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New demo released & new trailer

The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. Meet your fellow game developers as well as engine contributors, stay up to date on Godot news, and share your projects and resources with each other. Maintained by the Godot Foundation, the non-profit taking good care of the Godot project - consider donating to to keep us going!

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New demo released & new trailer

After more than a decade, I'm getting tired of the "yearly growth goals" that I'm supposed to be setting for and achieving myself. Anyone else in the same boat?

For experienced developers. This community should be specialized subreddit facilitating discussion amongst individuals who have gained some ground in the software engineering world. Any posts or comments that are made by inexperienced individuals (outside of the weekly Ask thread) should be reported. Anything not specifically related to development or career advice that is _specific_ to Experienced Developers belongs elsewhere. Try /r/work, /r/AskHR, /r/careerguidance, or /r/OfficePolitics.

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After more than a decade, I'm getting tired of the "yearly growth goals" that I'm supposed to be setting for and achieving myself. Anyone else in the same boat?

I've been working for over almost 15 years as a software developer in various companies. In the beginning I loved setting growth goals and pushing myself to keep improving even when there was little applicability for it in that role. Somewhere along the road I did a complete 180 in trying to learn new things "just in case".

This week I have my bi-yearly performance evaluation and I realize that I sincerely do not care for any of the goals that I had to set for myself for this year. After all this time I've found that I can learn things on the job when I need it and not trying to keep up with the newest tech since there's no valid use-case for them in my case (we're still on .NET Framework for the vast majority, currently migrating a few select "services" to .NET 8).

Am I the only one that thinks of these goals like this, or is this more of a personal issue?

Development hell, 1 year of work down the drain, 70,000+ dollars wasted.

The subreddit covers various game development aspects, including programming, design, writing, art, game jams, postmortems, and marketing. It serves as a hub for game creators to discuss and share their insights, experiences, and expertise in the industry.

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Development hell, 1 year of work down the drain, 70,000+ dollars wasted.

*** Details skewed for anonymity

I am absolutely stressed out, this is more of rant/venting. I am already leaving this job in Late August. Please take this as a cautionary tale, ALWAYS CHECK THE QUALIFICATIONS OF THE PEOPLE YOU HIRE. IF THEY ARE NOT ORGANIZED, DON'T BOTHER HIRING THEM. They will DESTROY your project. Just because it looks good when you "press play" doesn't mean it's good behind the scenes. PLEASE PLEASE, ALWAYS STOP AND DOUBLE CHECK EVERYTHING BEFORE MOVING ON TO THE NEXT STEP! Don't cheap out on low-wage employees, hire professionals who know what they're doing.


TL;DR, P.I doesn't know anything about games, hired people who did know how to make games,

the people they hired don't know how to make games.

Game is stuck in developmental hell.


We are developing a prototype for a "Garden Game App" for tablet.

Originally, I applied as a UI/UX designer, but they already had a UI Team, instead they hired me to be a 3D modeler.

[ The career I'm aiming for is 3D UI/UX Designer, thus why I know 3D modeling and UI/UX ]

I decided to not interfere with the other teams and just stay in my lane. If the project was going bad, that was the Leaders issue.

In hindsight, I should have interfered immediately, because oh my god... this project was absolutely destroyed by people who don't know what they're doing.

They asked me to do User Testing since I had never used the app before. However, when I asked for the "Task List" the UI/UX Team had no idea what I was talking about, they has NO IDEA HOW TO SET UP A USER TESTING SESSION, WHICH IS UX 101! So I got put in charge of my own User Testing Session, making a task list for myself.

The day of testing, they asked the big boss to test it and they didn't even check to see if the app would turn on... the big boss lost their shit on the incompetence of the team, so it got rescheduled for 1 month later so the devs could fix it.

Instead of waiting 1 month for the devs to fix it, I gave a "non live app" user test. Where I gave notes on the screens without testing their function. I gave a close to 2 hour video recording feedback, that was extremely detailed and explained the basics of UI, because just everything was wrong.

After that video feedback video, the P.I and big boss watched it, they locked them out of their work and the next day everyone in the UI team got fired. the Developer also got fired.

It was really bad... They asked me to try and recover the project because in 2 months, we could at least show some concept UX to potential investors. It got cancelled because that wasn't enough time to fix this huge mess.

on both DEVELOPERS and UX SIDE, it was absolutely horrific. I am so angry that these people DESTROYED this project.

This is for both UI and Devs

Nothing was named, there were empty files everywhere, nothing was grouped, there was no prefabs [ in ui, they're called components] there was no style sheet, no font sheet, there was like 12 "unity projects" instead of doing a "unity package" or ya know... SETTING UP A PLASTIC SCM.

They had like 8 versions of the models I made, for some reason?

everything was "kajfsds99000_(3)" or "untitled_56", Rotten Spaghetti cod

there was no user flow, no sketches, no wire frames, it took me a month to organize all the files, In the end after salvaging what I could, I had to break the news that it would be better to start from scratch. That's how bad it was.

It turns out, the person they hired to do Development, was a web-developer who thought they were god of the new world and could code games and the 2nd developer was an actual unity dev, is in charge of checking people's code for multiple projects and just didn't check the code for this one... they saw the "play" version and assumed they did everything correctly. So he got his ass chewed out.

and for the UI/UX side, it was their minor in college, but their major was Psychology, and the other 2 people were "Graphic designers" not really UI/UX people.

So now I am in charge of the UI/UX and I got a pay increase but it's not enough for the type of work I'm doing, They're asking me for miracles. I am now a UX Designer/Consultant/3DModeler/Game Designer.

They didn't hire a Game Designer because they thought a UI/UX person could do the same job for cheaper. I explained why it's important to have on the team, and they at least agreed that they fucked up and don't know what the hell they're doing.

The P.I is having panic attacks and major trust issues. They don't want to hire other team members and rather the project take another 3 years and be done correctly than it take 6 months and be a disaster.

I feel bad for the studio, but I can't take it. I've told them I can't do it all, but again... they're having panic attacks over this project and other mental health issues from the stress.

I get messages at 1 am, 2am, during my lunch break to check my "progress" and they're also micromanaging the new developer they hired, wishing that I knew coding so they wouldn't have to take a "risk" hiring this new person.

I dropped out to build a social media app, now regretting it.

A wholesome community made by & for software & tech folks in India. Have a doubt? Ask it out.

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I dropped out to build a social media app, now regretting it.

Hi Reddit,

I dropped out of college on November of 2020, when I was in second year. Despite my parents insistane. I was ambitious about building a new age social media platform for Indians.

At first, I was pushed by confidence. I thought to myself even great visionaries like Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg dropped out to college and they are billionaires now. I used to laugh at people who attend regular college, because I thought they were doing a mistake by commiting themselves to 4 years of useless education followed by a 9-5, that pays dime over a dollar.

I was picturing myself as this smart revolutionary who would build the next age social media catering to Indians. My reasoning was simple. There are 1.4B Indians and most of them are connected to internet (thanks to jio) Even if I could get 10% on my platform, it's 140M users and will be a successful startup.

I was delusional into thinking that, if I just make the platform in regional languages and create stickers to unique regional jokes, then the platform will take off and everyone will join my platform. I thought, there was no reason someone would reject a platform like this.. since it was better than what is already existing in the market+ it was free. So I thought customers would flock like wild ducks.

I was so wrong. I was wrong about everything. parentce. I couldn't even get the application/website created.

I'm now 25, sitting at home , eating off parents money. My friends, at college, started going to their 9-5 jobs and they seem to have a stable life.

Is there any advice for me to bounce back and get on my feet?

These are my skills:

  1. Strong English Communication Skills

  2. Understanding Customer needs (empathy)

  3. Email Writing (professional)

  4. Java, C, Python (Beginner Knowledge)

Ninguém hoje em dia leva a serio a área de T.I e isso já ta dando merda.

Bem-vindo à nossa comunidade! Todos os assuntos relacionados a TI, programação e afins são bem-vindos no r/brdev

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Ninguém hoje em dia leva a serio a área de T.I e isso já ta dando merda.

Recentemente a comunidade de T.I no Brasil deu de cara com aquela noticia do estadão sobre o mercado de T.I estar afundando e você sabe a culpa disso? bom, são varias mas no contexto geral, a culpa é DA POHA DOS CURSOS ONLINES.

Todo mundo já sabe que a promessa de 3 meses de curso e um salario de 4k é enganação, pode ate ter sido real um dia, mas hoje não é. Contudo isso não é nem de longe o problema maior desses cursos, o problema mais perigoso é como eles tem formado pessoas incapazes que não sabem o MINIMO sobre COMPUTAÇÃO, e nem me refiro a programação, mas sim computação.

Hoje em dia tu vira a esquina e tem alguém que sabe "programar" em html, css e outros, meu irmão, se tu chega num professor de faculdade ele nem considera isso como linguagem de programação, ele considera como linguagem de marcação, a galera hoje em dia não tem noção de fundamentos básicos como segurança, dados, redes e arquitetura de computadores.

A galera sabe copiar um site ou uma calculadora genérica em pyhton (bela linguagem inclusive) de um curso e já quer entrar numa empresa, e o pior? AS EMPRESAS CONTRATAM sem saber o problema que tão arrumando.

E outra consequência desses cursos online e rápidos que EU percebi é a galera desistindo em massa da faculdade pq querem o caminho mais rápido, e honestamente? não acho que eles tão errados.

A area de t.i foi vendida como algo fácil e rapido, mas ela NÃO É, voce pode sim aprender coisas basicas facilmente mas chega um ponto aonde você precisa ter uma base solida, que só muito estudo amplo ou uma faculdade pode te dar, se você quer ser um profissional serio e valorizado da área, tá na hora de escolher o caminho com mais qualidade.

obs: algo que esqueci de citar é que existem sim bons cursos onlines que infelizmente se perdem no meio de tanta patifaria.

AMA - I got offers from Meta London, Google, Amazon Lux

Discuss interview prep strategies and leetcode questions

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AMA - I got offers from Meta London, Google, Amazon Lux

Hi LeetCoders,

I am excited to shared that I got offers from FAANG like Meta, Google, Amazon and other tech giant like Stripe, DE Shaw, Oracle OCI.

I shared my learnings from the community on this post. I got a very good feedback.

I thought sharing my experiences with this community that I was following actively.

YOE - 5 years

Early Stage Startup Experience

"Gamers don’t derive joy from a simulated murder of a human being, but from simply beating an opponent."

The subreddit covers various game development aspects, including programming, design, writing, art, game jams, postmortems, and marketing. It serves as a hub for game creators to discuss and share their insights, experiences, and expertise in the industry.

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"Gamers don’t derive joy from a simulated murder of a human being, but from simply beating an opponent."

thoughts on this answer to the question of: "Why is it fun to kill people in video games?"

asking because i want to develop a "violent" fps

Someone found a nice backpack.

The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. Meet your fellow game developers as well as engine contributors, stay up to date on Godot news, and share your projects and resources with each other. Maintained by the Godot Foundation, the non-profit taking good care of the Godot project - consider donating to to keep us going!

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Someone found a nice backpack.

My brother got 8.9 LPA - Freshers - Life is Unfair

A wholesome community made by & for software & tech folks in India. Have a doubt? Ask it out.

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My brother got 8.9 LPA - Freshers - Life is Unfair

Hi there, My brother just got PPO with 8.9 lpa.. And I'm not jealous but thinking that we used be on a same page..So here the thing we both studies in govt clg (diploma) got nice cgpa 9 then he went to the top tier 2 clg and I went to the local govt clg in my home town ( where I never wanted to go) then he also got the 8 lpa offer on campus but he choose the internship at big MNC and yesterday got the ppo as a gpu/graphics designer...he got the stipend around 22k more than my salary..He got this as off campus through connections.. meanwhile me doing 3 months unpaid internship and 3 months 7k stipned and 20k as job with 1 year bond as a node js dev..Like how we both are good but sometimes life sucks. and I'm afraid of my relative that what my parents will tell them I'm literally crying like where we were and where we are now.. do share your success stories that how did you overcome this.

Made a quick SoftBody Car tutorial with my SoftBody2D addon

The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. Meet your fellow game developers as well as engine contributors, stay up to date on Godot news, and share your projects and resources with each other. Maintained by the Godot Foundation, the non-profit taking good care of the Godot project - consider donating to to keep us going!

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Made a quick SoftBody Car tutorial with my SoftBody2D addon

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