Louisiana to get the case before SCOTUS, and who knows what may happen there?

But, what does this have to do with Idaho? The fact is that copycat legislation will surface in Idaho in the near future. Idaho has grappled with any number of culture war issues having strong religious overtones in the last several years, including the criminalization of abortion, terrorizing librarians, LGBTQ discrimination, school vouchers and in vitro fertilization. The extremists understand the power of demagoguing culture war issues and won’t be able to resist trying to scare up votes with this one.

The far-right faction that now controls the Idaho Republican Party has a platform plank calling for school prayer, discussion of religion in the classroom and religious displays in schools, all of which are strictly prohibited by Idaho’s Constitution. The Idaho Freedom Foundation, which has dished up any number of culture war issues to help like-minded individuals win and retain public offices, is all in for religious teaching.

There is another powerful group with a strong interest in infusing religion into practically every aspect of governmental policy that will play a strong role in pushing the Ten Commandments into Idaho public schools. The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a powerful, dark-money-funded Christian nationalist group that provides free legal help to like-minded state attorneys general will be there to help with the indoctrination effort.

Before taking office as Louisiana Governor earlier this year, Landry served eight years as attorney general of that state and worked closely with ADF on litigation to advance the cause of Christian nationalism. This year, ADF supported his successful effort to enact a universal school voucher program. ADF also wants school vouchers in Idaho.

There is an important public office in Idaho where the policy interests of Christian nationalists, the Moon branch of the GOP, the IFF and the ADF intersect on a variety of culture war issues, including religion and education. Idaho’s Attorney General is that point of intersection. Labrador has worked closely with Moon and the IFF on a variety of culural issues since taking over as AG. He has used the “free” legal services of the ADF on a number of cases, mostly related to enforcement of Idaho’s total abortion ban.

The most interesting point of connection is Labrador’s devoted friendship with Governor Landry. They were both members of the far-right Freedom Caucus in the US House of Representatives in 2011-2013. It may be recalled that Labrador breached Statehouse tradition by skipping Governor Little’s State of the State Address in January to attend Landry’s swearing-in ceremony in Louisiana. The two have partnered up in a number of cases dealing with religion and education. Last year, Landry joined Labrador's challenge to a California law prohibiting use of public funds for religious education. They have both strenuously opposed emergency medical care for women with dangerous pregnancies.

Considering all of these factors, it is almost inevitable that Idaho will soon be engaged in a fight over the Ten Commandments. The thing that mystifies me is why folks who claim to be followers of Christ and want a Christian nationalist government, don’t follow or even give fleeting reference to the teachings of Christ. You would think that they would take to heart and share Christ’s message of love, compassion and social justice in the New Testament, Christ’s Testament, rather than seeking political power through Old Testament laws. Jesus does not rate even a bit part in their play for religious power.

(image/public domain)


A MAGA tilt but not a lockdown

Conservative southern Oregon, often an afterthought for many other Oregonians, may be the most politically dynamic large area in Oregon.

Few other areas show as much potential for political change.

Consider a couple of large Medford-area events just a few miles apart and on the same day, June 22.

The Jackson County Fairgrounds was dominated by the Republican political rally called MOGA 2024, the acronym standing for “Make Oregon Great Again.” Its headliners included national figures, including Mike Lindell, the MyPillow founder and advocate for Donald Trump. This may be the only really large-scale Oregon event on this year’s Republican calendar, presented as “Come help us take back southern Oregon.” It was heavily promoted by the local Republican organization, by other groups around the region, and around the dial on area radio stations.

From a pro-Trump perspective, you might wonder if there’s much to take back in the southern Oregon area. Most of this large sector of the state already votes Republican.

But it may not be as locked-down some may think. The Jackson-Josephine counties seem to be on the cusp of something subtle that events like MOGA could be critical in influencing: Deciding if the area becomes MAGA-dominated enough that other points of view are swamped, which hasn’t happened yet.

One piece of evidence in that argument is the second event held only a few miles from the MOGA event, over in Pear Blossom Park in Medford, where organizers were holding the well-attended 3rd annual Medford Pride event. One participant said, “It gives a space for young people to be free to express themselves however they want. And an opportunity in an area that’s not always the most accepting to really give an opportunity for our community to be queer.”

These two events may fit into the larger picture of conservative southern Oregon as pieces of a puzzle shifting and developing.

The two big counties in the area are Jackson (where Medford is the county seat) and Josephine (Grants Pass).

Jackson leans Republican, but not by a great deal. In the last two decades, it has voted Democratic for president just once, in 2008, but no one has won its presidential vote by as much as 51% since 2004. Its legislative delegation has included mostly Republicans, and Republicans hold county government, but Democrats as well, including state Sen.Jeff Golden and state Rep. Pam Marsh, who represent a large share of the county’s voters. There are some indicators it has been moving gently away from hard right positions. It is one of 11 counties in Oregon to legalize therapeutic psilocybin. Hard-line positions on property taxes seem to have eased a little in recent years. Jackson shows no signs of becoming a blue county, but its tint seems to be shading gradually purple.

Josephine County is more solidly Republican. No Democrat has won its vote for the presidency since 1936, the longest such run of any Oregon county, and Trump just cleared 60% in both of his runs. Its state and local officials are Republicans, and there are no indications that will change in the near future.

Still, there are indicators of attitude shifts. Josephine has been one of the most rigorous anti-tax counties in Oregon, along with neighbors such as Curry and Douglas. Having experienced some deep austerity in local services, however, voters seem to have recentered on the subject.

Libraries are a good example. All libraries in the county were closed in May 2007 for lack of county funding, but since then libraries have been reopened, and a library funding measure was passed in 2017 with 53% of the vote. Law enforcement is another useful case study. Severely crunched funding during several years for the sheriff’s office was addressed in this decade with creation of a law enforcement taxing district, also approved by voters.

Both counties seem to have developed stronger tourism, recreation and wine industry sectors, which over time usually lead to a moderation in politics, and some of that seems to be playing out. That’s especially true in the well-known cultural and tourism centers at Ashland and Jacksonville, both growing and prospering, but also to a degree in both Medford and Grants Pass and several smaller communities.

Most of the more rural areas remain hard-right conservative, and the traditional “Don’t Tread on Me” and other similar signage is not hard to find outside the cities. These areas are a MAGA redoubt, and few people outside their tribe make themselves visible. That absence of a contrary culture allows for more sweeping adoption of the MAGA message.

But increasingly, alternative messages are becoming visible in some of the cities. They are not near changing the partisan lean of the area. But they may be enough to slow an overwhelming adoption in the region of support for Trump and his allies. Much depends on whether people are exposed more to one message or the other.

The margins are close. That is why events like the MOGA event and the Medford Pride activity, in their different ways, may have some real rippling effects.


John Peavey

I got to know John Peavey as a state senator, a job he held in two runs, for three terms in the 70s as a Republican and later in the 80s and 90s as a Democrat, 10 terms in all. He was a capable and active senator, and often in some kind of leadership position - formal or informal - while he was there.

Peavey, who died on June 16, may also have been one of those unusual people whose personal efforts actually helped transform the politics of a local area. Blaine County, which he represented and ran for office for so many years, probably moved away from a Republican tilt toward the Democratic side in considerable part because of the highly visible role Peavey played.

And yet Peavey, who was also an important figure in Idaho’s sheep industry and ran a livestock ranch all his adult life, might be as well remembered for demonstrating the impact a person can have even outside of elective office. He was a personal inflection point in Idaho history in at least three ways that had nothing to do with the Idaho Senate, or directly with his occupation either.

Peavey was in office in the early 70s when he tried pressing for passage of a campaign finance and lobbying disclosure law, and found that the legislature (notably members of his own party) weren’t very interested. So he went to work on it outside the Statehouse. In 1974 he was a key figure in promoting an initiative (the 1977 Idaho Almanac has a great photo of him carrying boxes of petitions up the statehouse steps) to set those open government requirements in Idaho law. With some adjustments over time, that law is still in force. Peavey is part of the reason we know as much as we do about who is behind changes in Idaho politics.

Some of Peavey’s compatriots also were less than thrilled when he helped lead opposition to the Pioneer Power Plant proposed by Idaho Power Company. That effort helped derail his legislative career for a time, when he lost his Republican primary in 1976. The Pioneer campaign he helped lead prevailed, however, and may have had a critical effect on Idaho development. With hindsight, Pioneer, then thought to be needed as a source power, likely would have become an expensive white elephant, and Idaho Power rates which for many years have been low might have ratcheted much higher. Idaho’s economic development in the last half-century is likely in part a piece of Peavey’s legacy.

By the time Peavey returned to the Senate (as a Democrat) in 1980, he was also a central figure in the debate and eventual lawsuit over water rights at the Swan Falls Dam on the Snake River. That lawsuit, one of the most consequential in the state’s history, resulted in the Snake River Basin Adjudication and many other developments.

Wendy Wilson, former leader of the Snake River Alliance, said of Peavey’s efforts that, “As a result, Idaho now has one of the most progressive water management systems in the West. When someday this system prevents the Snake River from being pumped completely dry – it will be in no small part because of John’s vision.”

There was much more too, notably on the environmental front, and watchdogging the Idaho National Laboratory (his Flat Top ranch is not far from its boundary line). The Trailing of the Sheep event at the Wood River Valley that he co-founded has become a local institution.

He did most of these things not from a position of special power, but from the office of citizen. There’s a lesson in that.

John Peavey had an instinct for grasping what was important and how to push to make a difference at the key moments when change could be had. He can continue to have an influence by showing us through example how much power we each can have.
