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Aguia Resources executive chairman Warwick Grigor inspecting a potential processing facility purchase in Southern Brazil.

Aguia finds profitable gold-phosphate path to redemption

Aguia Resources has endured a forgettable few years, but with a new plan in place for its gold and phosphate projects, a road to riches may well lie just ahead.

  • by James Pearson
This week’s Bulls N’ Bears ASX Runner of the Week is …Infini Resources.

Lab-busting uranium results turbocharge Infini shares

This week’s Bulls N’ Bears Runner of the Week is … Infini Resources. Its share price jumped 225.81 per cent on the back of a slew of quality uranium results.

  • by Craig Nolan

Opinion & Perspectives

How to artfully deal with an office backstabber

There’s one lurking in every workplace, but dealing with them can be a harder task than it seems.

Nina Hendy
Nina Hendy

Business and finance journalist

China’s desperate bid to fix one of its biggest problems has backfired

Four months ago, China’s leaders announced what seemed like a straightforward and proven plan to recharge the economy, but its citizens are not playing ball.

Keith Bradsher

Did my workplace trick me into signing away my bonuses?

Workers should always read their contracts carefully, as once signed, there can be little you can do to change it.

Jonathan Rivett

Freelance writer

Banking & finance


Small business

Max Mustard is the eponymous heroine of the VR game by Gold Coast developers Toast Interactive.

Meet Max: She’s the top-selling VR game on Meta, and created in Queensland

Like many great ideas, Max Mustard owes her existence to someone being told not to do something.

  • by Nick Dent

Booktopia might be on the brink, but your local bookshop probably isn’t

As Australia’s largest online bookseller struggles to forge a viable business model, many independent booksellers have found ways to thrive.

  • by Jessica Yun

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