Anonymous asked:

I had a random gut feeling that if writer and actor strikes in USA continues, capitalists may start using their pundits to incite fascists to go after the protesters. Your opinion on this perspective?

We don’t know about that Anon, that seems a bit far-fetched. It’s not like fascists have a 100+ year history of attacking strikers and trade unions. Unless of course you count Benito Mussolini hiring out his blackshirts as strikebreakers in 1919. Or the fascist attacks & disruptions of the 1926 general strike in the UK. Or Hitler making trade unions illegal in 1933 and then sending trade unionists to be murdered in concentration camps.

Anyways, that’s all ancient history and there are no examples of recent fascist activity targeting trade unions. Aside from the fascist attack on striking railway workers in Manchester in 2019. Or the murder of Bolivian miner union leader Orlando Gutiérrez in 2020 by a mob of fascists protesting the outcome of the country’s election by beating him to death. Or the 2021 attack on the headquarters of an Australian construction workers’ union in Australia in 2021 by far-right extremists and anti-public health conspiracy theorists, who broke into the building and attacked union officials and union staff. Or the attack by members of the fascist Forza Nuova party on a union office in Rome, Italy that same year. Or the (failed) attempt by fascists in Albi, France to assault trade union members (only to be badly beaten themselves by the union members!) in October 2021. Or the November 2021 attack on two union members in Paris by a fascist gang.

Well anyways it’s not like fascist leaders like the UK’s Alek Yerbury are currently calling for his followers to target union offices, picket lines, and strikers.

You see? Nothing at all to worry about and anti-fascists shouldn’t bother showing their support and solidarity with working people striking in an attempt to raise the working conditions and lives of all of us! OR MAYBE WE SHOULD???

Anonymous asked:

hey where can I find a forum for German antifa because I saw the protest in Leipzig and I missed everything

There are literally tons & tons of antifascist groups in Germany. Here are our tips for finding them.

Anonymous asked:

twitter(.)com/nezumi_ningen/status/1394411439792734210?s=19 hopefully this don't get buried or that there's no way of helping, but for years now antifascist pony fans are doing our part to combat and kick the fascists out from the fandom for good and to help other fandoms prevent Nazis from infiltrating and building another fascist pipeline. Problem here is we're asking the wrong ppl (Vaush of all ppl) for help in preventing infamous Nazi pony fans from stalking antifascists. Please is there anyone here that can atleast guide us a little in the right direction when handling unhinged fascist creeps?

This is excellent! Fascists need to be unwelcomed in all fandoms, scenes, and subcultures. The more public space is choked off from them, the more difficult it is for them to organize and recruit.

We’re guessing most of the stalking concerns revolved around the internet, correct? There are lots & lots of guides on digital security that you could look through for tips - maybe even compiling the best tips you find into one guide for antifa ponydom!

We have some advanced tips we are reluctant to share publicly, but if you hit us back @ we’ll be happy to pass those on to you.

Hello, Im very annoyed because #INFOWARS blames #ANTIFA because of the riots in Oregon.. Not fair.. Care to comment??

Anonymous asked:

Hi, I have a dog whistle/symbolism question! I saw truck today with a license plate that said "Rule 303" and the man inside had a MAGA hat on (I live in the USA). I looked up rule 303 and it looks like something in Australia that gave someone the right to shoot people? Anyway, I wanted to see if rule 303 was one of those fascist dog whistles, like 88 and 14. I looked it up online and couldn't find more. Thanks for the help!

That’s a new one to us, Anon.  Anyone have some insight here?

Anonymous asked:

What is your end goal here antifas Goal What sort of a world is your goal how would you like to see the world oporete and the future of huminty be

The end goal of anti-fascism is the defeat of fascism.  In practical terms, that would mean that people get to live their lives without fear of harassment, persecution, and violence because of their disability, ethnicity, gender identity, language, migration status, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.

The goal of antifa can be summed up in five words:  


That’s it, Anon.  Anti-fascism as a movement doesn’t have an opinion on how to run things beyond that because we’re a broad-based movement of people with all sorts of political ideas, united solely by our commitment to defeating fascism.  We can argue about how to arrange the furniture in the house after we’ve put out the fire threatening to consume it, if you follow.

Anonymous asked:

Why do Antifa beat old people

By “old people” do you mean “fascists like John Blum who come to protests armed with steel batons and then repeatedly try to smash the heads of anti-fascists in?”


Or are you referring to elderly white supremacist Dorothy Martson, who was yelled at by antifa as she made her way to a rally in Hamilton, Canada being held by a white supremacist political party?  Because we’re pretty sure “calling an old person a nazi for attending a nazi rally”  ≠ “beating an old person.”  

Maybe you’re talking about “old people” like 57-year-old Brandon McCormick, who showed up to a Black Lives Matter protest in Salt Lake City to threaten to murder the protestors and then pulled out a bow and arrow and took aim at a black protestor

While you’re thinking on that, here are the findings of a study of U.S. political violence between January 1, 1994 & May 8, 2020:


How do I get in with you guys?

You make a dope-ass social media account focused on anti-fascism that we notice and are consistently impressed by; then we invite you to join our collective. 

Anonymous asked:

sorry if this sounds dumb/comes out wrong, but i saw your post about how white pride is different to racialized pride and was wondering what "counts" to be in these categories. Did they just decide rich pale people were white? Or whiter people born in a specific place? My mother and I are quite pale compared to the rest of my family (she and my father are from Mexico) but I was born in the US, so does this count as "white"? Was there ever a specific definition?

That is not just an excellent question, it’s also the question that points out the fatal flaw in race!  

First off: There is no biological basis for race.  There is no gene that is exclusive to members of any one “racial” category.   The concept of “race” has been roundly rejected by geneticists and anthropologists as having zero scientific validity.   As anthropologist John Shea points out, “Race is folk taxonomy, not science. The variables used to organize it, such as skin color and hair texture, are arbitrary choices.”

If race isn’t a scientifically-valid construct to describe reality, then just what is it?  It’s a social construct - something that doesn’t actually exist but that humans have taken a hold of as a way to organize their social world. As Brian Jones put it, race is real “…in the same way that Wednesday is real. But it’s also made up in the same way that Wednesday is made up.”

So what counts to belong to a particular race is also a social construct that changes over space and time.  Depending on where you are and what time period you’re in, religion could determine what race you are in; language could determine what race you are in; geography could determine what race you are in; or any number of random, ever-shifting physical characteristics with no objective boundaries could determine what race you are in.

Italians have been both non-white and white at different points in time.  The Irish have been both non-white and white at different points in time.  Catholics may or may not be considered white depending on where you are.  Jews may or may not be considered white depending on who you’re speaking to; the same thing applies with Muslims today.  

Do all white people have white skin, blue or green eyes, and straight blond or red hair?  How white does their skin have to be, what is the shade cut-off point that means they’re no longer white, and what objective, scientifically-valid criteria was used to choose that cut-off point?  Ask the same question about hair texture, hair color, eye color, or nose shape and you begin to see how random and absurd the notion of categorizing humans into concrete “races” is. 

This whole bullshit race thing was created for two reasons:

1) to justify the genocide, plunder, slavery occurring in the European “new world” colonies by positing that the people being killed, plundered, and enslaved were somehow less than those doing the killing, plundering, and enslaving so it was OK & still in keeping with Christian values. 

2) to discourage poor Europeans working in the colonies from uniting with indigenous people and African slaves to overthrow the colonial overlords. 

The reason race still exists is simple: it still benefits some people by creating conditions that allow them a greater share of power than others.  It’s been that way for 400 years.

Some resources if you want to explore this some more:

Destroying White Nationalism is a comic we put out that picks apart the very basis of white nationalism/supremacy - the very  idea of a “white race.”  

This PBS documentary on race goes a lot deeper into this topic. 

Anthropologist Ryan James’ online lecture about race & racism is well-worth a look. 

tigara666 asked:

Hi Antifa int. Here in Denmark people associated with the state confront anyone who expresses any kind of belief in equality, whether it be gender equality or more economic equality, with the this phrase: Some contribute more than others, men contribute more than women, admit that everything you believe in is wrong! They usually show up with the police and force people to agree. Do you have any thoughts in this? How do we stay safe?

Hi there,

How can people possibly be claiming that “men contribute more than women?”  Is it perhaps by only measuring “contributions” by income earned or taxes paid and discounting the invisible, uncompensated labour women perform that allow men to concentrate their efforts solely on waged labour?  For example the mountain of evidence that men simply don’t do nearly as much housework as women?  Or that patriarchal societies compensate men’s paid labour at higher rates than women’s paid labourEven when both perform the same job?

Moving away from gender-based inequality and into white supremacist-based inequality, I’m sure it will come as no surprise to you that there are real, racist barriers preventing racialized people from fully accessing the labour market in all European countriesYou’ll find the same kinds of barriers facing LGBTQ+ people, disabled people, and others.

Bottom line: The “some people contribute more than others” argument is easily defeated by the evidence.  Bigoted societies prevent those they discriminate against from having full & equal access to the labour market and then claim that inequalities are due to the inherent but undefined virtues of straight cishet white men to “contribute more to society” - in a contest where “contributions” are solely measure by income earned/taxes paid. 

The second part of your question - how to protect ourselves from people opposed to equality when they are backed by the state - is more difficult.  We think the best way to do that is to back each other up, in large numbers.  In Danmark, we’d recommend getting in touch with groups pushing an equality agenda forward, as well as antifa crews like Revolutionære Antifascister.

Let us know what you get up to!

Anonymous asked:

Can I ask you a question what’s wrong in being proud to be White If you can be proud to be every color why not white

This is actually a good & common question, Anon!  To answer it, we have to first talk about how race was invented about 400 years ago in America. Wealthy colonizers needed an ideology that would both justify their hoarding of wealth and their horrific treatment of indigenous people, labourers, and slaves - as well as providing a basis to prevent indentured labourers from joining forces with indigenous people and slaves and overthrowing the colony’s masters.  Race fit that bill nicely.

Human races are a social construct invented in the early 1600s with no basis in science nor fact, as we’ve explained many, many, many, many, many, times. Hell, we even published a comic about the absurdity of the “white race.”

Now the other thing you have to factor is is that when wealthy white elites created the system of human races, they made sure the race they put themselves in - the “white race” - was at the top of the racial hierarchy - which was necessary to justify their plunder.  That racial hierarchy - with “white people” at the top - influenced society and made very real impacts on the lives of all of us for the last four hundred years or so.

One of the impacts of this system of racist white supremacy is that generations of people have been taught the lie that white people are superior to all other races and that all other races are inferior to white people.  For four hundred years, racialized people (which is to say people who have been arbitrarily assigned to a non-white racial category) have been told by the society they lived in that they were inferior to white people, and that this inferiority was the reason for centuries of oppression, injustice, and death.

When you look at the idea of race from this far-reaching, historical context, Anon, you can see that racialized people taking pride in their “race” is a powerful statement of resistance against the dominant and exploitive white supremacist hegemony.  You can also see that “white” people claiming “white pride” are doing the exact opposite - pledging their allegiance to a white supremacist system of racial hierarchies that has been responsible over the last four centuries for some, if not most of, the worst human suffering worldwide. 

And that, Anon, is why white people claiming to be proud of their race is not at all the same as racialized people doing so. 

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