Sticky Institute

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

What is a photocopier?

A photocopier is a machine that makes zines!

And it’s important to us that we are able to provide our community with access to an affordable zine making machine!

We’re hoping to raise enough money to cover the operating costs of the photocopier for 6 months. All donations up to $5,000 will be matched by Creative Australia and any over $2.00AUD are tax deductible!

If you’ve ever used our photocopier, plan to use our photocopier or want to support future generations of zinesters using our photocopier, please consider donating to our ACF Boost project!


Update after week 3 of our ACF project fundraiser:
We have raised $4,387 of our $5,000 goal! Thank you so much to everyone who has donated so far! We are so incredibly grateful for your support.

There’s 7 days left to donate and we’re hoping you can help us raise the final $613!

Just a reminder that donations up to $5,000 are being matched by Creative Australia and donations over $2AUD are tax deductible! (There’s 7 days until the end of the financial year so now is an opportune time to make a donation!)

The funds will used to pay for the operating costs of our treasured photocopier, Nick 2.0, and keep the zine dream alive!

Click here to donate and help us reach our goal!


Luke Sticky here (again!).

Since 2008, Sticky Institute has had a photocopier in the shop. It is no secret that I love our photocopier. The photocopier is offered to zine makers to use at discounted rates to copy their zines and get their amazing works of art out into the world. Here are some photos of me using the photocopier over the years, copying my zines at Sticky in 2011 and still copying my zines at Sticky in 2022. If you come into the shop today, I’ll still be there copying my zines.

The Sticky photocopier is a sweet machine, a FujiFilm DocuCenter VII - C4473. It’s reliable, produces sweet copies and has a technician on-call to come and fix any issue immediately.

Help us cover the costs of the copier for the next 6 months by donating to our fundraising campaign! We’re fundraising through the ACF Boost Program so all donations up to $5,000 will be matched by Creative Australia! (Plus donations over $2.00AUD are tax deductible!)

Donate to keep the photocopying dream alive!

Throwback to that time Sticky, our Luke and The C3100 photocopier were featured in “Why Mono?” - a film discussing “the relevance of black and white in the 21st century”.

We think mono is relevant. If you agree, donate to our ACF project so zinesters can keep making zines in mono!

All donations up to $5,000 will be matched by Creative Australia. Plus donations over $2.00AUD are tax deductible!

If you want to hear more thoughts on mono, you can watch the full “Why Mono? film here.


“When Sticky Institute got our first photocopier, The C3100, it felt like we had finally arrived, that we had taken the means of zine production and managed to come up with a way to offer it to The Kids in an affordable way in a place that felt like a magic zine utopia.”
- Luke, co-founder of Sticky Institute

Donate to our fundraiser to keep the photocopier at Sticky Institute and available to all zine makers. If you have ever made use of the photocopier or would like to help to support the existence of the photocopier for the whole next generation of zine makers then please support where you can.

We’re accepting donations through the ACF Boost program, where all donations up to $5,000 will be matched by Creative Australia! All donations over $2.00AUD are tax deductible!

Click here to donate here!

Support the Sticky Institute Zinemaking Photocopier project!

As part of the ACF Boost program, all donations (up to $5,000) made to Sticky Institute in June will be doubled! That means if we can raise $5,000, Creative Australia will match the amount and we will receive $10,000 in total!

The funds raised through this campaign will be used to pay for the cost of leasing our community photocopier, Nick, for the next six months.

Nick has travelled with us from Campbell Arcade to the Nicholas Building and now to our new space in the old Edmund Herring Pavilion. We’ve lost track of how many zines he’s helped create over the years, but we know it’s at least a few thousand. We love Nick but the reality is that he’s expensive to rent and keep operational. 

Nick’s seen some heavy use over the years but we’ve struggled to break even each month due to rent, toner, and paper costs. We want to continue offering affordable copying for the local zine community and donating to this campaign goes towards making that happen!

Remember, Creative Australia will match all donations up to $5,000! Plus with the EOFY coming up, it’s a smart time to make a donation as all amounts over $2.00AUD are tax deductible. It’s a win-win for everyone!

Click here to donate!


Our two-year lease at The Nicholas Building is up, so we’re moving out!

Our last day of trade there is on Saturday, 23rd of March, 2024.

The shop is relocating to Sticky Institute: Second Location (44 Domain Road, Melbourne) & will reopen for trade on Wednesday 10th of April, 2024.

We have been hosting workshops at Second Location for the past three years, so you may have already visited before! It’s a little tricky to find, but up-to-date wayfinding resources will be available when we reopen!

Moving is expensive, so we’re fundraising to help us cover the costs! You can make a donation here:

We want to give a big thank you to the zine community in Melbourne & all other zine fans!
We could not survive without you.

❤️ Sticky


📢 The Festival of the Photocopier is returning to @meatmarketmelb in 2024! We’re already counting down the days until the 10th and 11th of February next year!

📆 Any zinesters interested in tabling at the fair, stallholder applications will open on the 1st of December, 2023. 

🎨 We would also like to thank the incredibly talented Mia Nie for creating the 2024 poster! See more of Mia’s work here: /