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Premier reverses hospital bailout decision but health services sceptical

Premier reverses hospital bailout decision but health services sceptical

Jacinta Allan’s new stance comes after hospital insiders warned of bed closures, surgery delays and even the end of vital services across Victoria’s health system.

  • by Broede Carmody


Airport rail now hinges on who pays the extra $3 billion to build it

Airport rail now hinges on who pays the extra $3 billion to build it

The proposed rail link to Melbourne Airport depends on whether the state and federal governments can agree on additional funding.

  • by Broede Carmody and Kieran Rooney
Melbourne Airport agrees to have overground train station, clearing path for rail link

Melbourne Airport agrees to have overground train station, clearing path for rail link

The announcement ends a stalemate with the state government that had pushed the airport rail link back to 2033.

  • by Rachel Eddie and Kieran Rooney
Melbourne Water tapped the state for extra cash – to pay it back for an unexpected tax bill

Melbourne Water tapped the state for extra cash – to pay it back for an unexpected tax bill

The water authority borrowed additional money from a Victorian government entity – and paid interest to the government – so it could pay a tax to the same government.

  • by Rachel Eddie
Copenhagen, not Docklands: Nick Reece wants to be lord mayor for real – here’s how

Copenhagen, not Docklands: Nick Reece wants to be lord mayor for real – here’s how

The former deputy mayor has confirmed he will run for the city’s top job at the coming elections, saying he’ll insist new growth suburbs are about putting “people first, not developer profit”.

  • by Aisha Dow
How Victorian power companies could be forced to pay you for blackouts

How Victorian power companies could be forced to pay you for blackouts

A review into storms that cut power to 530,000 homes has called for energy distributors – not governments – to compensate customers who lose power.

  • by Kieran Rooney
Victoria’s primary care clinics face funding cuts in budget crisis

Victoria’s primary care clinics face funding cuts in budget crisis

Priority primary care clinics, promised in 2022 as Daniel Andrews’ solution to the health crisis, are facing cutbacks as the Victorian budget grapples with debt.

  • by Rachel Eddie and Kieran Rooney
‘Thrilled’: Workers claim win after sackings from Black Star Pastry for wearing keffiyehs

‘Thrilled’: Workers claim win after sackings from Black Star Pastry for wearing keffiyehs

The high-end bakery that sacked two baristas for wearing keffiyehs to work has settled the discrimination case under confidential terms. The workers are claiming victory.

  • by Charlotte Grieve
Cash for access: Councillors ask corruption watchdog to investigate scheme
Local council

Cash for access: Councillors ask corruption watchdog to investigate scheme

Most Port Phillip councillors want IBAC to investigate a donation scheme set up to fund a community group that financially backs two of their colleagues.

  • by Annika Smethurst and Kieran Rooney
Victorian politicians get 3.5 per cent pay rise

Victorian politicians get 3.5 per cent pay rise

Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan will earn almost half a million dollars a year as MPs in the state received their second 3.5 per cent pay rise in two years.

  • by Rachel Eddie
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registry makes millions from increasing certificate fees in cost-of-living crisis

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registry makes millions from increasing certificate fees in cost-of-living crisis

The Greens will introduce a bill in the next sitting week in an attempt to block further privatisation of government services.

  • by Broede Carmody