The Economist | Independent journalism


A new six-part podcast series about the generation that blew up American politics

“Dateline” history quiz

This week: Labour’s triumph; Beckermania

US in brief

Momentum swings against Biden

United States

Joe Biden is failing to silence calls that he step aside

And some senior Democrats may merely be holding their fire


The EV trade war between China and the West heats up

But Elon Musk’s carmaker is somehow escaping the worst of it


When will Ukraine join NATO?

Its road to membership could be blocked if Donald Trump becomes president

The world in brief

NATO vowed to create an “irreversible path” for Ukraine to join the military alliance...

Nancy Pelosi, the former speaker of America’s House of Representatives, said that “time is running short” for President Joe Biden to make a decision about whether he will run for re-election...

John Kirby, the White House’s national security spokesman, said that America is “cautiously optimistic” about Gaza ceasefire talks, according to CNN, a news outlet...

Russia’s revenues from oil fell to their lowest level since February, according to the International Energy Agency...

The French far right may not have peaked

After winning 32% of the vote in parliamentary elections it will eye the presidency

Bagehot: The new frontline of British politics is just lovely

From the “left-behind” to the “well-ahead”

A short history of Taiwan and China, in maps

The Chinese Communist Party’s obsession with the island is about more than just territory

Pål Enger never quite knew why he had to steal “The Scream”

The petty criminal and former footballer died on June 29th, aged 57


A new six-part podcast series about the generation that blew up American politics

“Dateline” history quiz

This week: Labour’s triumph; Beckermania

US in brief

Momentum swings against Biden


More on America’s election

Why Biden must withdraw

The president and his party portray themselves as the saviours of democracy. Their actions say otherwise

A big donor says Joe Biden’s team has gone all Trumpian

The president is deluding himself. Democrats are better than that, says Ari Emanuel

Trump v Biden: who’s ahead in the polls?

The Economist is tracking the race to be America’s next president


How to Trump-proof America’s alliances

An essential step will be to let Ukraine into NATO

Trump and other populists will haunt NATO’s 75th birthday party

Threats to Western alliances lie both within and without the club

NATO must tackle instability in the Balkans, says an ex-head

Russia and China are up to old tricks in the region, argue George Robertson and Andi Hoxhaj

What does Labour’s win mean for British foreign policy?

Continuity on NATO and Ukraine, and hopes for a reset with Europe

World news

Narendra Modi cuddles up to Vladimir Putin in Moscow

India’s prime minister visited amid fresh Russian atrocities in Ukraine

After a deadlocked election, can anyone govern France?

The country is scrambling to find a new prime minister

The Kremlin is rewriting Wikipedia

A new version of history is taking shape

Las Vegas’s power couple says goodbye to power

The Goodmans were mayors for 25 years. Their evolution mirrors that of Sin City

Business, finance and economics

How strongmen abuse tools for fighting financial crime

They can get Western governments and banks to crack down on exiled dissidents

Once high-flying Boeing is now a corporate criminal

Its woes illustrate the excesses of a lean-and-mean era in corporate America

The world’s richest countries in 2024

Our annual ranking compares economies in three different ways

Schumpeter: Lessons in risk-taking from buccaneering BBVA

The Spanish lender places brave political bets at home and abroad

Summer reads

The world’s most studied rainforest is still yielding new insights

Even after a century of research, Barro Colorado in Panama continues to shed light on natural life

Finishing schools for the age of TikTok

Unsure how to be polite at work? Ask a digital etiquette guru

New yeast strains can produce untapped flavours of lager

One Chilean hybrid has a spicy taste, with hints of clove

Can Saudi Arabia become a premier tourist hotspot?

It has sun, sea and (lots of) sand. But people are wary of visiting the kingdom

Our guide to a season of great reading

After Britain’s election

How shallow was Labour’s victory in the British election?

The British party system may be fragmenting but voters delivered a coherent message

Labour has won the British election. Now it has to seize the moment

A volatile electorate and a strong showing for Reform UK are no reason for caution

Bagehot: What now for Britain’s right-wing parties

The Conservatives, Reform UK and the regressive dilemma

Stories most read by subscribers

Featured read

The unsteady comeback of the California condor

The bird’s plight is a study in unintended consequences

Israel and its enemies

The next terrifying war: Israel v Hizbullah

It would feature kamikaze drones, mass blackouts and the largest missile barrage in history

Is a Palestinian state a fantasy?

Amid war in Gaza, the prospect is at once more relevant than ever and more distant

Hamas and Israel are still far apart over a ceasefire deal

For all America’s optimism, the two sides look fundamentally irreconcilable

The war in Ukraine

How many Russian soldiers have been killed in Ukraine?

Four charts illustrate a grim new milestone

Ukraine’s war has created millions of broken families

Children and wives have been apart from their fathers and husbands for more than two years

Ukraine has a month to avoid default

Lending to a borrower at war entails an additional gamble: that it will win

Death and destruction in a Russian city

Russians in the border city of Belgorod have become victims too in the war Vladimir Putin launched against Ukraine

No way to run a country

Edition: July 6th 2024

No way to run a country