
Hard Solo to be renamed after official complaint by curryone in australia

[–]Zims_Moose 44 points45 points  (0 children)

This is some of my limited experience with the average parent, my brother and his wife from a few years ago......

Example one : I notice their 10 and 12 year old (at the time) are playing GTA5. "Hey, your kids are playing an R rated game in the other room" I say. "Which game"? their mother asks. "GTA 5" "They said it was a car racing game", she replies. "Well, I guess the car racing is important when they introduce Frank the meth head, who is rooting his neighbours' wife from behind and then stomps a guys head until he is dead when he complains in a full motion capture cutscene". Wife turns pale. "Maybe you should not take the word of your kids and check things for yourself".

Example 2 It was a nephews birthday, now aged 15 and his younger brother is 12. My brother takes them and their friends to the Movies. "What did you take them to see"? I ask. "Deadpool" he replies. "Oh. So was their favourite scene the fucking the year away montage or the strip club"? "They told me it was a Marvel movie". "Good to see you learned from the GTA5 incident. You ever piss me off again and I'm telling your wife about this lol".

ABC to complain after Bronwyn Bishop tells Sky the public broadcaster is ‘aligning’ itself with Nazi policies by B0ssc0 in australia

[–]Zims_Moose 14 points15 points  (0 children)

Sociopaths and narcissists always appear to be great people to the ones who are not currently their targets.

The Catholic Church said paedophile priest Vincent Kiss’ victim deserved $250,000. A jury gave him $3 million by psylenced in australia

[–]Zims_Moose 3 points4 points  (0 children)

That 1 in 13 was the provable beyond doubt number. The RC said it was most likely a lot more.

Small modular nuclear reactor that was hailed by Coalition as future cancelled due to rising costs by N1NJ4W4RR10R_ in australia

[–]Zims_Moose 3 points4 points  (0 children)

Yeah, but it's not like the cons and other nuclear supporting morons will stop saying these are the future of energy production.

The big squeeze - Can Labor afford to go ahead with the Stage Three tax cuts when everyday Australians are struggling to make ends meet? by r1nce in australia

[–]Zims_Moose 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Have an upvote to balance out the idiots who think health and education spending comes from a magic pudding style pot of gold.

"Free Palestine": Greens walk out of Senate by Jheme in australia

[–]Zims_Moose 0 points1 point  (0 children)

It's not a foreign government. It's still one country.

"Free Palestine": Greens walk out of Senate by Jheme in australia

[–]Zims_Moose 4 points5 points  (0 children)

But you had the solution here.


Surely you're the most wise person in the world with the secret knowledge on how to bring peace to a part of the world that has been in conflict for most of history. Share this with us, please.

“Climate Change Is Make Believe”, Says Man Who Believes a Piece of Bread Can Turn Into the Flesh of a 2,000 Year-Old Man by AstroBoy80 in australia

[–]Zims_Moose 5 points6 points  (0 children)

He did. Her name was Lilith, and she was banished because she wouldn't submit to Adams rule. Then she became the mother of demons. Eve was woman 2.0

YouTube Premium price increase by NotionalUser in australia

[–]Zims_Moose 2 points3 points  (0 children)

That's cause Google makes Chromium, and Google owns Youtube.

YouTube Premium price increase by NotionalUser in australia

[–]Zims_Moose 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Last time I watched Youtube without an ad blocker was at my brother's place. I put on a 7 minute music video. It had 3 ad breaks DURING the song. Fuck Youtube/Alphabet/Google.

What kind of bird did I just pushed off the road? (Northern VIC) by Faiiven in australia

[–]Zims_Moose 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Then two universes collapse and another Dr Strange gets killed by his mates.

Was neighbourhood watch ever really a thing? by DarkLake in australia

[–]Zims_Moose 5 points6 points  (0 children)

You should also have pointed out that if you were the kind of people who would be cooking meth in your back yard you're also going to be the kind of people who stab old ladies to death for barging in on a meth cooking sesh.

Judge wishes prominent neo-Nazis ‘good luck’ as they avoid further jail by jesuschicken in australia

[–]Zims_Moose 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Shoulda said Hi Blair to him so you could see the shit literally run down his legs.

Judge wishes prominent neo-Nazis ‘good luck’ as they avoid further jail by jesuschicken in australia

[–]Zims_Moose 4 points5 points  (0 children)

Occams razor is lazy thinking, and Occam himself was a philosopher who dealt with big questions along the lines of Are chairs the shape they are because it's a good shape for a chair, or is it because they contain the quality of chairiness. Basic Discworld thinking.

A sinkhole, toxic gas and the $2 billion mistake behind Snowy 2.0's blowout [ABC News] by spannr in australia

[–]Zims_Moose 2 points3 points  (0 children)

With fuckups like this, giving money to a Murdoch relative to develop rain making pyramids, I have no idea how the myth of Malcom Turnbull Genius came to be.

Donald allegedly disclosed US submarine secrets to Anthony Pratt: US media by Mythically_Mad in australia

[–]Zims_Moose 19 points20 points  (0 children)

Cool, lets see Pratt get the Assange treatment. It's only fair.

Why does film licensing make no sense? by Entertainer_Much in australia

[–]Zims_Moose 0 points1 point  (0 children)

The first 3 movies are on prime atm anyway.