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Massive write-down … BHP’s Nickel West mine in Western Australia.

Thousands of jobs at risk as BHP moves to shut down nickel operations

Resources giant BHP will shut its Nickel West operations in Western Australia this October, putting more than 3000 jobs at risk after a global crash in nickel prices.

  • by Simon Johanson and Peter Milne
Larvotto Resources has rolled up its sleeves for a new gold-antimony search in New South Wales.

Cashed-up Larvotto to unleash NSW gold-antimony search

After pocketing $5 million in new money, Larvotto Resources is on the cusp of launching a new gold-antimony drilling program at its Clarks Gully deposit in NSW.

  • by Doug Bright

Opinion & Perspectives

How can Australians be so wealthy yet still be poor?

The average Australian’s wealth grew by about 10 per cent last year but the gap between the “haves” and the “have-nots” is growing.

Elizabeth Knight
Elizabeth Knight

Business columnist

The crude piece of career advice I think about all the time

Next time you find yourself in a difficult situation at work, this admittedly crude advice might just help.

Tim Duggan
Tim Duggan

Careers contributor

The US is losing patience with China

A senior US official has taken aim at China, saying “more creative approaches may be necessary” to protect the global economy.

Stephen Bartholomeusz
Stephen Bartholomeusz

Senior business columnist

Banking & finance


Small business

Max Mustard is the eponymous heroine of the VR game by Gold Coast developers Toast Interactive.

Meet Max: She’s the top-selling VR game on Meta, and created in Queensland

Like many great ideas, Max Mustard owes her existence to someone being told not to do something.

  • by Nick Dent

Booktopia might be on the brink, but your local bookshop probably isn’t

As Australia’s largest online bookseller struggles to forge a viable business model, many independent booksellers have found ways to thrive.

  • by Jessica Yun

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