In Dead Man (1995), Gary Farmer plays a character named "Nobody", who has been shunned by his people and is living as an outcast. In Smoke Signals (1998) Gary Farmer plays Arnold Joseph who casts himself out and lives in a self-imposed exile. In a scene in Smoke Signals, Arnold repeatedly asks his son, "Who is your favorite Indian?". To which his son repeatedly answers, "Nobody".
In Beverly Hills Cop II (1987), in the truck chase before the three crash the pool party where the bad guys and Hugh Hefner are in attendance, the cement mixer that Billy (Judge Reinhold) & Axel (Eddie Murphy) are driving is from "DS/JB Concrete Company" - Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer were the producers of the first two "Beverly Hills Cop" movies
Beverly Hills Cop II:
In the opening of Aliens, the harpoon gun that Ripley used against the Alien is still visible under the door in the escape shuttle (Narcissus).