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Joanna Mather

Wealth editor

Joanna Mather joined the AFR as an education reporter in 2008. She spent four years in the Canberra press gallery before becoming superannuation reporter in 2016, deputy news director in 2021 and wealth editor in 2023. Connect with Joanna on Twitter. Email Joanna at

Joanna Mather


David and Jenine Fleming.

The tools showing retirees they have more to spend than they thought

Retirement income modelling is advancing rapidly, giving people an unprecedented ability to plan their own financial futures.

Norman Zhang

Why the rich are decarbonising their portfolios

Wind and solar may have disappointed, but wealth managers see opportunity in areas such as waste management and disability housing.


Popularity of sustainable ETFs dives to lowest in a decade

Platinum Asset Management will terminate its Global Transition Fund due to low demand.

Unlisted commercial property has been especially troublesome, but infrastructure may also prove challenging.

Don’t switch super funds until reckoning in unlisted assets is over

Industry fund executives regularly boasted about capitalising on the so-called “illiquidity premium”, but the world has changed.


Superannuation investors are tinkering their income levels to avoid the ‘Division 293 tax’ where they can, a new study shows.

The super funds with the most million-dollar members

After losing ground to industry super funds since the Hayne royal commission, data shows retail funds are fighting back when it comes to attracting and retaining high-net-worth members.



Jacqui Henderson, a member of the Financial Services Council’s expert working group on digital advice, says the federal government needs to get the regulatory settings right  by reducing onerous paperwork.

The future of financial advice is digital – and human

AI-powered apps are touted as a big part of the solution to providing affordable financial advice en masse, but winning people’s trust is a key challenge.

Rebates are expected to increase by $2.6 billion over five years.

R&D tax incentive to blow out by $2.6b

Tax breaks for companies and superannuation payments for veterans and public servants have overshot expectations, adding billions in costs to the budget.


From babies to Boomers: what’s in the budget for you

The 2024 federal budget includes power bill relief, more training places and additional rent assistance.

Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services Stephen Jones is consulting with industry about financial advice laws.

Government still stumped by financial advice semantics

The government will try to head off a semantic storm over the term “qualified advisers” by replacing the words with “product adviser”.

Anecdotally, retired Baby Boomers are providing more financial help to their kids and grandkids.

Not just cruises: Boomers direct spending to kids and grandkids

Financial advisors report many over-65s are helping family members rather than splurging – though travel is a thing.


We asked 11 experts where they would invest $1 million.

Where to invest $1m right now

We asked 11 experts where they would invest $1 million to earn serious returns; then we asked them to nominate an indulgence spend.


Financial advisor Olivia Maragna helps her clients feel confident to spend their retirement savings.

‘Paradigm shift’: How to switch to spending in retirement

After decades spent saving, lean into the fear, plan obsessively and let go of the guilt, experts say.

The 4 per cent rule came to underpin much retirement income planning.

Is 4pc still retirement’s magic number?

American financial planner William Bengen came up with a neat answer to one of life’s thorniest financial questions – how long will my savings last in retirement? – and it took off like a rocket.


The amount of low-tax money you can put into super is about to jump

Workers will be able to pump more money taxed at low rates into superannuation after strong wages growth triggered the first increase in contribution limits in three years.

Avoiding bracket creep can be a difficult task.

How high earners can stare down bracket creep

Everyone with a taxable income below $146,000 will receive a larger tax cut than under the original plan, while top income earners will get less than promised.

Top-end taxpayers will not get much relief from bracket creep.

The $40,000 tax whack coming for high earners

The top 5 per cent of taxpayers will pay nearly 42 per cent of all personal income tax next year, the equivalent of $128 billion.


Got $2m super? This is how much you can spend a year before it runs out

Work out which of these five retiree types you are as a guide to your annual budget in retirement.

In cases of hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), one side of the heart does not fully develop.

Mesoblast surges on FDA ‘rare paediatric disease’ designation

Shares in Australian biopharmaceutical company Mesoblast jumped 25 per cent after Revascor was recognised as a potential treatment for heart disease in babies.

Stephen Pfeiffer.

Meet the ex-teacher giving his $3m inheritance to climate charities

Stephen Pfeiffer and Linh Do are part of a new generation of philanthropists with a sense of urgency. For those starting out, here are five mistakes to avoid.

Investors may find comfort that bitcoin ETFs are regulated products issued by licensed providers.

Is it time to jump on the bitcoin bandwagon?

The launch of a wave of bitcoin exchange-traded funds in the United States will make it easier and arguably safer to jump into the crypto craze, but should you?