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AITA for telling a woman off after she asked me to put on clothes at a nude hot spring?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITA for telling a woman off after she asked me to put on clothes at a nude hot spring?

I'm using a throwaway because I'm not gonna become known as the nude hot spring guy

So, there's a natural hot spring only about an hour drive away from where I live. It's on public land and a relatively well known hot spot (get it). The hot spring explicitly allow for nudity; and there are signs up warning prudes who have complained for years that, yes, people are allowed to be nude there.

I've been going there about once a week recently, and every time I get nude. I like to go Sunday mornings because it's mostly empty. Last Sunday, I arrived and stripped down as normal. There was another woman there who was using the springs as well and I chatted with her a bit. After about 20 minutes another woman arrived and came over to talk to me.

This woman explained her 3 kids we're around the corner and wanted to the use the hot springs. I could see them down the trail, they looked to be in the age ranges of 12-6. I was really confused because there was plenty of room still so I told her very confused "ok?" She was trying to "subtly" tell me what she really wanted, but had to spell it out for me. She then asked me to "get decent." I was just taken aback at first and told her no, I wasn't done using the spring yet and I only had the clothes I was going to wear back home. She then told, not asked, me to leave so her kids could use the spring.

This pissed me off so I told her to go fuck herself and we argued for a bit. She ended up storming off. The lady who was in the spring got out and told me I'm an asshole, so I called her a bitch.

I left about 20 minutes later and saw that the woman and her kids walked back to their car. I waved at her and said to enjoy the hot springs and she flipped me off.

While I was really angry in the moment, I'm starting to feel like I got dragged down to her level and made an ass out of myself. Opinions?

AITAH for calling the cops on a teenager who tracked down my house and was demanding I let him in?

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AITAH for calling the cops on a teenager who tracked down my house and was demanding I let him in?

A few months ago me and my family went out to watch a movie and then have dinner together. That includes my sister and my nephew. Two of my nephew's friends tagged along. They were friendly and nothing out of the ordinary.

Two weeks later, one of my nephew's friends, John, showed up in my doorstep and asked if he could come in. I was weirded out and got a bad vibe and asked him politely to leave.

For context, I live alone with my daughter who's eleven years old and a virtual stranger dropped by in our home unannounced. I looked by the camera and he was holding flowers and other stuff.

So I figured this was just a dumb kid with my crush who thought he could woo an adult but I asked him twice to please just leave and he wouldn't. Saying he just had to see me and that he needed to tell me how much he loves me. This included a gross comment about me being a single mom.

I told him I was caliing the cops and that's when he bolted. Cops later came, took my statement and just circled around to make sure he wasn't still near-by. I specified that yes he was just a kid, but I barely knew him and he had tracked down my house and wouldn't leave until threatened.

He didn't commit a crime but the cops still dropped by his parents house to give him a warning about not leaving private property when told to. I didn't ask the cops to do that. They just took the info I gave, I called my sister to find out his last name and who his parents were and just related that to the cops since they were asking.

I just wanted to make sure he was gone. That visit they did was on them.

His mom called me and she first apologized on behalf of her son if he made me feel unsafe but then told me I went way over the line by involving the cops and how teenage boys having crushes is nothing out of the ordinary. And how this could ruin his life and I should have remembered he's just a kid.

To top it off my sister also told me I went over the top and how he's one of her sons good friends and that I should have called her when he wouldn't leave and she would have sorted it out.

I went with my gut feeling and I don't regret it.

Aitah for leaving my husband without 'putting up a fight'

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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Aitah for leaving my husband without 'putting up a fight'

My (25f) husband (30m) has been acting really stranger recently staying out late without any explanation leaving really early and random expensive gifts with no apparent reason. I'm not naive and I put two and two together and realised he was cheating.

I didn't want to start looking through his phone and his belongings or start stalking his social media or any of that so I sat on the couch and waited for him to come home. Once he got home I asked him to sit down and asked him if he was cheating he was honest and told me he was and apologised said it meant nothing and it wouldn't happen again. Honestly I can not trust him and without trust a relationship can't survive so I went upstairs packed my things he chased after me asking me to stop and give him a chance I just finished packing and left.

This was three days ago and since I left I have been bombarded with texts and emails and voicemails saying how could I leave without even trying to fix things and that if I ever loved him I would want to stay and go through this and that every couple goes through hard times. I am really conflicted as on on bhand he was my first love and I haven't just lost those feelings over night but in the other hand he broke my trust and truthfully he won't ever earn that back.


AITAH for considering divorce because my husband told me I was “dispensable”?

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AITAH for considering divorce because my husband told me I was “dispensable”?

My husband and I have been married for 22 years and we have 4 kids, all teens. He owns a company that he started when we had been married just a year or two. I am a SAHM. It's now very successful and worth tens of millions of dollars. Recently, he started talking about moving to another country for the business (tax purposes). I told him I have no interest in moving to this country. They don't speak English, have a terrible education system, and my kids and I are happy here. He said that if I am not willing to come, he can take the business and the kids and go anyway (I know that legally he can't). He said the kids and the business are non-negotiable but I am dispensable. This was incredibly hurtful, and I feel like he has been using me for 22 years as free childcare and support staff for his company. I told him that I should be the part that's not dispensable. I said my feelings should matter. He has full control over his business and moving would be completely voluntary, to avoid taxes. I said he should prioritize me over money, and he said the business is his priority. And by making more money, he is prioritizing me and the kids. I told him I don't want to be married to someone who does not make me a priority or care about my feelings. He said I was being unreasonable. So AITAH?

AITAH for not dating a S.A. victim?

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AITAH for not dating a S.A. victim?

Met this girl recently. We've been going out on dates, and we both discussed looking for something serious.

I like her well enough, but we've only been on 4 dates.

Recently, we made out, and as things were getting hotter, she told me to stop, which I did.

She confesses that she has problems with sex sometimes, and she says she was raped. She says that she does want to have sex, but sometimes she needs to work through.

She started telling me about how she needs to be on top, and that she may freak out, or she might just run out of the room, and that I couldn't touch her with my hands sometimes, and some othe things.

It was a pretty big list of things.

I did let her finish, and I told that wasn't gonna work for me. I told her that I hope she finds someone willing to go through all of this with her, but I'm not the one. To me, it feels like I'd be walking on eggshells.

Aita for defending a bride who left her husband at the alter.

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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Aita for defending a bride who left her husband at the alter.

Okay so boom me and my husband attended a wedding. It was his kinda cousin/ niece’s wedding I’m not sure how to describe the relationship but they were close growing up.

The wedding was a bit unique. There was a brunch before the actually ceremony with bride and groom. Then for an hour the wedding party left to get ready while all the guests were still at brunch, then the actually ceremony and the real reception was supposed to happen after.

I thought everything was normal. At the brunch the couple looked happy and excited and a little nervous maybe.

My husband had told me there had been a little drama leading up to wedding because the grooms family insisted that the grooms ex should attend wedding because they have a good relationship. The ex is an emt and she apparently saved mother in laws life once. The bride didn’t want the ex to attend but she caved in.

At the actual ceremony as you might’ve guessed from the title the bride never showed. After a few minutes of awkward silence with the music playing as we waited for the bride, the brides father came told everyone she left. Groom was crying, mother-in-law was screaming it was such a huge mess. At the reception they basically just told people to take To go boxes of food so it didn’t go to waste.

Since a lot of family was in town for the wedding, brides side of the family was hosting a reunion. At the reunion the bride said the reason she left groom at the alter was because at the brunch the ex told her that she slept with the groom and apparently showed the bride a sex tape she made with the groom. Bride was distraught and left because she didn’t wanna marry a cheater.

Grooms side of the family were slandering the bride on every social media platform possible. So the brides side decided to fire back and they were publicly accusing the groom of cheating on her and it was just a big shit storm.

Groom comes to brides house to try and clear things up.

So the groom didn’t actually cheat on the bride. The sex tape was from years and years ago, the grooms appearance just hadn’t changed that much so bride believed the ex when she said it was recent. The ex was just trying to break them up. The ex confessed to it too.

To my surprise instead of everyone being angry at the ex everyone turned on the bride. Her family was pissed at her for wasting money, being gullible, not letting the groom defend himself first. Everyone was yelling at her, I thought it was crazy so I spoke up in her defense.

I would’ve believed it too if there was video evidence + the fact that she was practically forced into the ex attending their wedding.

Now the whole family is against me and the bride and it’s so awkward and everyone acting cold. My husband is upset because she now feels like if someone accused him of cheating on me I’d just take their word for it but I feel that’s completely unfair.

AITAH for not letting my ex’s daughter live with us?

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITAH for not letting my ex’s daughter live with us?

My ex and I are divorcing. My daughter (17) and I are in the process of moving our stuff into our new place. I got one of those moving pods that’s out in front of the old house. My stepdaughter (15) started moving her stuff out to it. I told her to stop.

At first I thought she was confused and thought it was for her and her mom’s stuff. The plan is for them to move back to my ex’s home state. My stepdaughter wasn’t confused about that though. She thought for some reason that she could move with me and my daughter to our new house in town.

So we got into a whole discussion about it. My ex was involved. Turns out her daughter is very upset about having to move because she doesn’t want to leave her friends, her school, and go to a place that is so backwards. After talking my ex said she understood where she was coming from and asked me to let her live with us at least during school year.

First off I think it would be weird for her to live with us since her mom and I aren’t married anymore. It makes more sense for her to go live where both her parents are.

Logistically it also presents an issue because our new place is smaller than this one so she would have to share a bedroom with my daughter. I know my daughter would hate that so it doesn’t seem fair to force that on her.

Edit. Because people keep asking we got married about 6 years ago. My ex did also say she would pay for her expenses.

AITA for telling my husband that he doesn't know anything about our child?

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AITA for telling my husband that he doesn't know anything about our child?

Our daughter is 10 months old, almost 11. She has cues to tell me what she wants. She isn't saying full words other than mumma and dada but she says syllables of other words and makes certain facial expressions or hand motions that clearly indicate what she wants. It took me a while to even figure it out, but once I got the hang of it and learned with her, it comes easily now. I almost always know what she wants. Well, my husband thinks I'm bat shit crazy, basically. Says that our daughter is too young to give cues and that I'm "looking too much in to it". And therefore he refuses to actually retain any of the information I give him regarding what our daughter wants. He simply doesn't believe that she's asking for anything specific because she's too young and is convinced she's just "making normal baby noise" because she's "finding her voice".

Well, yesterday I was already stressed out. Our daughter is going through a sleep regression and teething at the same time and where I physically have her 24/7 (even while I'm working at me and my husbands owned business), it made things a bit difficult for me. My husband is never in shop. He's always out doing delivery and orders for our company and our one employee was off for the day so I spent 12hrs at the shop with a fussy baby and I was having a hard time soothing her. When we got home I gave her some Tylenol and her frozen teething ring and she finally settled. I asked my husband to watch her while I showered real quick. Like 4 minutes later he comes in and the baby is screaming. Says she is freaking out and "just wants momma". Our daughter was looking at me saying "na-na" and opening/closing her mouth continuously so I told him she was hungry. She needs to be fed. So he goes out but comes back in minutes later and said she won't eat. I asked him what he was trying to feed her and he said he gave her yogurt bites. I told him she needed real food. He leaves again. I get out of the shower and go to the living room and she's screaming "ba-ba" in her highchair and my husband just has his head in his hands. Tells me "I told you she wouldn't fucking eat, so much for you picking up on her cues huh?" So I said "she's saying ba-ba. I always give her her water bottle with dinner." And hand her her bottle. She immediately starts drinking it and then opens her mouth for a bite of food. He takes this as a moment to tell me "no, she obviously just wanted you in the room because she calmed down as soon as you walked in here". I told him no, she didn't calm down until I handed her her bottle of water actually and again told him that he needs to start listening to her. She's trying to tell him and he's ignoring it because he thinks babies are too young and dumb to tell you what they want. He gets up and says "yup, forgot I was talking to a baby expert. What else do I need to learn, Dr Dip shit?" I snapped. I told him it's not my fault he doesn't know anything about his kid and this was the exact reason why I refuse to leave the house to do anything alone (he keeps telling me to "go get a break" but he literally would let our daughter scream instead of attempting to figure out what she wants). He accused me of calling him and bad father, saying "yup, no one is as good of a parent as you are" and He now isn't speaking to me and I need to know if I'm wrong here.

AITA for not allowing my daughter to be mistreated despite it being the day before my stepdaughter's wedding?

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AITA for not allowing my daughter to be mistreated despite it being the day before my stepdaughter's wedding?

I have a stepdaughter Cara (27 F) and a daughter Alexis (25 F) and they have never gotten along. Growing up we demanded they treat each other with civility and respect, but also understood they were never going to be friends.

I try my hardest to be partial and not take Alexis's side simply because she is my daughter. Cara moved across the country for college and I really hoped the distance would help them. We recently flew out for Cara's wedding and she made some time the day before the wedding for us to get to know her fiance (32 M). When we first arrived Cara was whispering with her fiance and I really believe I heard her say something close to "gutter bitch" but she very quickly denied it. it left a bad taste in my mouth like they had been talking about Alexis.

We went to a popular tourist area famous for its seafood and my husband realized he forgot his wallet. I was mortified but Cara's fiance claimed it was fine and he was happy to pay. We sat down and he came back with the food. He got everyone what they asked for except Alexis and presented her with a hot dog. Everyone looked at him and he said he wasn't spending his money on Alexis.

I was furious. I couldn't believe he was being so rude. I blew up and asked Cara if she was going to do anything and Cara said in a very fake dumb voice "yeah I'm going to eat" I told him he was a disgusting young man and told my husband we were leaving. Cara asked her dad if he was really going to leave her the day before her wedding. My husband seemed uncomfortable but ultimately came with us.

When we were alone though he blew up and said it was Cara's weekend and i should have let one thing go. He said while they acted badly everything was supposed to be about Cara. We ended up not going to the rehearsal dinner. We did attend the wedding but she declined to be walked down the aisle. I feel being a bride doesn't give you an excuse to be an asshole.

AITA for leaving a family dinner because my boyfriend's mom doesn't believe I'm disabled?

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AITA for leaving a family dinner because my boyfriend's mom doesn't believe I'm disabled?

I (24F) have been dating my boyfriend (26M) for almost two years now. I have a disability that isn't immediately visible, and because I'm young and look relatively healthy, some people find it hard to believe that I'm actually disabled. I use a cane to walk because of my chronic pain and I use leg and knee braces. This has never been a huge issue for me until recently because people saw my cane and believed if I didn't need it I wouldn't have it.

My boyfriend's mom (let's call her Linda) has always been somewhat skeptical about my condition. When I first met her, she made a few offhand comments about how "young people these days" are "always looking for an excuse to be lazy." I brushed it off, thinking she didn't mean any harm. However, things have escalated over time.

Whenever I go to their family gatherings, Linda makes a point to mention how "healthy" I look and questions why I need to use certain accommodations. For example, she once said, "You don't look like you need that cane. Are you sure you're not just using it for attention?" or "You're too young to be this tired all the time." She has also said that I should take off my leg braces because they were obviously just for making people feel sorry for me.

Despite my boyfriend's attempts to explain my diagnosis to her, she refuses to listen. The last straw was at a recent family dinner where she outright accused me of faking my disability for sympathy and to get out of helping with chores. I was humiliated and decided then and there that I wouldn't attend any more gatherings at her house until she apologized and changed her attitude.

My boyfriend is supportive and understands why I don't want to go back, but his family (including him) thinks I'm overreacting. They believe that "family is family" and I should just suck it up and deal with Linda's ignorance. They say it's just her way of trying to "understand" me better. AITA?

UPDATE: AITA for refusing to wear the wedding dress my SIL gave to me as a "wedding gift"?

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UPDATE: AITA for refusing to wear the wedding dress my SIL gave to me as a "wedding gift"?

Edit 2: Yes, I'm leaving him for sure now. I really don't appreciate the comments calling me bad names for "staying". I never intended to stay, and the only reason I thought we needed a conversation was because this behavior was recent and I wanted to understand what was going on. I haven't told him that it was over officially, though it should be obvious, yet, mainly because I'm scared he might do something violent as many comments said. I need a few days to figure out things and I'm gonna tell my brother to pick me up so I can stay there for a few days. I'm logging off for now, but I'll update if anything happens.

Hi everyone, I just wanted to start off by saying thank you to everyone in the comments supporting me and all of the private messages reaching out (I haven't got to all of them but I'll try to whenever I can). I really didn't expect so many people to see my post but I just want to make it clear how grateful I am.

If you haven't seen my original post, you can check my profile.

I know a majority of you told me to leave him and I took some time to think about it, but I know I can't leave without a proper conversation. At the end of the day, I spent 6 years with this man and this behavior was honestly out of the ordinary.

I agree with a lot of the comments saying that his family was influencing him because he used to be so caring and kind, but ever since the wedding planning began he changed. Since the dinner on Sunday, he hasn't been talking to me at all and always leaves the room whenever I come in. His honestly immature behavior and all of your comments have made me rethink my whole relationship.

I did end up making him sit down with me a few hours ago to talk about things and have an adult conversation. He was very dismissive and was just scrolling on his phone for a majority of the time. I tried to explain how I felt put on the spot at the dinner and how his reaction and the fact he didn't come after me or comfort me post the dinner was so hurtful and disrespectful. All he had to say in response was that I was being selfish and that my SIL was trying to help and I had just embarrassed her Infront of everyone.

The conversation honestly went no where and I felt really shitty and lost. Around an hour ago, he came up to me and apologized saying that he was sorry and that he understood how I was feeling. I asked what we would do about the dress and he told me that he had talked to SIL and she had agreed to let me wear my mother's dress during the reception, but I would wear her dress during the main ceremony. I admit I kind of lost it because he said it as if I needed PERMISSON to wear MY WEDDING DRESS on MY WEDDING DAY. I haven't felt so disrespected in my life. I've just been sitting inside our bedroom and I'm pretty sure things are over after this.

Edit: I will admit my mother's dress is slightly old fashioned, but I had talked to him before we got engaged about how it was my dream to wear it which he had no problems with. The fact that he didn't respect how sentimental it was to me is what hurt.

Also during our second conversation he kept bringing up how his family was paying for a majority of the wedding (which yes they were paying about 75% of it) but I tried to remind him that it was my wedding too.

AITAH for laughing at my sister and calling her an idiot because she wants help paying for a surrogate.

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AITAH for laughing at my sister and calling her an idiot because she wants help paying for a surrogate.

I have my wife's permission to put here anonymously.

My wife was SA when she was young. Her abusive religious family forced her to have the baby that was conceived. She was so traumatized from the experience that she wanted to get her tubes tied so it would never happen again.

Her doctor told her parents because she was still a minor. They punished her. She threatened to unalived herself if they didn't let her do it. Her loving family had her involuntarily committed. In the facility she was SA by some staff.

To say my wife has issues with sex and pregnancy is like saying National Geographic has issues.

She has been through a lot of counseling and we go for counseling together. We are doing okay. Our jobs have excellent benefits and when we were ready to start a family we paid for a surrogate.

Our son is two now and my sister recently approached us for help funding her surrogate. I didn't know that my sister had fertility issues and, after discussing it with my wife, I said that we would be happy to help her out.

My wife has a lot of research on surrogacy candidates and wanted to help my sister out. So she dug in and got involved.

It turns out my sister is not infertile. She just doesn't want to get pregnant.

My wife told me and I called my sister to verify. Yes she could get pregnant but she doesn't want to. She thinks it's unfair that my wife gets to keep her figure and such but that she would have to do it naturally.

I laughed at her and called her an idiot. We are doing okay for money but we aren't rich Hollywood movie stars that pay for surrogacy because my wife wanted to stay thin.

My mom called me afterwards to berate me for walking back our offer to help my sister. Nobody on my side of the family knows my wife's past. It isn't their business. I told her that her and my stepdad should pay for my sister's surrogate. She said they can't afford it. So I told her to tell my sister to just get her husband to get her pregnant because that was free.

Neither of them is talking to me now. I couldn't care less if I tried.

My wife is on my side but she thinks I could have been more diplomatic and less graphic when describing to my mother how my sister could conceive.


Why is school uniform SO expensive?

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Why is school uniform SO expensive?

I just saw a tweet where someone said:

My daughter’s school’s uniform shop – run by Tesco – charges £18.50 for a branded cardigan that costs £2.50 without branding from a Tesco store.

I was in secondary school from 2012-2016 and even then my parents struggled to pay for a polo top that went grey after about 4 washes

AITAH for refusing to let my neighbours children play inmmy backyard?

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AITAH for refusing to let my neighbours children play inmmy backyard?

I (30F) live in a house with a spacious backyard that I enjoy maintaining and using for relaxation. Recently, my neighbors (a family with three young children) asked if their kids could play in my backyard because it's bigger than theirs and has a swing set. I politely declined, explaining that while I understand their kids need space to play, I prefer to keep my backyard private and maintained for my own use. I suggested they could use a nearby public park or their own backyard. Since then, my neighbors have been giving me cold looks and have made a few passive-aggressive comments about how unfriendly I am. They've implied that I'm being selfish for not sharing my space with their children. I feel conflicted because I don't want to be seen as unwelcoming, but I also value my privacy and the effort I put into my backyard.

AITA for refusing to let my neighbor's children play in my backyard?

AITA for refusing to attend a family reunion that my ex-partner will also be attending?

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AITA for refusing to attend a family reunion that my ex-partner will also be attending?

My extended family is planning a reunion next month, and everyone is excited about getting together after several years. However, my ex-partner (with whom I had a messy breakup last year) will also be attending because they are still close with some members of my family. When I found out that my ex would be there, I felt uncomfortable and anxious. The breakup was difficult for both of us, and there are unresolved feelings and tension between us. I'm not ready to face them in such a public setting, especially with our families around. I politely declined the invitation, explaining to my family that I'm not comfortable attending while my ex will be there. I suggested meeting up with them separately to catch up. Some family members understand and respect my decision, acknowledging that it's a sensitive situation. However, others have been pressuring me to reconsider, saying that I should put aside my discomfort for the sake of family unity. I feel torn because I want to participate in family events but also want to prioritize my emotional well-being.

AITA for refusing to attend the family reunion because my ex-partner will also be there?

Murder survivors, were there signs?

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Murder survivors, were there signs?

I have a feeling my husband hates me and he knows I want to separate. We're going on a family vacation and will be visiting the grand canyon. I remembered he has a life insurance policy on me. I never really thought about it but he's been paying into it since we got married so 15 years. I have no idea how much it's worth now. I feel silly considering that as a possibility but at the same time I'm a little worried.

“Past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing.” Is there truth to this?

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“Past a certain age, a man without a family can be a bad thing.” Is there truth to this?

If there is truth to it, what age do you think that is? Do you feel bad for your men friends who don’t have families? Why or why not?

AITAH for taking my BF side against my sisters

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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AITAH for taking my BF side against my sisters

My sister (Eve) is currently mad at me. She says my boyfriend (Jake) is an piece of shit and I am a bitch for siding with him. I've been with Jake for a little over a year. My sister has only met him a couple of times. But my parents adore him, my friends say nothing but positive things. He's really very sweet and kind. He's helped so much getting my life together and just being there for me. I am very lucky to have him in my life. He has flaws like everyone else, his is that he is extremely introverted and comes off very unapproachable to anyone who's not in his circle.

Eve asked to stay with me for a couple of weeks. She's currently out of work and she broke up with her boyfriend because he was being abusive toward her. There isn't enough room for her to stay with me. I share a place with 2 other people and my room is too small for both of us. So I asked Jake if she could stay at his house. I stay over at his place often and I though I could stay there for a couple of weeks and help my sister. Jake agreed.

Literally the first night, we had problems. Eve invited her friends to come over and comfort her. They were in the living room with the TV on talking. I got home after Jake and when I saw them and no Jake, I practically ran to the bedroom. He was on the bed on his phone. I could tell by the look on his face he was irate. He really doesn't like people in the house unless it's a pre-arranged gathering. I told him I was sorry, I'd talk to her. I talked to Eve, told her not to invite people over. She didn't understand what the big deal was, but eventually her friends left. I tried to talk to her again, and she agreed with me just to shut me up.

She also kept touching the AC, lowering it to 65. Jake usually keeps the AC around 76 during the day and 70 at night. He told her not to touch it, but she just said she needs it cold to be comfortable. The next day Jake worked from home and she kept going to his office asking where stuff is and playing music too loud. When I got back, he told me he's going to kick her out if she keeps doing this. I tried to talk to Eve again, but she kept brushing me off. We had a nice talk anyway, she cried a lot about her ex and everything seemed to be going fine. Then she wanted to go meet up with her friends. It was fine by me, I offered to drive her. She said no, it's fine and left sometime later. Jake and I stayed in and I thought we were over the worst of it. Eve didn't come back that night or the next morning. When Jake was about to go to work, we found out she took Jake's car.

He had to work remote on a day he was supposed to be in the office. I called off work, because I wanted to be there when Eve got back. She finally returned around 1pm, Jake kicked her out. Just told her to leave and went back to work. She started raging, saying he was being an asshole, he was overreacting, he didn't deserve me. It took me a while to calm her down and I dropped her off at my place for now. She's super mad at me, thinks I'm a bitch for not standing up for her. I think it was super nice of Jake to let her stay, especially since he really doesn't like people in his space. I know he only did it for me. AITAH here?

Do American households have such thing as “bag of bags”?

AskAnAmerican: Learn about America, straight from the mouths of Americans.

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Do American households have such thing as “bag of bags”?

In Russia it is common to store plastic bags that you get from grocery stores in another plastic bag. I started to live separately from my parents not so long ago and I noticed that I already have a box of plastic bags in my kitchen. There is a joke that says once you started to store bags in a bag of bags, you have become adult. There are memes that emphasize that “пакет с пакетами” (bag with bags) thing exists only in Russia since the Soviet era.

So I wonder if Americans also have such thing. If not, what’s replacing them? Do you buy special eco-friendly paper bags or just normal large plastic bags specifically made for trash.

The box of bags:

Update: I talked with my psychologist and then talked with my attorney

this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here

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Update: I talked with my psychologist and then talked with my attorney

These are my previous posts:




After my last post, I was in a weird state. I felt trapped in a limbo where talking to my husband seemed futile, but the thought of divorce felt like an invisible hand was squeezing my throat, making me hard to breathe.

I decided to make an appointment with my psychologist, who has known my childhood and understands my background, including my adoption and family dynamics. Yes, I am adopted. Although my adoptive parents treated me very well, I generally don't like to talk about it. Before I had my child , I specifically consulted the psychologist because I was afraid that my unresolved issues might unconsciously affect my daughter. So, during our conversation, she pointed out that the child in me desperately longs for my biological parents, while the love from my adoptive parents makes me reject this idea. As a result, I am obsessed with maintaining the ideal biological family that I never had. This insight resonated deeply, making me realize why I had delayed taking decisive action for so long.

After our session, I felt a strong urge to speak with an attorney about divorce. I wanted to prioritize my daughter's future over my illusory family unity. I gave the attorney all the necessary information and expressed my desire for a quick resolution. She informed me that the process could be completed in as little as a week if my husband agreed to cooperate, although it might take longer otherwise. She recommended that I discuss the matter with him to facilitate the process. So I have been planning in my mind to choose a day to confront him.

During this period of hesitation, I came home one day to find that my mother-in-law had left. My husband had prepared dinner and apologized for his behavior. He admitted to being childish and expressed deep regret for his actions, acknowledging the negative feedback he received on Reddit. Realizing that so many people found his behavior unacceptable, he understood that he had been in the wrong.

I reiterated that divorce might be the best option as I couldn't see a way forward together. In response, he handed me a letter taking full responsibility for the problems in our marriage and admitting his mistakes. He asked for one final chance to prove himself as a good husband and father, promising that if he failed, I could use the letter to proceed with the divorce at any time.

After much hesitation, I agreed to give him this last chance and informed my attorney to hold off on the divorce proceedings for now. Although my attorney mentioned that the letter had no legal standing, she assured me she could handle the situation with or without it.

For now, I'm cautiously optimistic, willing to see if my husband's efforts will lead to genuine change. If things don't improve, I'm prepared to take further steps to ensure my daughter grows up in a healthy and loving environment. I believe the decision is in my hands, and I am now determined to do what's best for my family.

I want to thank everyone for their comments; they helped me see many options. I especially appreciate those who shared their life experiences, providing me with the strength to take action. By the way, I'm back to my bag business. If anyone has any issues or needs help with identification, feel free to DM me. I'll do my best to help, as I feel I owe Reddit for this.

I hope this will be my last update.

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