
Amethyst and jasper parallels by toonsnooper in stevenuniverse

[–]MCBlastoise 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Well some people - including me - hadn't thought of it that way. Just something to think about.

Just doing bits by UmbilicalLord13 in iamatotalpieceofshit

[–]MCBlastoise 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I love how there are this many downvotes on this comment, but none of the racists have the balls to actually come out and say it. Pathetic.

Just doing bits by UmbilicalLord13 in iamatotalpieceofshit

[–]MCBlastoise -1 points0 points  (0 children)

What an amazingly obvious strawman. Nobody here even remotely mentioned white school shooters, but you immediately projected your bigoted tendencies onto them and assumed they thought white people were inherently murderers, because it's clear how you feel about black people (and apparently lesbians? lol). I wonder why.

Just doing bits by UmbilicalLord13 in iamatotalpieceofshit

[–]MCBlastoise 2 points3 points  (0 children)

I think it's obvious why? People agree with the OP's racist sentiments. Some might not have paid too much attention to it, the rest will deny it, but there it is. The upvotes speak for themselves.

Just doing bits by UmbilicalLord13 in iamatotalpieceofshit

[–]MCBlastoise -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Is nobody going to comment on this (not at all subtle) racist comment?!?

Asian parents need a reality check! by soybean_gravy in ApplyingToCollege

[–]MCBlastoise 7 points8 points  (0 children)

I don't think they were suggesting that they were offended on their behalf, but rather that it doesn't sound like how someone would describe themselves. It did sound a bit off and unnatural, but I could see this being real.

Trans people should not have to disclose they're trans to their partner - it should be up to their partner to ask by IcarusAvery in The10thDentist

[–]MCBlastoise 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think you're confused by what they were saying. The statements they made were lies, i.e. people pretending to be on birth control/that they cannot have kids/that they're wearing a condom, and duping people into having sex with them with that false information and potentially getting their partner pregnant or themselves pregnant without consent. While I'm not sure about women who lie about being on birth control, the male equivalent, 'stealthing', where a man pretends to be wearing a condom or starts wearing one and removes it during intercourse without consent (usually done in low-visibility situations) is certainly illegal.

Not gonna argue about whether or not the analogy is apt here, although I think the moral equivalence is quite clear.

What’s an insult that sounds like a compliment? by Ad3quat3 in AskReddit

[–]MCBlastoise 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Now that I think of it, it would be pretty cool for RES/third-party apps to say where you tagged a person from (the comment/post/profile) so you can know the context years later. Would make them a lot more fun, at least for me.

What’s an insult that sounds like a compliment? by Ad3quat3 in AskReddit

[–]MCBlastoise 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Nope you're wrong, the original meaning was what the OP said. The meaning you're referring to was ascribed to it at a later time, after it became popular.

Bitcoin Fee Party: Bitcoin Cash $0.00 🕺🎶 / BTC coin $2.31 😵 by Egon_1 in btc

[–]MCBlastoise 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Lmao, did you even read what I said? I didn't ignore it, the content is the issue. Don't put misleading information in titles, that simple.



is not accurate. That was the fee (at the time of posting) to get into the next block. In the many, many transactions I have done, I have never used a fee that high, because it is not even remotely necessary. I'm not surprised that someone so eager to support clickbait titles makes erroneous statements themselves.

JFC you are an idiot!!!!

Says the person who randomly started typing in all caps

Bitcoin Fee Party: Bitcoin Cash $0.00 🕺🎶 / BTC coin $2.31 😵 by Egon_1 in btc

[–]MCBlastoise 1 point2 points  (0 children)

The issue is the discrepancy between the title and the image. It's called clickbait, look it up.

Bitcoin Fee Party: Bitcoin Cash $0.00 🕺🎶 / BTC coin $2.31 😵 by Egon_1 in btc

[–]MCBlastoise 1 point2 points  (0 children)

But then I can read.

Obviously you can't, since you can't even read a title

COVID-19 [Megathread] Week of April 30-May 6 by AskRedditModerators in AskReddit

[–]MCBlastoise 4 points5 points  (0 children)

I just looked through that subreddit, and it is one massive echo chamber. I'm not gonna bother arguing positions and whatnot, cause that's a waste of our collective time.

But you should realize that whether or not the subreddit is open to debate (which in and of itself is highly questionable considering the sheer number of downvotes I've seen on dissenting responses), people in favor of the lockdown are not going to bother trying to reason with you all. In that sense, the subreddit really doesn't have much of a purpose other than declaring support for something that is informed by actually important world leaders and medical officials and not public opinion. Especially not by a vocal minority such as the anti-lockdown movement.

/u/OpenOpportunity C4C Rep Profile by OpenOpportunity in C4CRep

[–]MCBlastoise 1 point2 points  (0 children)

Confirmed, fast and smooth transaction. Would highly recommend.