Current issue



  • Red Pepper: how it all began

    The founders of Red Pepper – Tony Cook, Dee Searle, Clifford Singer and Hilary Wainwright – reflect on the birth of the magazine in 1994

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  • Faces of feminism – from the 90s to tomorrow

    Two prominent UK writers, Lynne Segal and Lola Olufemi, engage in an intergenerational discussion of the state of feminism and feminist organising

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  • How to stop getting played

    Games and play are everywhere under neoliberal capitalism. But they can also show us the way to a better future, argues Keir Milburn

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  • Transition troubles at the coalface

    Forty years on from the miners’ strike, Britain’s transition away from coal highlights the complex challenges of decarbonisation, write Huw Beynon and Ray Hudson

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About Red Pepper

Red Pepper magazine is a quarterly publication and website of left politics and culture.

We draw on socialist, feminist, green and anti-racist politics.

We seek to be a space for debate on the left, a resource for movements for social justice, and a home for open-minded anti-capitalists.

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